... 085#p38085Linda wrote:Re: Why Kim burned papers
Postby Linda Brown » Sat Feb 20, 2016 2:50 am
I read MIKADOS post about the state of your health....sorry to hear him report all of this...even sorrier to see that you are accepting what your Doctors are saying to you and that he seems to agree that they know that you have X amount of months left.
That's BULSHIT KIM. Don't let any other human try to tell you what your span of time on Earth will be...
Your Doctors do not matter how many you have advising you...or how experienced they are. You spirit will live by its own rules for its own future.
and Mikado, of all people , should not be so danged resigned about your situation. You know that I am disappointed in him about a lot of things...but this is the biggest disappointment.
Years ago Doctors told Dad that he only had four months....he lived for the next sixteen years.
Mother was told she could expect four months...she died two weeks later....
No human can tell you anything. Don't accept a road you are not willing to travel unless you are ready to take that path.
I know you have no regard for my words but I also know that these words will reach your eyes.
I posted truths to fruitbat and any comments, from you, are neither wanted nor warranted.
Where in what I wrote was it ever stated that Kim had "months" to live? (you prove your poor comprehension skills or the fact that you just don't read everything in it's entirety) I stated that she had 5 to 10 years till a transplant. Her condition is considered a terminal condition and she has been classified by the Doctor as disabled.
You have claimed to know all about my work and I have done nothing and have nothing. You have claimed that Kim has burned papers and there is a good deal more said that I won't go into. All the time you have been making statements claiming that either information has "come across your desk" or you have it on "good authority" that what you say is the truth. Then how is it that your "good authority" has never mentioned anything in regard to Kim's health? Seriously, now wouldn't they report her condition? Like the time I stopped to help Dave and he cowered like a scared little girl in his car and wouldn't even roll the window down, he reported to you about a limp I had. How is it that your sources didn't tell you how I came about having that limp?
You seriously need to get some new spies.
Having you make a post such as the above in feigned compassion leaves a sour taste as well as the smell of your stories in the air. You make this post in an attempt to showcase how much of a compassionate and loving person you are....really?
You tell Kim to not let anyone tell her how much time she has left on the earth and that it is "bullshit". I stated in my post to fruitbat what has been told to us by the Doctors. When first diagnosed, she was given two years, if you feel you really need to know, and she has well surpassed that. To ignore what a Doctor tells you is foolish. To look for alternatives at the same time is being informed. She will live for how ever long the universe allows and what her kharma dictates
You have been making vile and vitriolic responses for years, all the while countered by rebuttals on this site, directed at not only myself and Kim but others as well. When you are ignored, you still can't shut the hell up and as you recently stated to fruitbat, it will never end. Your post above is an attempt to portray yourself as this caring individual in an attempt to assuage perhaps your sycophants by giving concerned advice which accompanies your previous advice(s) to Kim and I about watching out for ourselves in that others will take care us, of whatever, claiming that you are through. Now why would someone like you give such diametrically opposed views of advice unless you felt you would gain from them? Frankly, when are you going to stop saying anything and let them take care of us?
As to any disappointment you have in me, imagine all the disappoint I have in you created by all the lies you told. How about all the disappointment others have in you from the lies you told them as well? Who truly gives a damn about disappointing you anyway for who the hell are you to even matter in my life or anyone else? The only thing you have is your Father's name and what he did is questionable at best and still needs to be verified and your freakin' frackin' word don't mean crapola.
Since you feel compelled to give advice, here is some unsolicited from this end. Be careful, be very careful with the book you are writing that you say will be titled "The Cosmic Token". If you copyright that, be prepared for a battle for that name was derived by someone else. You p*ss and moan about Paul and his book. You demand he remove references to you and David. What book? You mean his first draft? Do you also realize that it was first published in 2009 which is over 6 years ago? Your claim is getting stale and to further complicate things, you have taken money from Paul for the book that contains what you want him to remove. Any claim you make would be thrown out of court on Preliminary Objections or ruled against you with a Summary Judgement owing to the fact you had a financial gain from the exact complaint you are filing. You are so fucking stupid. You really should ask that lawyer you claimed to have on retainer...or was that two lawyers?
Write your book and leave me out. If you have any characters that remotely resemble myself or anyone in my family, I will sue you till I own all that you and George or anyone else connected with the writing of your book. And that is a promise.
Oh, and beware of Paul, I am sure he will be watching closely as well. (bit of advice, calling him Saul is too close and it would definitely not be in your favor in a suit)
Have a nice fucking day!
PS edit: Your spies really suck for your post only indicates that you have no clue what the fuck I am up to for Kim for if you did, you would not be able to shut the hell up and you would be spouting off for sure.