Another wonderful email exemplifying the way in which Linda will present information in her usual twisted manner:
email wrote:----- Original Message -----
To: Mikado
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 8:02 PM
Re: A flying saucer story
by Linda Brown » Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:55 pm
Mikado has much of the HUT locked down under a special passport. I don't know what it is...
But the section that he has kept open for all to see is here.... I don't even think that you have to log in to see it. I know that I won't. and don't.
His latest comments can be found here.
and the rest of the nasty comments he clumps together here
Linda, your selective amnesia is acting up...again. Those sections were archived as per your request after our contract was up in January. You were so worried that they would just "disappear". Archiving behind the password is the easiest manner to preserve the data base as it is. There may be other ways but it was the easiest for me to do.
By the is a "password" and not a "passport". Accuracy if possible...accuracy.
Now, speaking of accuracy:
email wrote:----- Original Message -----
To: Mikado
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 5:29 PM
by Linda Brown » Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:46 pm
Mikado has just posted some results from his latest tests. I am disappointed for him that he is showing even less displacement than Dad demonstrated in 1960. I know that he was counting on improving what had been done in the past.
Fruitbat the tests fall in line with something that you had noticed a few months should take a look at what he has offered and see if it lines up with what you noticed too.
Take a look and see if it rings true
Latest tests? I don't think so, perhaps twigsnapper or Morgan has been giving you some erroneous information. What I said was - "Recent events in the lab have confirmed how a Gravitor reacts electrostatically with the Earth." I used the word "Recent" so as to not be confused with tests conducted in the past with your Father.
You are twisting what I posted, as usual, to show compassion, which is feigned, portraying as a failure "recent tests" when the reality only displays your ignorance of the science.
What I posted is nothing less than what I posted at the "Pegasus" forum under the thread entitled "Electrogravitics - The Holy Grail?". That was at least 6 weeks ago. Further, the information that was presented were the results of electrostatic tests of a Gravitor in relation to the earth. I mentioned that on the original post at Pegasus as well.
Did your Father achieve the same efficiency with a single stage Gravitor? I think not for if so, he would have written in his notebooks, mentioned it to Turmin or written it down somewhere.
Why do you continue to present yourself as an authority on your Father's work when you claim ignorance to it and that you were "standing in the hallway" during science class?
Do you know what displacement is? Can you define it (without turning for help from someone)? Do you have any clue why it would be essential if not of primary concern to establish the polarity of Earth ground when breaking new ground in experimenting with a Heavy Gravitor? The answer to the above would be a simple - "No".
The results presented are not new, and I presented them to help others. Apparently, it has, and in doing so, it will not harm my position with my other work which will not be published until it is time. As I mentioned in another post, I offered dielectric to "Playswithmachines" (Luke) to help further his studies owing to the fact that he claimed his budget was low. I have approximately 34 various dimensions of dielectric at a cost of $13,000 +. I was willing to send him one for his experiments. The shipping on it was almost $50 (to UK not knowing exactly where) and with the cost of the dielectric at approximately $380 which means I was giving him over $400...and he turned it down. So much for the seriousness of his research. Now, you mention fruitbat. He has even less funds than Luke by his own admission.
Apparently, your claim that you would be "well represented" has .... borrowing from your repertoire...fallen flat on its face.
You really need to watch what you post for in your haste in attempting to demean, embarrass etc, you show your ignorance and that does not help your position.