Setting the record straight

The Hypocritical actions of the Nickel Site that serve to substantiate the lying actions of Linda Brown (that would be the Cosmic Token so all can she how deranged Linda Brown can be)

Re: Setting the record straight

Postby kevin » Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:35 pm

I thought (wrongly) that She was finally keeping Her lies to Herself, but no, now " negativity and mean spirit " are declared to have "flooded over Me" ... 7&start=50
What ballocks.
The only thing that has flooded over Me are waves of the truth.
WHY can't She shut up?
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Re: Setting the record straight

Postby Mikado14 » Sat Mar 12, 2016 10:14 am


I went and read the page that your link goes to. Nate Cull was a poster that came and went and came back again. He would post long "cut and pastes" that he would find and post. Jack has always been one of those individuals that came across as "needy". Out of those two, I see them as nothing like you. We may not agree at times but you stand your ground and attempt to explain yourself/beliefs as to what you experience. What has Nate Cull ever explained other than to present his "cut and pastes"? What has Jack ever done but to complain about people he has never met? I have never seen anything substantial from either....but they sure do think they have. Jack believes himself to be an uber moral individual without having any facts, but then, both are still consuming large quantities of tainted Kool-Aid.

As to Linda, she never holds herself accountable for her actions which is quite evident from her long and tawdry history. To say she has no clue as to why you are negative only re-enforces the fact that she never holds herself accountable for her actions or those of a blind dog. The statement that her and Smith are writing a book (rewrite of her original which raises the question....why is Rose not involved?) is ludicrous in that Smith is not the character of Morgan. But then, it is more than likely going to be a work of fiction just as "The Good Bye Man" was an attempt to use fiction as fact. The shame of all of this is that when "muddy skirts" are mentioned, those skirts happen to be any legitimate work Brown did and the mud is being slung by none other than his daughter to feed her narcissistic nature.

But I do understand your frustration, most do, especially when dealing with a prevaricator as such.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Setting the record straight

Postby re-rose » Sat Mar 12, 2016 2:59 pm

>why is Rose not involved?

Mikado, my skills are better used for giving "fresh eyes/first reader" feedback. I am good in seeing what does and doesn't work, where story arcs need boosting or timing is off.

i am hoping that If and when Nate gets around to writing a book, I have the opportunity to do that for him as well. Well documented historical manuscripts relating to my areas of interest are a rare treat.

But I am always willing to be a first reader for any of my author friends in case you get bitten by the writing bug again,

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Re: Setting the record straight

Postby kevin » Sat Mar 12, 2016 3:03 pm

I have had to face the possibility that linda is acting or been used to "muddy the trail"
By sucking in interested individuals , flattering their EGOs , and laying false trails.

In a strange way I can sense why, as the implications of TTBs works are that universe is not anything like We have been led to believe, and to weaponise the technology may be suicidal for mankind.

She is a magnet for anyone showing any interest, thus She constantly attacks this site to divert anyone away from here.

Either that or She is as You describe, which You are odds on favorite as to been correct.
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Re: Setting the record straight

Postby Mikado14 » Thu Mar 17, 2016 12:32 pm

It has come to my attention that Linda is using a Facebook account named: Thomas Townsend Brown

Here is a post of what she has said:

Linda Brown wrote:Thomas Townsend Brown
February 29 at 9:19am ·
For those who are interested about the life and work of my Father I must warn you that there is a website out there that...while it is in his name..... It is not in any way authorized by the Brown family .

Judge for yourself on the content Of the messages that they (Mikado) has presentEd.

Note that he had the audacity to claim that Dad was having a long term affair with a young boy...that my husband is a "gutless Marine" and that I am all kinds of negative things that I would rather not repeat here.

Perhaps you will agree with me that the owners of the HUT are using it to tarnish the name of TOWNSEND Brown while simultaneously using it to draw unsuspecting viewers to their site....So that they can further their own agenda...which is obviously to discredit my Dad and those around him.

Please just be aware.
Townsend Brown Family Consortium
Feb. 29' 2016

To set the record straight, I never said her Father was having a "long term affair with a young boy". I reported that a young boy was living with him. I attempted to find foster documents, adoption documents etc and could find nothing. Linda is the one who jumped to the conclusion. Even Cat seemed to say that I was saying what Linda claimed and has not been back here. As to the "Gutless Marine"...let's get that straight...again. A threatening email was sent and was signed with the letter "G" from Linda's Yahoo account. Anyone who sends such an email threatening my family and can only sign it with the letter "G" is gutless. But then we all know that there is a good possibility that it was Linda who really wrote the email and signed it with the letter "G".

She is posting private photos from a private meeting. She is making false claims that are very close to libel. Didn't really give too much of a hoot about her doing it on the Token since it is filled with mostly fiction, however, she is now on another site posting libelous statements.

I am contemplating on contacting Facebook. I am almost to my limit with this psychopath.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Setting the record straight

Postby wags » Thu Mar 17, 2016 12:51 pm


You can report an individual post on facebook;

In terms of people that do come and 'judge for themselves' as she suggests, the statistics do not look favourable for her cause.

Any reasonable even handed look at both sites and activity can see who is who.

In a way it sorts out the chaff for you. Her influence in terms of numbers and knowledge is over inflated, and she it is best to minimise the amount of head space-time you allocate. Give that time to Kim and others that make you happy, banish the dragon to her own mythology. Failing that eat more Grits! ;) lol
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Re: Setting the record straight

Postby kevin » Thu Mar 17, 2016 12:53 pm

Have just read the facebook comments, they are her normal modus operandi of creating frictions between anyone coming close to her fathers workings.
I can confirm that Mikado never said what Linda has put onto such an open public arena.
He is and always has been simply researching to find out the truth relative to TTB.

She is very adept at buttering up specific posters, but as I know personally, it's false.
Shame does not come close.
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Re: Setting the record straight

Postby kevin » Fri Mar 18, 2016 2:30 pm

She...Her that cant stop it , is again throwing shite at this forum...disgusting and shamefull, especially today.
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Re: Setting the record straight

Postby Mikado14 » Fri Mar 18, 2016 2:52 pm

What she is doing is what she claims is being done here on the Hut.

Has anyone here gone to an entirely new venue to spout vitriol? Not to my knowledge.

Has anyone here began a post without first being prompted by something she or one of her sycophants started? Again, not to my knowledge.

After those two questions, and there could be more, who is the obsessed one in all of this? So far, Linda, Jess Fritch and at times, fruitbat.

For someone who claimed that they could not do photos, she sure has no problem posting to facebook.

Her and Fritch really need to grow up and learn to play with others. They really need to learn how to research and not bury their collective heads in the sand when the results do not fit with their perceived notions.

Shame really but they need to be mindful of what they say for there will be limits as to what individuals are willing to let pass. Wonder how George would react to a lawsuit for libel damages since they do reside in California and he would be liable. Is it worth it?

Maybe for shiits and giggles.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Setting the record straight

Postby Mikado14 » Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:32 am

Your going to love this one...speaking of double standards. ... 418#p38418

Linda wrote:Re: Fruitbat Droppings.
Postby Linda Brown » Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:43 am

I frankly find it kind of strange that we don't know each other better by now Fruitbat.....take this particular thread,..Which you started on September 24' 2012'....why don't you simply review what has been shared here and how we all have responded to you. I haven't been able to read all of it yet...84 pages....of what? What have we learned from all of this effort?

Your comments to JESS struck home with me too and T just finally started asking myself just exactly what you were trying to secure from us. You want knowledge that you figue we have but after all this time and interaction you still grouse about being on the worry about whatever non disclosure arrangements might be in place...but take great pride in not lowering yourself to signing one of them yourself.

I am wondering when it is that you finally figure that the more some people know...the less they can say.(emphasis added)

And meanwhile....perhaps we should ask you....why should we trust you Fruitbat?

Stop for a moment and look at things from my standpoint.


I find it truly amazing in that Linda always exhibits a double standard without truly realizing that she proves everything ever said about her at some point or another.

The more I learn in my work, the less I say. However, she criticizes the work I and others are doing by saying that since we are not simply giving it away then and therefore, we have nothing. And in her statement, she justifies not saying anything.

Hell, she has nothing, never did and never will but the carrot she dangles surely attracts the moths to the flame in that maybe....just maybe....she really does. To paraphrase something fruitbat said, " If she truly had something, she would have sold it a long time ago and would have been living with new cars, new house and George wouldn't have had to get another job. In fact, George would have sold it himself."

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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