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Obsession ( not the perfume )

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:41 pm
by Mikado14
I was doing some maintenance to the server today and noticed an entry from Downingtown, Pa. It piqued me from the point of view that it is only 13 miles from where I am located and I also noted that it is the location of the brother of Dave who is the person identified by Linda as Morgan. Of course, Dave, vehemently denied and even wished that Linda would stop doing so. However, in any event and to not rehash, I thought perhaps it was Dave coming to look in on the Hut.

I noticed the entry point was from the token which indicates a link. I don't read the token but I do check on the links that enter the Hut whether the token or another site elsewhere.

What I found was very curious. ... 9a5#p16118

Linda Brown wrote:This is to remind myself of what poison looks like and acts like.... for the future.....

This is a post from the HUT where Mikado feels he is held harmless for the things that he has said in the past but that is not true....

vie ... =37&t=1070


The Due-Diligence that has been done so far is a testament to the validity of Morgan/Logan/James Barrett/whomever and twigsnapper as to their being nothing but figments of someones' imagination. They have completely disappeared from sight. One would think that in light of all the ruckus taking place on the various forums that they would at the very least, appear on her forums but they haven't.

Haven't appeared to YOU Mikado. But they have made their appearance very nicely in other places.This lack of action by them only substantiates the claim that they are not real.
You wish.

The question arises as to others from the "ttbrown" forum as well. If these individuals were such stalwart supporters of Dr. Brown then what happened to them? Why such a mass or wholesale departure of so many individuals? They didn't stop their work Mikado. It was YOU who disappeared into nothingness. Of your own choosing. and your own treachery.The answer is apparent. Yes, it is

So, for those that may be reading this forum, I will answer Linda's rants when I have time to waste. Continuing to do so only stirs the embers of her hatred at me for finding out the truth about Morgan and twigsnapper for that is what this comes down to."

You have PLENTY of time to waste Mikado. Thats all you have left.

My feelings for you are deeply rooted in my disgust at someone who was given an opportunity to sit at a special table but who through his own actions has given up his chair there, permanently. The disgust is more aimed at myself for not seeing what you were beforehand Mikado. You are what you are. So its disappointment aimed at both of us..... but I take the major responsibility here. I should have known better from the very start.


Let's look at something: wrote:Profile of the Sociopath

This website summarizes some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths.

Glibness and Superficial Charm Anyone who has had the opportunity to spend time with Linda in person will see how this fits.

Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims. Linda never recognizes anyone's right to disagree. She once said to the Traveller - "whose side are you on?" Why is it important for her to have individuals "choose" sides? Are they not entitled to their opinion?...perhaps only if it agrees with her.

Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right." Look at how Linda justifies breaching confidences by saying - "I have the right" - as she has done with personal information posted on her site and then the ramifications of that causing my parents to be harassed with phone calls and two separate individuals showing up on my doorstep. Of course it was her right to breach that confidence or so the sociopath believes

Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests. Let's see....the creation of Morgan/twigsnapper to further her story with Paul Schatzkin. She created Hog island to bring out the meeting that occurred in Pennsylvania. And the list goes on but in any event, one only needs to look at the entire story that has been presented with all it's complexities to even include her own special abilities.

Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way. The end always justifies the means. The persistent posting in dragging out repetitive verbiage showcasing the rage that lies within.

Shallow Emotions
When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises. The promise to keep myself anonymous for example. The keeping of promises is only honored when it serves her own advantage. Just look at her posts on the unhypnotize forum. Even when the subject is about something not pertaining to herself or her Father, her response twists the subject into herself or her Father's story in which involves her.

Incapacity for Love Pretty much says it all.

Need for Stimulation
Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common. Living on the edge, yep, that says it all.

Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them. Just look at her responses to how my parents were harassed due to her actions, and only her actions, that were the result of her posts.

Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others. Anyone who can read should be able to see the vacillations by the content of her rants on her posts. As to - "all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others" - again, all one has to do is look at all the posts she makes.

Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc. Via her own admissions, she wasn't a good student. Of course the problem with keeping friends is quite apparent. She managed to alienate seven individuals and turned friends into enemies, from her point of view.

Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed. Blames there is a news flash. It is others fault that things don't go her own way. Just look at all those she blames and continually posts about that was essentially caused by her own actions. Even on the Pegasus, she was banned for her persistent haranguing of myself and of course my rebuttals. Even when I posted on a subject that did not pertain to her, there she was criticizing and creating discourse. But then, it wasn't her fault she was banned.....Morgan made her post....<g> ( I couldn't resist )

Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts. Not going there but then there are those that know truths but then perhaps that is why the seven individuals were ostracized.

Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively. Wow...promises for the future. Poor work ethic but exploits others effectively? Sure does. All one needs to do is to look at her history going all the way back to Andrew Bolland. He is as much a victim as anyone else.

Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily. All one has to do is to look at posts back to 2006 on the ttbrown forum. Elizabeth Helen Drake (EHD) would write about Linda. There was a time that EHD wanted information, good or bad, in regard to Townsend Brown. What happened? If anyone were to present evidence that portrayed Dr. Brown in a manner that Linda didn't like....let the dogs of war loose. I find it amazing that the personal information in regard to Dr. Brown that is out there, and I have found a good bit, is not being presented. Perhaps that is one of the reasons that Paul Schatzkin decided to put the book on hold. More than likely, it was a list of things. Puzzle pieces that didn't fit but depended upon verification from unnamed anonymous sources. In any event, her image is always in a state of flux that is determined upon the current need which in the light of it all, is the writing of her story, an entrepreneurial endeavour.

Take note that in some of the above, the sociopath feels that it is "their right" in justifying their actions.

I actually feel sorry for Linda. She is the product of her life. I am sure that the consistent and persistent moving from place to place as a child helped to plant the seeds of the crop we see today. For those of us who knew her, I am sure they can recognize the above. In socializing, the subject would always revolve around her or what she was doing. If the topic was on something other, she would always find a way to bring it back into her courtyard.

I have been staying away from posting rebuttals to her sometimes inflammatory posts on the unhypnotize forum. I thought perhaps that would cause her to move on and heal but then, the true sociopath cannot let go and that is what fuels the obsession.

She is so obsessed with others, myself included. But why? If not sociopathic then what is the fuel for the obsession?

I feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for those she will use and then discard when things don't go her way. And I feel sorry for those that agree (post) with her without truly knowing who or what they are commenting upon except for what she tells them for they are where some of us were and when the truth becomes apparent, it will sting but then that is how we learn.


Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

PostPosted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:33 am
by Kim
Linda's obsession with Mikado wrote:
Re: Communicating with Mikado
by Linda Brown » Fri Feb 14, 2014 2:05 pm

I notice that the banner under the Huts first page ( dedicating it to the "Legacy of T. Townsend Brown") has now been changed to this...

"The Quonset Hut
A place where individuals can meet for respectable discussions from Science to the Benign, Life and Death and the Wonders of the Universe.

How..... luke warm.... and unfocused it seems to be........ but it is so much better than flying under the flag of having anything actually to do with the " Legacy of Townsend Brown". Perhaps someone else felt it was important to move away from that stand before people started asking Mikado to actually step up and prove his words.

He couldn't do that so now he has changed the working title of the Hut to " discussions from Science to the Benign".......... well.........BENIGN.... thats very much better than Malignant.

Now he needs to erase my membership. I have no interest at all in the topics that have been generated in the Hut. It is beginning to sound like " Nancy Hutchison Consortium East Coast." Which makes for good reading and includes some really important thoughts...

Actually thats better than what was there before and the discussions are actually quite exciting ( thanks to LuisP...he is finally " hitting his stride".)

Other than some of Mikado where he comes off as being a jilted, bitter and disillusioned man.. and the ramblings of a mean heartbroken woman....buried in the past archives.....there will be nothing left of the Townsend Brown discussion for Mikado to hang his mask on. And that is fitting. Linda

Where to begin. The banner has been changed to a more appropriate heading.

Linda does not seem to be able to leave Mikado out of her discussions. Funny really, she portrays herself as someone jilted, bitter and disillusioned. Whenever a question is asked she can't answer she quickly turns the question around or just ignores it. Anything to suit her agenda. It seems as though because Mikado does not acknowledge anything she writes she has to continue to write about him or the Hut. When was the last time he wrote anything about her? And still, she continues to bring his name up and try to discredit him. As though she misses him.

As to proving anything, Linda has a longer road to travel. Who are you really? Are you really TTBrowns daughter? I can go on-line and get a birth certificate for anyone, you just have to know a few things, have a few dollars, it's easy really. I may not know the science talked about or even pretend to understand it, but I do know computers. I know how to use them and I am pretty good at it.

Heartbroken, yes, mean, you haven't seen mean. As to your last name (yes I do read what is going on) I know it. I know your husbands name, your anniversary, which was recent, I even know when your daughter was born and where.

I could go on about so many other things I have discovered but maybe it won't be necessary. Depends on Linda really. As Mikado is so fond of saying," I grow weary, " of Linda and her games, but I guess she has to keep up her petulant little girl attitude. Kim

BTW you want to talk about Benign, benign is okay, it's called conversations that may not be on topic. But then, that is how people get to know each other. And that scares the hell out of you.

Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:13 am
by Kim
Linda wrote:Re: Communicating with Mikado
by Linda Brown » Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:29 am

And this is especially for Mikado to chew on.... and the character that he has associated with too... A cartoon character really needs to be created as their Avatar.... the poledancing guttersnipe. I wonder what one of those things looks like. Has to be comical. ... physicist/

And still she can't keep Mikado out if her mouth. Linda, if you have the nerve to call someone a poledancing guttersnipe, have the nerve to post who you are talking about. Until then, keep your mouth shut!!!! He doesn't say a damn word about you and you continue, looking for an argument so you can say "poor me look how Mikado is picking on me." Well he doesn't need to say anything, because others are seeing the true you. Even the AMA you did, what a joke. And you think people believe anything you say. Only a handful of people out there and I think it is because they feel sorry for you, or they are hoping to get info from you about your "father" (you don't want me to go there,do you?). You are a joke!!! A real discredit to him and his name. Grow up Linda, you really don't know me, remember that.

Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2014 9:36 pm
by Kim
Myles-Linda wrote:Hello Chuck Gabriel
by Linda Brown » Sun May 11, 2014 11:58 pm

I am sorry if I have left an S out in your name? Have I? I wasn't sure.

Linda has asked me to welcome you and I am happy to do that.

She is delighted that you and George have been able to talk about "old times" and even more particularly about the security of his property and yours, directly south?

I believe that George is going to follow some of your suggestions.

Linda has told me that you have known her family for over forty years. That , in this age of transient relationships, is amazing! How did you meet Linda?

I am not sure why but she is a little bit embarrassed with what you might think of her interaction with this man named Mikado.

Nothing that she has done concerns her but that she has put up with what she calls his "yammering". For years he has been saying things that really, maybe he shouldn't have been saying about Linda, her character and her family.

When she responds it turns into a bicker battle and of course that is what this character is trying to do, marginalize Lindas authority as the Daughter of T, Townsend Brown. My opinion. otherwise knicknamed " The HUT" in some circles.

Did you ever visit Catalina? If so you are probably one of the few people who knows what the " Quonset Hut" was really like.

Take a look at this site and see what you think. One of Lindas big issues,of course, is that the site is using her Dads name and many people are drawn there because they are interested in his reputation and work.

Instead they are fed almost a constant stream of Mikados vindictive and nasty remarks about her.

I have advised ,of course to simply " let Mikado stew in his own negative juices" but I am sure that she is curious what your reaction might be.

Just cast about you will note many statements which concern her, His repeated liberty in calling her a "lying sociopath" is what is particularly annoying.

She has created a site of her own for her Fathers work which goes by his entire name If its the full name.... its the proper website to get the real story about Townsend Brown from his family and those who knew him. I think that you probably are one of those very few Mr. Gabriel.

I know that you have been invited to join the Forum here and she promises that she will not bore you with Mikado details but defending herself and setting things right have been a major draw on her energy for a very long time now.

She is looking forward to serious discussions about the future, She thanks you very much for the insider information on Deke Slater.

I have not had a chance to read the information that you sent her but I am sure it is going to be informative!

She is looking forward to seeing you when she gets back from her trip. I am sure that Linda will have much more to share with you after several more days.

Myles, Assistant to Linda Brown

You have her Email ,I believe. Be sure to use it to make sure your sign up process goes smoothly. When your application for membership arrives here I will try to hand walk it through the process. ( A necessary evil now is a tough entrance to the membership but it will be worth it!)

From the Shadow of Giant Rock

Just one word....Seriously????

Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2014 10:48 pm
by Mikado14
Anyone who cannot see the individual writing this nonsense is ill, is ill themselves.

The obsession of apparent.

I feel pity and I don't want to.


Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:27 am
by Kim
Re: Memberships on the HUT
by Linda Brown » Sun Jun 08, 2014 3:02 pm

Another Email from KIM

kim_c58 <> Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 7:58 AM
To: Linda Brown <>
Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original
You keep saying Kim.

It was me who was negotiating with you, not Kim. Are you really that stupid? ...or does it just fit your plans to say it is Kim.

You do give a good deal of people so much to laugh at.

Post this too! Prove to all that emails are not private when it serves your purpose.

Absolutely KIM. And I guess the CIA has even commented on how important it is to laugh at stuff.


ok I know I have made some promises about not getting into shouting matches with Linda, but a person can only take so much.

As you can see from the above post private emails mean nothing to Linda. I am sure everyone on here can read and they can see quite clearly that Mikado is stating flat out that it isn't me emailing her. I personally think she is doing this so others will think I am as stupid as she portrays me to be. I do not email her. I have nothing to say to her.

It is she who is continuing this game, as in the guttersnipe comments she makes about me. Ouch, my feelings are soooooo hurt. She needs to look up definitions of words before she uses them, a guttersnipe is a homeless vagabond and especially an outcast boy or girl in the streets of a city. Sorry but I was raised by both a mother and FATHER, one who was home every night. Is it jealousy that makes her write such tripe? Who knows and who really cares.

Oh and the CIA, she is so famous for thinking she has all these alphabet organizations in her back pocket because her dad was so important. Well, even if he was, she isn't!! She is nothing other than just a child trying to ride on the coat tails of someone who was never around when she was a child, trying to live through him to feel important.

Oh if she only knew who I talk to, who I know, who is behind me. The truth would surely shock her. Kim

Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:40 am
by wags

More likely the post is intentionally designed to maintain the link and cause more distress. IMHO

Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:57 am
by Kim
I absolutely agree with you Wags. But I also see it as just a way to keep In the conversations, because she is so desperately grasping at straws (she is starting more threads about topics long done, or people long gone from her forum). She has nothing better to do than to keep harping on things no one cares about. But as I said before, that is just my opinion. Kim

Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:19 am
by Kim
Maybe in Linda's eyes, she thinks that starting a new thread about me, on the coin, will bring her readership back out with a good old fashioned shouting match. Sorry, just isn't going to work. Everything I ever posted was truth as told to me by Linda herself. So if she needs anyone to question anything, she should look at herself and try to figure out why the necessity to tell these things to a stranger in the first place. To the average person, they can see she was going for sympathy, to make her family life look so bad it would justify her affair. She even went so far as to tell me in emails how controlling George was and how tired of it she was.

So sorry to disappoint you Linda, and the ones reading here who are taking posts back to her. Her games don't work on me. I am not as gullible as she thinks everyone is. Kim

Re: Obsession ( not the perfume )

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:30 am
by FM No Static At All
It's really sad. It really is.

Many years ago, I left science and went to horses. It was a choice and I loved what I did. I eventually went back to school and spent the next 25+ years working in information technology in various capacities. But my love for science never left me, it was just put on hold while I lived a life.

I am good with the fact that my father was a war veteran. He was injured and yet, provided what he could for us as a family. I do not hide who or what I am, in fact I put it out there right in your face and don't care if you like me or not. Many people do.

I started reading Paul's online excerpts back in 2008 while I was embarking on a new possibility in alternative energy. One of the reasons I found Paul's site was his book,
The Boy Who Invented Television


Which led me to the ttbrown forum and eventually I joined and began communicating with other members. I gravitated toward some and away from others. Perhaps because I mentioned similarities in my life with those that were being described in Paul's book (Defying Gravity) or perhaps other motives (not known at the time) it was brought to my attention through the late Mr. Trickfox that I was going to be contacted by Linda Brown herself. I was amused but not impressed.

You see, I have been in places where I dealt with scholars (I was a MENSA member for years) and with celebrities (I volunteered as stage manager for Variety Club's Telethon and got each act up and ready) so conversing with the daughter of T. Townsend Brown was equivalent to have a chat with Eddie Sweat, the groom for the great Triple Crown winner Secretariat.


But there were things that were being told in this book that were too coincidental to be made up. One had to do with a VW Beetle that lacked reverse and the front (not the rear) was often lifted and moved to the curb to park straight. Oh! And it happened often, right where the book said it did. Only the VW belonged to my friend Jack (rest his Soul) and I was sitting by the Lion & Snake while he went over to the Dorchester Arms (now condos), and conned the doorman into letting go up to see his girlfriend.


So early on, I was wondering how these parts of my life were intertwined with this story I was reading.

I became friends with Magic Bill, and acquainted with Trickfox and Mikado, none of whom I had met before. Bill and I have remained friends since then. Trickfox is no longer with us and unfortunately we never had the opportunity to meet.

But I did meet Mikado. I met him at the cemetery when I buried my wife Cyndi, back in PA. I can honestly say that I call him friend and love he and Kim as friends that I cherish and respect. I have never experienced from either of them, any of the animosity that they have been accused of perpetrating on others. I cannot say that about all parties involved in this 'dispute.'

Then I met a group of people not two weeks after I buried Cyndi, in Las Vegas. I met two key players in this whole fiasco. One of whom was introduced to me as David or J. D. by the other. Or maybe it was implied without actually saying "a.k.a. J. D." One thing I do know, the man I met has some serious dependency issues in his past, if not current, That latter I do not know for sure, but the former I am willing to bet on.

One of the people I met was also a person I roomed with during my stay. I can testify that unless there is something well hidden in this person's past, it seemed apparent to me that this was a person of strong character.

Some say that when you look into the eyes of another you can see their Soul. I say that too, and you can feel who they are if you choose to accept what you feel.

Mikado and I were very loyal and protective of Dr. Brown's legacy and his progeny, at least the one surviving child. And for a reward we were falsely accused of dastardly deeds in a vile attempt to perpetuate a lie. Clever? Perhaps, even quite elaborate. But like every other pathological narcissist, nothing else matters to them but themselves. You are witness to it happening to a nation, so why is it so difficult to believe it can happen on a smaller audience?

But let me also add, that while I have never public made any personal attacks, even while defending my own honor, I have yet to receive a proper apology and confession, knowing what I was going through trying everything to save the love of my life. That being said, this is the first and last time that I will say anything about this whole thing publicly.

The personal that I came to know as the daughter of the scientist is not the same person I wanted her to be. And sad to say, neither was her father. While I can make some excuses for her father, there is only pity for a lost Soul.

Redemption for some is simply a matter of owning up to what you created and making peace with those on whose lives you imposed upon in sometimes quite terrible ways. But alas, there are those who in their own fantasy world of self-importance and delusions of grandeur, miss the real qualities of the love and friendship that was there.

And so like Merlin, I turn my back and walk away with my head high and my gaze toward the future. I have no reason to dwell on Mordred, as the loss of energy will make them wither away. No longer a part of my life and no need for it in my reality.

There is a world to save through education and information. It is small gatherings like this where great things emerge. We had that energy once, and we can have it again. All we have to do is focus it on a path of truth.