by Mikado14 » Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:11 pm
Across town? Assuming here that you are not talking about your local town as much as another forum.
I am going out on a limb here to make a stand and a conclusion based upon what research I have done into Brown, both what I have made public and what I haven't, and come to the conclusion that I don't believe your Father and he ever met.
What information I have is that Brown never stayed long enough at any one job very long. IF, and that is a big IF, he was called in, he was quite adept at antenna work which is what he was involved with, from records, at Vega Aircraft. As evidenced from his writings, I believe this is where he discovered certain aspects of Electrogravitics when experimenting with dielectric based antennas. This would be the area whereas your Father and he might have met up. His Electronics Engineering abilities as evidenced by his own notebooks indicate some areas lacking which would indicate that if involved with your Father then your Dad would have done the actual work/design than Brown with Brown providing concepts for he was quite adept at EM radiation. I could go on but it might get a bit off the topic related to your Father but suffice it to say that a satellite might require a smaller antenna than what would be traditionally used as a radiator at the time period you are suggesting.
With that all being said, there are similarities as to moving all the time but I don't see anything that would bring them together, as of yet. Doesn't mean something may not turn up but at this point, I am highly doubtful.
The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.
"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
― Søren Kierkegaard