Kim wrote: Amazing, linda has started a new thread on the token dedicated to Luis, someone she threw off of the token.
Er..(ahem) Kim, if I may, I would not give much weight to that. I had quit posting there a couple weeks before she “threw” me out. In fact, she only did it after I made my first post here in your site, so it was a
post facto decision and one in no way her own.
But mine.
Meaning, I had left long before. I was not ever “thrown off” or “banned” … she
“only forbade what she no longer had the power to consent”, poor thing .
As can easily be proved by checking the dates, if you so wish to trouble yourself.
About Bluie Boy, let me just make a small introductory note :
Fool : (noun \ˈfül\ )
a person who lacks good sense or judgmentStupid : (adjective \ˈstü-pəd, ˈstyü-\ )
not intelligent, showing a lack of ability to learnBuffoon : ( noun \bə-ˈfün\)
clownThe above are from Webster’s, a fine, low-tech tool for the vocabulary challenged AND for crystal clarification of my usage of certain nouns and adjectives down in this posts.
This guy is not only a Fool, but also a preeminently Stupid man and, as if not enough, a complete and utter Buffoon.
He thinks I am “drawing him out”, he dreams I want to “challenge” him, he drawls about me wanting to “confront” him, while … all the while, I look at talking to him as enthusiastically as I look forward to indulge in passive oral sex with a crocodile ... or active, now that too and just for the record !
Were he not a foolishly stupid buffoon, he would have taken notice that I have already told him everything I wanted to say, and said I would do it just ONE time. Because I simply have no interest in interacting with unethical cowards you parade themselves behind women.
Seems that my short stories are not only miscredited – not one of them is about him – but even, alas, misunderstood. For they are “time-out” to me, done with gusto and about a subject that is so ridiculous as to be funny, and therefore, inspiring.
Below, my post made elsewhere, to his “face”, where I said all that I had to say.
First lines are quotes from him and she. Mine, starts with me laughing.
by LuisP » Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:07 pm Just my ONE answer to him :Linda ... speaking of masks, how about that Luis who started posting as though maybe English wasn't his first language and now has morphed into an author of some note penning short spy novels and speaking French. Or did he step into a time machine, attend college for a few years and then return to 2014?
and I am tempted to add. Put that in your pipe and smoke it... but thats just me... LindaHahaha … damn, that Bluey is also a self confessed ignoramus, suffering too from a “challenged education”.
And your pipe, Linda, it will be [i]you who has to smoke it. Now check this :
Yes, English is not my first language. It may be hard for you to fathom Bluey, but here in Europe speaking English and French is a very common thing. No big deal. Now, if one here has the benefit of having had a good education and a modicum of brains while at it, which is precisely my case as already stated by me when in answering Rose’s question I said “
important in my formation was reading books and having had very good teachers, sorry, nothing fancy”, then to master to some degree English is a very simple, easy and straightforward thing to do. It is a simple as pie language.
My French, alas, ça c’est une autre chose, parce que la langue est plus difficile que l’Anglais, plus riche et complexe, avec des nuances et de la poésie… de tel façon qu’il semble toujours qu’on parle comme des seigneurs, et par contre en Anglais je peut me donner le débasement de m’adresser à tout le monde comme un paysan.
T’as compris, ou bien ça est trop exténuant pour toi et ton cerveau de petit pois, malheureuse petite créature ?
Now, regarding my having
“morphed into an author of some note penning short spy novels” …It speaks volumes – does it not ? – that a simple joke I made with three “out of the blue” (no pun there), improvised short stories …. Is regarded by you with such awe as to classify me as “an author of some note” !!!
Damn, it was just a play made around Linda’s spy paranoia regarding some people here and it took me no effort, just fun, to churn it out and do it. Are you really that impressionable ? I must be really good, even better than I think I am and I think highly of me already !
“Or did he step into a time machine, attend college for a few years and then return to 2014?”Well (ahem, arrhemm), yes I did
“attend college for a few years”. That said, do you mean to say that for someone to have read Ian Fleming, Frank Miller and Enid Blyton requires “college education” ?? or having stepped into “time machines” ??
Hell, you’re not only an ignoramus.
You’re a fool.
Then again, no big surprise there. Your “armchair psychoanalysis” qualities have shown that to satisfaction. That, and also your unspeakable absence of ethics.
Need a lighter Linda ?
Smoking is bad to your health ... so just chew on it.