"This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby Kim » Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:03 pm

Re: LuisP hitting his stride
by Linda Brown » Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:39 pm

And since when is it alright for her to hide behind the unfortunate death of her son while she barages me with charges that defame my character consistantly. Try reading the HUT a little more carefully CAT. Thats probably where you will find the text for this....Kim has been handing out those notes constantly. How could you miss them????

Her sons death is something that KIM brings up constantly, even when I do not. Mikado has mentioned it.... when I have not. She automatically flips to that to defend herself from what she has thrown out there about me.... as if it somehow gives her a free pass on her behavior. It does not.!

She hides behind the loss of her son and uses it as her excuse for berating my character. This is not something that is easily understood and so I guess that maybe you were not here during most of those red lettered and tiresome rants against me.... and her threats about bringing my family into it......She has done that constantly and I am not supposed to finally be able to say... thats it... I have had enough.

So I have told her to do that... given her permission to spill everything that she has been threatening for months.... instead of just her nasty inuendos ... lets see what she has to say.... she threatens plenty... its the old put up or shut up.... Linda

Brings up constantly? Where Linda? I never have used the memory of my son in any way shape or form. You are the one who brought him up here. Stop trying to back pedal again. You did this to yourself. Sounds like you looked back and saw how low you really are and you are trying to put the blame for your own actions on me. Well, it isn't working like you thought it would. People are thinking now!!
YOU have had enough, HA!!!! You are a joke, plain and simple. It's a true shame that anyone who is looking up your father will have to see what kind of daughter he raised. Oh and I don't need your permission for anything.
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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby Kim » Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:34 pm

Re: LuisP hitting his stride
by Linda Brown » Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:19 am

"[b]When the incident occurred, I remember Kim asking me to get in touch with you. That would have been January of 2010, right before I found Dave. Wonder why I sought him out? I never imagined it would turn out in the manner that it has. Anyway, she wanted you to get some help, you know, all the connections you have? I would laugh but this is not humorous in the least.[/b

]Now I finally understand. You thought through my " connections" that Kims boy could be saved... that maybe someone could "intervene"..a jump in time maybe?.. are you the one that wanted to do that Mikado? Is that what you told Kim? And you felt that I " let you down?" And somehow now this is all my fault?

You really never have understood but finally I see what the problem has been. You promised too much... you let her down....

You really are a sad case Mikado. Some things are not meant to be changed. LInda
From the Shadow of Giant Rock

Well, you have finally showed just how nuts you are. Mikado never let me down. He was then and still is my rock. Something you will never know about or have. Do you really think I thought that you were a savior of some kind? Do you really think so highly of yourself? I thought you were a friend that is why I asked him to get in touch with you, nothing more.
If people don't see you for what you are, a pitiful low life, that's on them. But I think you will see that they are not as stupid as you think they are.
You really do need help. Maybe one day someone will finally take you by the hand and get you the help you need, personally and mentally, that is if there is anyone who cares.
No comment about Doctor Spencer Rd.? Funny how you ignore things you don't want anyone to notice.
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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby Mikado14 » Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:18 pm

Linda wrote:Re: LuisP hitting his stride

Postby Linda Brown » Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:39 pm

And since when is it alright for her to hide behind the unfortunate death of her son while she barages me with charges that defame my character consistantly? When was that alright CAT?

Try reading the HUT a little more carefully. Thats probably where you will find the text for this....Kim has been handing out those notes constantly. How could you miss them???? Is it supposed to be alright because..... because why????

Her sons death is something that KIM brings up constantly, even when I do not. Mikado has mentioned it.... when I have not. She automatically flips to that to defend herself from what she has thrown out there about me.... as if it somehow gives her a free pass on her behavior. It does not!

She hides behind the loss of her son and uses it as her excuse for berating my character. This is not something that is easily understood and so I guess that maybe you were not here during most of those red lettered and tiresome rants against me.... and her threats about bringing my family into it......She has done that constantly and I am not supposed to finally be able to say... thats it... I have had enough?????

So I have told her to do that... given her permission to spill everything that she has been threatening for months.... instead of just her nasty inuendos ... lets see what she has to say.... she threatens plenty... its the old put up or shut up....

And using her sons memory to hide behind just will not work anymore. Linda

Linda, since you seem to make the claim that Kim brings it up all the time...show us...prove us wrong....here is your opportunity to do just that and vindicate yourself. Let everyone see exactly how bad we are.

Kim's rants at you have been in response to some derogatory comment you have made. You both have slung them at each other but you failed to realize how in August of 2011, you made a post stating that her son was killed over drugs. That is what precipitated the talk with the lawyer and you being stopped from being an admin at the Hut, of course doubt you will remember that.

Kim's threats about family stem from YOU bringing my family into it when you posted personal info, and continued to do so.

You drew first blood with her and you are too stupid to see it, in fact, denied like a true sociopath...."who me? did I do that?.....never"

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby Kim » Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:35 pm

Re: LuisP hitting his stride
by Linda Brown » Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:16 am

And this is the last message that Kim and I need to share here. She can babble on at the Hut all she wants

Well, you have finally showed just how nuts you are. Mikado never let me down. He was then and still is my rock. Something you will never know about or have. Do you really think I thought that you were a savior of some kind? Do you really think so highly of yourself? I thought you were a friend that is why I asked him to get in touch with you, nothing more.
If people don't see you for what you are, a pitiful low life, that's on them. But I think you will see that they are not as stupid as you think they are.
You really do need help. Maybe one day someone will finally take you by the hand and get you the help you need, personally and mentally, that is if there is anyone who cares.
No comment about Doctor Spencer Rd.? Funny how you ignore things you don't want anyone to notice.

The ranting has no meaning to me at all Kim. Where did you get the information that Dr. Spencer road should mean anything to me? You asked about a Dr. Spencer.... So you think thats where Jennifer lives? Your sources are faulty....in fact.... most of what you have decided to believe is faulty.... Is that all the ammunition that you think that you have to unload here on me? .

You didn't want to " Just get in touch with me" and nothing more. We have never been that closeYou will never admit what was going on in your head but Mikado admitted it enough for me to see what happened.... You can cover it up all you want to.... Now that I know where the root of your dispute with me is... I can understand it better...

Some things can not be changed Kim. There are natural rules against that... the only thing that you can do is move on now....and I hope that you will be able to do that..


No, sorry to disappoint you, but my facts are truth. Try to hide all you want, it won't help you. You are going to say anything to try to make yourself look like the victim, but people have been reading and seeing the truth. You have done this to yourself Linda. I used to feel sorry for you, but that is just impossible now, how can anyone have sympathy for someone who just never learns. You continue with your slams all you want Linda, you are just making it easier for them to see the true you, someone who really does need help.
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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby Mikado14 » Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:10 pm

No Linda, you will not get any information. The only one who will get any that we have compiled is Paul Schatzkin.

He is the only one for he is the authorized biographer with the Brown family.

He will one day enter into this cesspool, again, but this time it will not be to write the biography as much as to write a different style book. It will be what he is best at and you want to know something? I would bet navy beans to dollars that is the reason that the ttbrown forum is still there. It is fodder for a the real book he will write.

I will be there to see it happen. The "Morgan" persona exposed. The "twigsnapper" persona exposed. The James Barrett, the Victoria Steele, the grinder, the Mark Culpepper and the list goes on, all exposed as falsehoods and alter identities. To see other things exposed such as the flight into Germany. Paul is welcome to all the research done by myself and others.

Just like water, it is a patient force to be reckoned with and not discounted. I will wait for when he is ready.

No Linda, you don't get a good god damn thing...period....not in a fat frogs freakin' ass. You have stooped to a depth that makes the Titanic where she is sitting to be nothing more than a puddle. If you truly wanted to know all you had to do is ask privately and the hobbit attempting to reinforce your pitiful position is just....unbelievable.

You need to just shut up and stop protesting and your position that you are posting, yes, unfortunately I did have to read what you posted on your site, a one time thing I assure you, is just so much...."oh crap....look what I have done..,..I look like a real asshole....help me Blue(like looking into a mirror and asking oneself for help)...how do I extricate myself from the cesspool ( love that word, thanks Paul) that I have created?" j

I have had enough of your crap, at least for the moment so cut and paste away but one more thing...you lie when you say you cannot view a you tube:

ISP: At&t Wireless ...that is how you are going on the Internet. No more dial up but you might want to change this:

Resolution: 800x600 ...this could be why you can't see them for your resolution is not large enough.

I can see into your computer.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby StarCat » Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:35 am

"Fat frog's freakin ass." I like that phrase. Mind if I use it on my grandkids? I almost referred to myself as a bag lady today. In the lobbyy of the rec center no less. I was mean because I wasn't toting Rowan's bag of swim gear for her. She informed that I'm mean, which led to a near foot-in-mouth moment. I didn't completely sever my tongue when I bit it.

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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby Kim » Fri Mar 07, 2014 10:58 am

Re: LuisP hitting his stride
by Linda Brown » Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:22 pm

Mikado just being Mikado.... following the plans set out for him... and Kim is doing the same. Once they are made obvious its a waste of time to delve further into it all. Much to do Navigator....... Thank you for your kind words and support though. It helps.

From the Shadow of Giant Rock

And Linda being Linda. Running her mouth until she is caught and seen for what she is. A low life cow. I know you are reading this Linda so here goes. You may think this is over but it isn't. Just because you have finally seen what an ass you are and realized that people were seeing you for what and who you truly are doesn't mean it is over. You crossed a line and unfortunately for you I am now and always will be standing right here, in front of you, forever in your face. Your crew will look past this, because they see it as poor Linda is being picked on, and they will go back to posting their normal posts. But we both know the truth don't we Linda, you are nothing more than a low life, you said what you did to be spiteful and hateful. Unfortunately for you, you didn't expect me to come back at you like I did. Well I asked you to stop once but you ignored me so what happens now is on you.
Oh and I was wondering, where is your precious Blue in all this? I don't know about others but I can only read into this one way. He is completely disgusted by what you were doing and didn't want to be associated with what it. I don't think even he thought you were capable of being so low. Maybe he does have a sense of morality. That said, now you can make up a post from him.
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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby Kim » Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:32 am

Re: Messages in BLUE
by Linda Brown » Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:47 pm

Mikados last response was interesting in this back and forth and I wanted to call your attention to this since I know that you can see behind the smoke. This is what Mikado actually wrote on the Hut recently

"Kim's rants at you have been in response to some derogatory comment you have made. You both have slung them at each other but you failed to realize how in August of 2011, you made a post stating that her son was killed over drugs. That is what precipitated the talk with the lawyer and you being stopped from being an admin at the Hut, of course doubt you will remember that.

Funny that I don't remember writing that..I have never known that so why would I make a statement like that... Would I have ASKED if it was a drug related death? Maybe.... people just don't get hit and left in the snow over... nothing... and the question still hasn't been answered has it.....But now Mikado is saying THAT was the reason that I was removed as an administrator on the HUT. REALLY? Again.. excuses piled ontop of excuses....reasons on top of reasons and none of them are valid.

And the question... if it was ever posed.... was never answered... was it?

Thats all for Kim and Mikado to sort out. He says that they know who did it. That was the only question I had... the circumstances surrounding that situation are for them to work out.

No response expected from you here. I am comfortable with letting it all go now....

As to your latest question to me.



And once again you are the liar. You absolutely did make that accusation about my son. Keep trying Linda, your stories are starting to unravel. You have been seen for what you are, a liar. And when you get caught in your lies you try everything in your power to try to turn things around, like you are the victim.
Once again I ask you this, why do you only copy and paste bits of a post instead of the whole thing? Is it because you don't want others to see the truth of what is in the posts? Your manipulation of the facts only proves everything said about you and how you hide the truth if it is against you. You really need to start writing down everything you say down so you can remember your lies. That explains your writing journals when you were a kid, so you could remember your fantasy life. Oh well, sucks to be you. I really don't care who believes you, but from what I can see only one person in your camp seems to. All are silent because even they couldn't believe how you really are. Just remember this, you started this. And I will end it, when I am good and ready.
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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby Kim » Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:15 pm

I notice that most of the posts over at Linda's forum are about other people. It seems she picks a name off of other forums, tries to make it look like anything they accomplished was because of her dad, even if they never met, or didn't know of each other, then tries to make herself look important because she is his daughter. I can just imagine what would be going through his head if he could see what she is doing to his name and memory. You have to wonder, what happened to all the people who started this journey with her. Where are they, and why have they deserted her? The things that make you go hmmmmmm!!
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Re: "This is just a suggestion", The Threats Begin

Postby Kim » Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:48 pm

Re: The Hutchison Consortium Discussions
by Linda Brown » Fri Mar 07, 2014 5:26 pm

And we have an enthusiastic supporter of John Hutchison ( read that anyway you want... in the same way that Nancy could be called a "supporter") over on the Hut.

Now you think that they are not connected? That this entire scam is NOT run by the same group? If you truly believe that then please convince me OK?

Look at the members that came in our direction from the Hutchisons

LuisP.Josh, Soloma auntiegravity...........Now LuisP has all but taken over the HUT. Can you see the undercurrents?


There she goes again, scams, conspiracies etc. what a joke. How can she honestly think that people are so stupid to believe all of this. Oh yeah that's right, she is the truth seeker, the all knowing, joke that is. As for undercurrents, better watch for rip tides Linda, they will pull you out farther then you are ready to go.
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