Anyone genuine would...
I don't think genuine applies to them. My point was that it is a matter of character not sophistication or intelligence. (To much like an excuse)
Kim wrote:Re: Why Kim burned papers
Postby Linda Brown » Sun Feb 07, 2016 6:17 pm
What's the matter ANDREW? Your sources of income drying up on you?
And Mikado...we could be living right at the top of your lane and you would never know it.....
Good luck trying to see us, unless we want to be seen.
Wow, sometimes I feel like I am living in the Twilight Zone. Where are they? Are they hiding right in front of us? Will we ever see them? Will they ever show themselves? Who are they, Linda and Dave? Has George finally found out the truth about her and Dave and tired of her games? Maybe Linda and George? Maybe all 3 of them (wouldn't that be amusing)? Oh my, whatever shall we do? Lol.... Sorry folks....
Chris Knight wrote:Cue to Mission Impossible theme song.
Living at the end of your lane ? You mean like super secret Arctic spies hiding in their winter terrain camouflage ?
Or more like two bums sleeping in a tent in the snow ?
A bit confused there...
It is nice that Leach is concerned about my income, but I'd be more concerned about the priceless, one of a kind electrostatic generator built by her father (or for him) that is going to the dump on Wednesday unless her super secret Caroltard Group saves the day with a check for $22,500 representing a small portion of the money Leach got me to waste on her imaginary psycho stories ... I hope to see them at the end of my lane by the end of Tuesday ! Unless they will just be hiding behind that bush there. I don't know what good that will do them to come across the US and hide behind my front bush. I don't know. It just sounds kind of crazy to me.
Kim wrote:Re: Why Kim burned papers
Postby Linda Brown » Mon Feb 08, 2016 5:10 pm
Par for their course on the Hut.
Andrew writes that he was given a priceless model to be taken to the family of Townsend Brown.....but instead, now, he has decided to hold it for some twenty-two thousand dollars...ransome?....with a deadline of this "weds" for it to be paid.
You miss the point Mikado, Kim and are not dealing with me anymore.
David and I have washed our hands of you. You have more than proven where your hearts and minds are. it's up to others now.
I personally don,t care about the thing. It has proven all it needs to prove, to those who care about such stuff. I don't have to deal with taking out the trash...when you take it to the dump remember that.
Wow here we go again lol. Her and "David" (it's not Dave anymore I see lol), have washed their hands of all this. Now she is going to threaten us with "others". What others I wondered. More of those spy friends of hers? "Others" that don't have the balls to write for themselves, that have to use Linda as their mouthpiece. "Others" that can't face Andy, Mikado or myself themselves? That can mean one of two things....
1....Linda is lieing
2....she doesn't want her "friends" to speak to any of us because then they too will finally see the truth about herself.
So I wonder which one it is. I'm sure she will have a different scenario. Can't wait to see that one lol.
And I see, she is actually finally telling some truth. She doesn't care about that "thing". Her interest is all about her, and what she can get by hanging onto her fathers coat tails.
Kim wrote:Re: Why Kim burned papers
Postby Linda Brown » Mon Feb 08, 2016 5:10 pm
Par for their course on the Hut.
Andrew writes that he was given a priceless model to be taken to the family of Townsend Brown.....but instead, now, he has decided to hold it for some twenty-two thousand dollars...ransome?....with a deadline of this "weds" for it to be paid.
Priceless is not what I read. lol Worthless would be closer... Ransom hardly, it is an object with a questionable past that has been offered for sale at $22 500. or it is scrap. Andy is not obliged to give it rental space, treasure it, preserve it or take it to a third party. It will in any case be closer to TTB once it is in the landfill.
Lina Sp!
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