Obsession ( not the perfume )

The further discussions of Science and Technology from T. T. Brown's work through today's breakthroughs and continuing research.

Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

Postby DavidG » Fri Jun 13, 2014 4:06 pm

Mikado14 wrote:Dave,

Your probably a better man than I for everyone once in a while I am tempted, and sometimes follow through, in giving a rebuttal. However, your right, it is wasted energy and time to move on.

...but every once in a while I turn around and look back and just feel the need to comment. I apologize in advance for when I do it.


In the immortal yet lisping words of Cosmo Kramer...Let the Exthpletives Fly!

No apologies necessary after what youve dealt with... you are taking a very ethical stance on this.

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Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

Postby StarCat » Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:06 pm


A lot if logins were disabled for time around the holidays. The site was hit with handbag salesmen from hell, and then most everyone's login quit working. Most people re-registered. Then the logins started working again. I stayed with my new login of StarCat because it best represents where I am spiritually at this point. My spiritual journey has been a rollercoaster in recent months, but that's another story.

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Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

Postby FM No Static At All » Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:49 am

kevin wrote:Fred,
Could You please expand on a comment You made:-
"And sad to say, neither was Her father"

Things that were written in both Defying Gravity and later in the Goodbye Man regarding Dr. Brown's discharge from the Navy and an investigation and report by the FBI.

Joseph left home at a very young age and until Dr. Brown's death, had very little contact with his family. What was it that drove him away? When I was involved in the story, I wanted to contact Joseph's widow and children but found I was being 're-routed' whenever I got close. You need not be Sherlock Holmes to see there is a deliberate attempt to keep things hidden.

What was it that 'frightened' or at least rattled a young man (Morgan/J. D./Mr. Smith) to run out of Dr. Brown's office at Ashlawn? Looking into someone's eyes is like gazing at their Soul. Having had the opportunity to do so, I am certain that it was not physics but may have been physical. And that is as far as I can go with it as I do not have certainty beyond that.

I wanted to believe lots of things back then. I wanted to believe that we were all on a path to enlightenment and possibly a true breakthrough. That was not to be the case. Little by little, pieces of the puzzle began to fit and they contradicted many things that were being said and written. Inquiries into them were met with accusations of the sort that left me questioning more and more, until I was 'outed' by a unilateral decision. Which to this day has left me with a bitterness that is only slowly waning.

The answer to your question is, "Deceit." Misdirection to protect what? What was so secret that it could not be spoken?

Once the questions were asked directly things fell apart. Trusted friends were now being accused of all the nasty things which turned out to be false of course, but the damage was done. My reputation and Mr. Mikado's as well were ripped via more deceit and even we blamed others as part of a conspiracy to keep us from knowing.

Well I know now things that I did not know then. I know that Mikado is a man of integrity and a true friend. He was the ONLY one from the whole lot that was by my side when I buried Cyndi. To me at least, actions do speak louder than words.
Fred a.k.a.
FM No Static at All

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Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

Postby kevin » Sun Jun 15, 2014 2:21 pm

Thanks for the reply.

I have noticed that Linda is stating....
"Those on the hut are involved with keeping secret the life and works of TT Brown"
Thats not quoted exact, but is basically Her declaration.
I am now back here on the hut, and in no way whatsoever am in any way at all am doing any such thing, and can sense no such from others.
I could care less about anyones physical actions or preferences, and in the time frame involved the accusation of homosexuality would have been as bad as calling anyone a communist, and the perfect cover to enable discharge from the services.
I trust to My senses, and they now, and since first been drawn so strangely into this wabbit warren say Dr Brown was solid gold.
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Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

Postby FM No Static At All » Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:59 am

It was always the intention of this forum to have an open dialogue about the life and science of Thomas Townsend Brown. That has never changed nor will Mikado (nor I) allow it to happen. That is why rules are in place to encourage input on the subjects of physical science, medicine, and whatever technology can be pointed to that may be related to T. T. B. The one change is that all aspects of science are open to discuss (cannabis for example) here.

That goal is made even more of a challenge when some insist on bringing personal issues and rumors into the fray, which obfuscates the true path and only serves to muddy the waters.

It should obvious by now that obsession stinks when it is NOT the perfume of the same name. It has been brought to my attention that my posts are now copied and posted on others sites, with comments and accusations toward others. From what I have been told, I have been accused of having others post in my name. I can assure you that whether you agree or not, or whether or not you trust my posts to be true or not, the words are mine and mine alone. During times when I had little or no Internet access, I did request that others post my words, but I have never used the words of others as my own and never will. I always give quotes there proper acknowledgements and credits to the author.

I do not involve myself in character assassinations and posting rumors and innuendos as facts. I learned very early in life to question everything. It was that inquiry by myself and others that have led to the place we are at today. Many beliefs were shattered as time marches on and the truth 'bubbles to the surface.' Problem is now that is has started, it has been contrary to the stories we have all taken as memoirs of those who were intimately involve in the life of TTB.

Either by death or just plain refusal to be involved, not one associate or friend has stepped up to confirm or refute anything that has been said about the 'good doctor' in the years since Paul Schatzkin first opened the TTBrown forum to discuss his efforts to pen a book about an 'obscure scientist. And when he threw up his hands and quit, I as well as many were furious and thought the worst of the man.

But as time passed and more information came forth, it was apparent as to why he did what he did, and after careful analysis of all the verifiable information that has come forth, he was right in his actions although he may have handled it differently. Perhaps had he just said why he did what he did, we all would have a better understanding and a more fruitful investigation into the science of 'electrogravitics' and how it works.

I suggest that others stop 'feeding the beast' and keep focused on truth. Feeling have been hurt and it foments nothing positive to dwell on it. Like Merlin to Mordred, turn and walk away. Without throwing more fuel on the fire it will eventually be just ashes and fertilizer.

After all, it was that very same fertilizer that we have been fed thinking it would eventually bear fruit. It didn't so let's move on now.
Fred a.k.a.
FM No Static at All

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Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

Postby Kim » Mon Jun 16, 2014 2:33 pm

I agree with you on many levels Fred, but, sometimes things just can't be left unsaid. So.......

Re: Floyd Odlum, Colonel Bales and the USAF
by Linda Brown » Mon Jun 16, 2014 6:07 pm

This actually is in response to something that was sent to me from a very nasty, disgruntled member of the HUT ( ttownsendbrown.com) calling me a fraud and saying that everyhing that I had to say in my memoir was a figment of my imagination!..... that Dad never had any association with Mr. Floyd Odlum at all!..... that my account of meeting Dr.
Edward Teller was also a lie! ( How could I ever be trusted to tell the story of my Dad when I lied so obviously!....that I was a discredit to the name of Townsend Brown because I was fostering all of these fantasies!... because... I was a " dangerous psychopath".

Well.... I think that I have made my point here. Based in hard and fast archives.

What have YOU done KIM , other than to mount an attack on my credibility. WHO are YOU?


Hmmm based on hard and fast archives. How funny those words are coming from Linda. Just who are you talking to Linda? How many more topics are you going to start before someone comes to your aide.

You ask a very good question here, "What have YOU done KIM, other than to mount an attack on my credibility. WHO are you?'

Well, maybe the time will come when those answers will, as you say, bubble to the surface. For now I only have a few things to say....you have no credibility to attack, you have already destroyed any you may have had, and as to who I am, follow the crumbs Linda, I have been around ALOT longer than you think or have known. Kim
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Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

Postby FM No Static At All » Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:27 pm

Has any 'hard and fast archives' ever been produced that clearly demonstrate the temerity of the claims made on behalf of T. Townsend Brown?

The members here are done. They are finished with 'rabbit holes' that are all dead-end paths. Ashlawn, Decker Labs, the experiments in France, Homestead, Morgan (or J.D.), Helen Towt, Charles, Naval discharge, FBI reports, notebooks, and many photos, all have been presented as 'evidence' to prove what? Facts?

Why was I thwarted from contacting Joseph Brown's widow and children? Why? Why? Why?

The answer is simple although getting to the answer was cause for much discord on the parts of many. What happened to the interviews and book promoting? What happened to the hard copy editions?

I searched on Amazon and found this:

From the Back Cover
"Barton's book The Goodbye Man features a gorgeous German Shepard, Sadie... Jack, a retired cop turned successful businessman, cannot let go of a defining moment in his life. As a young, inexperienced cop he was faced with the choice: put the gun down and the perp gets away with the child ... or, steady the nerves to the max and shoot the perp in the head ... After retirement, he continues to be frustrated by child molesters getting off lightly or, not even getting caught at all. And with Sadie by his side he sets out to change that."

So maybe the title needs to be changed? Is that THE problem with the book? Or is there more?

When Paul Schatzkin posted his 'Epic Fail' and shut down the forum, we all thought he was a nasty man, and was seeking to profit off the poor daughter who was seeking only to have her Daddy's story told. But there was and is a looming problem with that. Paul figured it out and so did others. Some of us were threatened outright with a certain 'agent' who was to pay me a visit. That didn't happen but what did come out was who said what to whom.

Taking photos or speaking to anyone outside the 'inner circle' was verboten! But I'm no easy mark and so I setup a sting. We all know the results of that! There was no Carlos or Carl or Twigsnapper at my door. There was no black SUV's following me. No, I am not a significant issue to national security, only a threat to the insecurities of those who have issues with truth, even when it slaps them in the face.

Kim, you have so many other things going on in your life that you really don't need to waste energy and time on this anymore. It is obvious that you are vindicated by all but those who still live in make-believe-land.
Fred a.k.a.
FM No Static at All

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Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

Postby DavidG » Tue Jun 17, 2014 7:51 am

Still waiting for the black helicopters...chirp,chirp,chirp(crickets in an empty forest)

Still waiting for all to be revealed....chirp,chirp,chirp

Still wondering if Linda Brown can prove her countenance....chirp,chirp,chirp

If she really is the daughter of the famously infamous TT Brown, so be it...she is doing nothing more than spinning the wheels of people who just want to know and care about his work and efforts as a member of our fine scientific community....

The book you found isnt hers though, it is on smashwords ... https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/49963

But then, its likely mostly fiction.

Sad, just damned sad... this entire fiasco.....
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Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

Postby Kim » Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:41 am

Fred, I appreciate your kind words. Actually it isn't wasted energy, I sometimes need a good laugh because of everything I am going through, and sometimes reading the coin gives me that laugh. Example as follows, and no I am not doing this to feed into Linda's paranoia, I am just proving it.

Re: Its getting deep on the HUT
by Linda Brown » Tue Jun 17, 2014 1:47 pm

KIM... no wonder some think that my Dads notebooks are worthless. You photograghed the ones that were left behind when Paul and the others went to dinner in Huntingdon. Are you just now realizing that you were left poisoned bait?

Too late now, isn't it?


As to the books left in the room, it wasn't just a few, it was all of them. As to me "photographing" them prove it. You are always demanding proof from everyone else about anything they say, then prove I took these pictures. And as you are so famous for doing, if you can't prove it, it is not true, (which it isn't ). Gee I am amazed you don't mention the "thump stick" left in the room, maybe I took pics of that too.
Wow, your spy friends must be really good to be able to go to a room and put all this hidden spy equipment in there without anyone in the hotel knowing a damn thing.
Shame you don't know who my friends are Linda. After all, who am I? Kim
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Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

Postby Kim » Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:37 am

What a beautiful day it is today. As I get ready to start my day I found myself a little bored, nah maybe not bored, curious may be the word I am thinking of.

I went to the coin, because Linda insists on bringing me up in her conversations, aren't I the lucky one lol. So just out of this curiousity I had counted, lots to count.

Since June 10, 2014 Linda has started 17 new threads. In these threads she has posted 69 times. There is a total of 6 other posts from a few other people. She is even posting emails from someone else, here we go again.

So I go off on my day, smiling to myself, knowing who I am and what I need to do. Kim
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