Got my computer back yesterday. I now can go on the Internet whenever I feel, read whatever I wish, maintain this site and afford to comment when and where I wish as well as read what is going on in the world in the brevity that my life allows at this moment.
In doing long overdue maintenance to the site, I noticed an entry from a site and back tracked since it caught my attention: found the last paragraph very interesting:
from above link wrote:If you have a healthy appetite for the opaque and enigmatic, you can get some idea of the fractious controversies that swirl around this subject matter here and here. Don't say nobody warned you.
The highlighted words are links. If you go to the link provided above and select the two highlighted words, you will be directed to two different sites. Kim mentioned to me that someone started a whole new thread directed at a certain individual. She read me a part of it in regard to "footnotes". I would call her words as either an excuse directed at something she never had or just a simple CYA since she never had it to begin with in an attempt to cast a similar act to the writer of "Defying Gravity". The problem is this, in my interaction with Paul Schatzkin....he never lied but was almost always as truthful as he could be.
In any event and based upon the links I have mentioned, Paul has taken a stance and provided a middle of the road approach to the whole fiasco of the "best biography of Dad out there". I believe after all the prodding by the daughter of the man from the "best biography out there" for the author to comment, I believe he has and it is thunderous.
Nice to be back on a regular basis.