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thoughts about physical structure of Gravitor
Tue Mar 15, 2016 7:32 am
by Antigravitic
Re: thoughts about physical structure of Gravitor
Tue Mar 15, 2016 7:51 am
by Antigravitic
Re: thoughts about physical structure of Gravitor
Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:55 am
by Mikado14
A symmetrical configuration will create displacement (thrust). It should be noted that a Gravitor is nothing more than a capacitor in general. However, the greater the inrush on initial charge creates the extreme gradient which is the imbalance that is the phenomenon know as Biefeld-Brown. In reading Brown's notes, it becomes patently obvious that his lack of a formal education created some holes whereas he required input from others who had the more formal education. This may have been a detriment to his ever gaining any foothold and in a way is a shame, for I believe he had the imagination and the vision but he just didn't have the tenacity to follow through. In some ways, I believe he may have had "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder". The pattern of his work is indicative to that.
Now with all that said, with no denigration of the man's vision (his writing in the "Structure of Space" is a very thought out hypothesis and well written but appears that he never followed through with marriage of the hypothesis to explain the functionality of the Gravitor), there is a lacking of mathematics to explain any of his work. Without engineering math derived from data sets, it makes it very difficult to repeat what he may have done. This has led to what has been going on all over the Internet for years......many hobbyists have endeavoured to reproduce his experiments, in atmosphere and in vacuum, with only limited results.
The conclusion is that Brown either never followed through and kept his nose to the grindstone or he just moved on to something else due to his "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity" or he did finish and it is buried away. There are those that believe he finished and it is buried away and there are those who believe he moved on to something else. The evidence so far, as written in the book "Defying Gravity" and from his daughter's own notes indicate the later.
Re: thoughts about physical structure of Gravitor
Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:20 pm
by Antigravitic
Re: thoughts about physical structure of Gravitor
Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:27 pm
by wags
If I take the ADHD hypothesis as being correct for this post: (IE I do not know)
It would explain why there is an incomplete data set, and he moved on. He would have thought it was complete, as I have observed with characters who share the traits associated with ADHD, data sets and long mathematical chores and replication of results are simply either not on the Radar or superfluous after all it works doesn't it.
But having said that, the lack of formal disciplined scientific education would also produce the same result and no ADHD is required to explain the lack of orthodox material.
Not sure if the ADHD help or hinder the vision book, as the actual writing would require a great deal of non ADHD traits, so possibly it is the latter rather than the former. Mind it could be both! lol
Re: thoughts about physical structure of Gravitor
Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:46 pm
by Antigravitic
wags wrote:Mikado,
If I take the ADHD hypothesis as being correct for this post: (IE I do not know)
It would explain why there is an incomplete data set, and he moved on. He would have thought it was complete, as I have observed with characters who share the traits associated with ADHD, data sets and long mathematical chores and replication of results are simply either not on the Radar or superfluous after all it works doesn't it.
But having said that, the lack of formal disciplined scientific education would also produce the same result and no ADHD is required to explain the lack of orthodox material.
Not sure if the ADHD help or hinder the vision book, as the actual writing would require a great deal of non ADHD traits, so possibly it is the latter rather than the former. Mind it could be both! lol
please respect my discussion thread, this section deals with the physical form of the Gravitor, thanks
Re: thoughts about physical structure of Gravitor
Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:54 pm
by Mikado14
It is my fault to the response from wags. I was attempting to give my view as to the lack of data as well as mathematics to substantiate the physical structure of a Gravitor which in the reality was not exactly on topic of strictly staying on the physical structure of a Gravitor.
wags response was to a part of my explanation which in a manner, and in my view, apropos to this thread.
However, I will respect your wishes....but be careful what you wish for, I may refrain from commenting if my comments give an explanation of my views for they certainly will cause others to respond to my comments and we wouldn't want to derail your thread.
Re: thoughts about physical structure of Gravitor
Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:59 pm
by wags
Mikado14 wrote:It is my fault to the response from wags. I was attempting to give my view as to the lack of data as well as mathematics to substantiate the physical structure of a Gravitor which in the reality was not exactly on topic of strictly staying on the physical structure of a Gravitor.
wags response was to a part of my explanation which in a manner, and in my view, apropos to this thread.
However, I will respect your wishes....but be careful what you wish for, I may refrain from commenting if my comments give an explanation of my views for they certainly will cause others to respond to my comments and we wouldn't want to derail your thread.
Thanks Mikado,
I don't think he deserves an apology, this is an open forum, and free thinking is stifled if an individual demands rigid editorial rights. IMHO
Re: thoughts about physical structure of Gravitor
Tue Mar 15, 2016 3:47 pm
by kevin
Physical structure.
Many years of checking materials has shown Me ( via dowsing) that the crystalline SET structure acts as a local diverter to the flows of aether if relocated.
Do You comprehend the aether Sergio?
Re: thoughts about physical structure of Gravitor
Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:11 am
by Antigravitic
I apologize
(Wags and Mikado)