by Linda Brown » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:08 pm
Arc was kind enough to send us this message in another thread but it belongs here
by arc ยป Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:13 pm
I am here Linda because you started something important, I am still here because there has been in total three starts, and this carries significance of its own. I am here because this beginning was meant to be and carries a torch for the three phases that all mankind will traverse. You have illuminated something that always was in plain sight, but most just do not see.
I see you standing in the middle of a large runway, pointing to three sets of lights glowing quietly in the dark. Each has a purpose and place of its own. The set on your far left is the runways beginning, these are the lights of the past, they carry what has been and what has been done, the actions of many, the voices of few.
The set you stand beside is for the present, they carry who we are and the plans we make. They illuminate our aspirations and our dreams.
The last set on your righthand side, can only just be seen in the distance and as you look these lights appear to join with the clear star-filled sky. These are the future, these will carry you to places as yet unseen, these have a life of their own and though we are not yet there they tell us that we have hope.
So why am I still here and why do I post?. Because somewhere and indeed everywhere on that runway, from beyond it's beginning and after its end, there is something.. something more than... man. Something that quietly intercedes at times of need, something that has an interest and a quiet quest in the intelligences of this world. I know that you Linda and many others here also respond to that quiet something. It gathers to itself such as it needs from each generation and sows its seeds amongst us to achieve a gradual blend, a harmony of purpose, a change in direction...
arcThe future lays not beneath our feet, but rather beneath the stars.arc
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