make a molecular gravitator
Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:35 pm
viniendo en mi furgoneta se me acaba de ocurrir una forma de hacer un gravitator molecular, voy a emplear öxido de plomo amarillo (litargirio) y parafina como agente aglutinante, ademas al ser el óxido de plomo mas pesado que la parafina se conseguirá una constante dielectrica asimetrica ya que las particulas mas pesadas se ubicarán en la zona inferior y las mas ligeras en la superior, esta idea es similar a esta otra: ... ulsion.htm
coming in my van I just thought of a way to make a molecular Gravitator, will employ oxide yellow lead (litharge) and paraffin as binder, besides being the lead oxide heavier than paraffin a dielectric constant will be achieved asymmetrical as heavier particles will be located at the bottom and the lightest at the top, this idea is similar to this one: ... ulsion.htm
coming in my van I just thought of a way to make a molecular Gravitator, will employ oxide yellow lead (litharge) and paraffin as binder, besides being the lead oxide heavier than paraffin a dielectric constant will be achieved asymmetrical as heavier particles will be located at the bottom and the lightest at the top, this idea is similar to this one: ... ulsion.htm