Electrogravitics is being used to describe anything

Phenomena that can't be explained ...... yet.

Electrogravitics is being used to describe anything

Postby Mikado14 » Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:25 am

Over on the forum that is hosted by the daughter of Townsend Brown, there is a thread entitled, "Google the word electrogravitic". This is not a new topic. It has been discussed to death. There are those who look at certain, if not a specific, devices and claim that they are Electrogravitic.

http://www.cosmic-token.com/forum/viewt ... 112#p35112

Linda Leach wrote: Re: Google the word electrogravitic
Postby Linda Brown » Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:55 pm

Wikipedias Google offering has a substantial error... right off

"Electrogravitics is claimed to be an unconventional type of effect or anti-gravity propulsion created by an electric field's effect on a mass. The name was coined in the 1920s by the discoverer of the phenomenon, Thomas Townsend Brown, who spent most of his life trying to develop it and sell it as a propulsion system. Through Brown's promotion of the idea it was researched for a short while by aerospace companies in the 1950s. Electrogravitics is popular with conspiracy theorists with claims that it is powering flying saucers and the B-2 Stealth Bomber.

Since apparatus based on Brown's ideas show no effect in a vacuum, the effect Brown observed (named by Brown the "Biefeld–Brown effect") has been attributed to ion drift or ion wind instead of anti-gravity.

Notice how they dismiss its popularity by calling it a darling of the " conspiracy theorists" while at the same time... whoever posted this original introduction makes a classic disinformation move ( its all just ion wind instead of anti-gravity) Well. How do you combat that kind of statement when you don't term it as " antigravity either" Don't know that it was intentional.... but it certainly is misleading.

Jess can we look in this direction to post updated and more correct information?

When we have time lets do that.

.Linda Brown TTB Consortium July 2015

In looking at the quote from Wikipedia (I have highlighted the quote since the original poster didn't do so), one notices that a reference is made to flying saucers and the B-2. It is not wrong to say that the conspiracy theorists make the claims as mentioned but at the same time, it should be noted, that it is being "lumped summed".

The wikipedia article on Bielfeld-Brown is in itself erroneous by Brown's own writings.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biefeld%E ... own_effect

To quote from it:

"The Biefeld–Brown effect is an electrical effect that produces an ionic wind that transfers its momentum to surrounding neutral particles. The effect was named by inventor Thomas Townsend Brown who claimed that he did a series of experiments with professor of astronomy Paul Alfred Biefeld, a former teacher of Brown who Brown claimed was his mentor and co-experimenter at Denison University in Ohio.[1][2] The phenomenon was also given the name "electrogravitics" by Brown based on his belief this was an electricity/gravity phenomenon. The effect is more widely referred to as electrohydrodynamics (EHD) or sometimes electro-fluid-dynamics, a counterpart to the well-known magnetohydrodynamics.[citation needed] Extensive research was performed during the 1950s and 1960s on the use of this electric propulsion effect during the publicized era of the United States gravity control propulsion research (1955–1974).[citation needed]"

The fact that whoever wrote this identifies the effect as producing an "ionic wind" only indicates that there is a lacking in the understanding of the scrivener.

In the article referenced by Linda Leach, "Electrogravitics", they mix theories. At first they talk about an "electric field's effect on mass" and then further along, ion drift and ion wind is mentioned. They are clearly talking about two entirely different apparatus. Although mass is a factor, the K of a material is as important. That is why a "lifter" will never be anything more than what it is, electrohydynamics. A hovercraft is more efficient at lifting than a lifter is or will be in it's current development for it uses "air" or the atmosphere as the dielectric which is almost as low as vacuum. Aluminum is almost always used as the skirt or the larger of the plates and the corona wire has been anything from aluminum to copper to gold, with no appreciable variation in the net force produced. By increasing the voltage to the breakdown point the lift can be varied thus voltage, as should be, is the controlling factor. There are several other factors that control the output of a lifter but this writing is not meant to debate construction as much as the current identification of the phenomena.

A lifter is not "electrogravitics" anymore than a current flowing through a single wire is an electromagnet. A lifter will have a small....very small electrogravitic component but it is not what is producing the lift. However, a device specifically designed, and built by Brown, totally ignored by the "conspiracy theorists", is the Gravitor. A Gravitor is a device designed to create the Electrogravitic effect through mass and K.

Those that continue to talk lifters and claim "electrogravitics" describe the effect are part of the problem. They display a knowledge base fueled and driven by conspiracy. The lifter is not as they identify it for it is an electrophoretic response to the charge on the asymmetric plates. The movement of the charged particles is the "electrohydrodynamic" result.

Linda Leach herself is part of the conspiracy, either by design or ignorance, in that she calls the effect "anti-gravity". There is no such thing as "anti-gravity" and to continue to identify any effect with that name is disinformation either by ignorance or design. The use of the word lowers the credibility of the speaker.

For Linda Leach to "wish to correct" the Wikipedia as stated would serve as nothing more than to spread disinformation or more specifically, intentional misinformation via Wikipedia.

For someone who claims to not understand the science, as she recently stated in a post to another on her site, her claims are diametrically opposed to her other statements. You either understand or you don't. If you don't then do not make correcting statements to others.

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Re: Electrogravitics is being used to describe anything

Postby wags » Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:24 am

The lifter phenomenon is well explained here and I was sceptical that the efficiency of such a system and overall mass of the object were probably limiting factors.

The underlying premise of the gravitor, I am unfamiliar with.
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Re: Electrogravitics is being used to describe anything

Postby Mikado14 » Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:09 am

And this is what Linda replies to from my post above:

Linda Leach wrote: Re: Learning from demonstrations of lifters...
Postby Linda Brown » Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:35 pm

So little time..... and the yammering continues... all seemingly centered around you Fruitbat.... with a side order of silly slime thrown in my direction.


Makes you want to take a shower after reading all of that.

Time to move along. That's my impression. Hard for me to do when my Dads name is being used as a banner above all of that.... but it can be done.

I have been advised there recently by Mikado to not to make corrections regarding what has been written about my Father and his work.

"For someone who claims to not understand the science, as she recently stated in a post to another on

her site, her claims are diametrically opposed to her other statements. You either understand or you

don't. If you don't then do not make correcting statements to others.

I can hear my Mothers voice strongly now. She has a phrase that she used a lot.


And the answer is....no one with a negative agenda is going to have any voice in my activities...NO ONE is going to dampen my voice regarding my parents and what their story is. NO ONE is going to dampen or obscure whatever I have to say.....and if there are to be corrections made regarding what others have said about Dad.... then I will be ONE of the many who will be making them.

Stand aside.

Linda Brown TTB Consortium July 2015
From the Shadow of Giant Rock

This is all she comprehended or saw as she read my post, pitiful but expected and not surprised.

Secondly, I never advised of her anything, again, she alters what was said by comprehension and we are to believe she is being accurate in telling stories/history of the Father?

And as to showers...yes...you do need one. Reminds of how very few you took when you stayed in the Winnebago that I rented for you.

My intent was, for a last time, attempt to put out information that can be verified on the Internet from reputable sources (as posted on another thread)


If ecker/fruitbat/Linda wish to live in a fantasy world it is their choice and not mine for I choose for no one. However, to not provide evidence of my statements with citations is being nothing more than they are, a bag of empty shells to quote Paul Schatzkin.

Ignorance is the lack of education or reliable information. What is it called when one refuses to accept the truth?


PS: I think I am someone who has done the walk and can talk the talk. Who walks down a path with open eyes and whose mind is malleable to new ideas, principles and facts. That qualifies me more than the poster quoted above since they have only a name and nothing more than that.
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Re: Electrogravitics is being used to describe anything

Postby wags » Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:18 am

I don't think the poster is self actualized enough to appreciate the P.S. Curiously the talk is rotating to Linda's metronome including attributing to FB.
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