Your going to love this one...speaking of double standards. ... 418#p38418Linda wrote:Re: Fruitbat Droppings.
Postby Linda Brown » Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:43 am
I frankly find it kind of strange that we don't know each other better by now Fruitbat.....take this particular thread,..Which you started on September 24' 2012'....why don't you simply review what has been shared here and how we all have responded to you. I haven't been able to read all of it yet...84 pages....of what? What have we learned from all of this effort?
Your comments to JESS struck home with me too and T just finally started asking myself just exactly what you were trying to secure from us. You want knowledge that you figue we have but after all this time and interaction you still grouse about being on the worry about whatever non disclosure arrangements might be in place...but take great pride in not lowering yourself to signing one of them yourself.
I am wondering when it is that you finally figure that the more some people know...the less they can say.(emphasis added)
And meanwhile....perhaps we should ask you....why should we trust you Fruitbat?
Stop for a moment and look at things from my standpoint.
I find it truly amazing in that Linda always exhibits a double standard without truly realizing that she proves everything ever said about her at some point or another.
The more I learn in my work, the less I say. However, she criticizes the work I and others are doing by saying that since we are not simply giving it away then and therefore, we have nothing. And in her statement, she justifies not saying anything.
Hell, she has nothing, never did and never will but the carrot she dangles surely attracts the moths to the flame in that maybe....just maybe....she really does. To paraphrase something fruitbat said, " If she truly had something, she would have sold it a long time ago and would have been living with new cars, new house and George wouldn't have had to get another job. In fact, George would have sold it himself."