... 989#p31989Linda Leach"]Re: The Hagar Project
Postby Linda Brown » Wed Feb 11, 2015 2:24 am
Its like developing the first radio...I think of Daddy sitting at the keys.. practicing morse code. If you did not know.... that there were others out there who would read what you tapped out.....should you be a little careful about hitting those keys for the first time?
Because as soon as you do... you have told others in a "network" that you have achieved a certain ability.... and they could vector in on you very quickly. During the early fifties there was some talk ( according to reports from the FBI) that there was a "rumor" among the fifteen scientists in Dads lab... that they were getting messages from " somewhere else". Were those messages responses from Dads own efforts to " send?"
I am not the atomic/electrostatic expert that I know happens to be out there.... Langly? are you still reading us? If so would you step in here? If not we will muddle on as we can and hopefully someone else will step forward.
Myself? I have been worried about testing " gravitors" because they will put out a " signal" and I was never really sure who or what would come to investigate. There were reasons that Dad kept records of the background sidereal radiation counts... because knowing that... he would know when it was SAFE to broadcast within his own network. The internal communications would not then be picked up by " outsiders". It would be the only way to operate.....He kept those readings going constantly.... from 1938 until he died in October of 1985. I was the one who turned the last recorder off.... and his ? sensors? Common Pebbly Beach rocks... were returned to the oceans edge. I kept a couple just as momentos........
In fact when others talked about "testing" I suggested that they wait for natural "sidereal bursts" and then send their messages along with them... so that they could hide in the natural ambient signals. My warnings were apparently... not heeded.
Its sort of like a submarine ghosting along with a pod of smart, make noises like a whale... move like a whale....
OR... when that red light goes off blinking on some other entities dashboard...perhaps you are going to be there.... outstanding in your field alright... hoping that you had made better preparations... and black suburbans barrelling down your little lane with people armed with badges.... might just be the LEAST of your problems.
That was my worry in the past anyway. Perhaps its already too late.
Linda Brown Pickering Rosegate February 2015
Wow...this woman is such a contradiction.
"Myself? I have been worried about testing " gravitors" because they will put out a " signal" and I was never really sure who or what would come to investigate."Linda is worried? About what? I find it interesting that individuals would give any credence to this statement. By her own prior admission over the years, she used to admit that she was the one standing outside in the hallway during science class.
My question.....How does she know a gravitor will put out a signal? Prove it, otherwise, she should shut the hell up regarding things she doesn't have a clue.
" There were reasons that Dad kept records of the background sidereal radiation counts... because knowing that... he would know when it was SAFE to broadcast within his own network."Prove what you are stating. Show us the data where as..."because knowing that"....that you can make that statement.
"In fact when others talked about "testing" I suggested that they wait for natural "sidereal bursts" and then send their messages along with them... so that they could hide in the natural ambient signals. My warnings were apparently... not heeded."I will assume that Linda is referring to Hut B. First of all, she did say that when the switch was "thrown" that it would make a light come on, on a panel somewhere. At the time, believing that she had some hidden knowledge, we thought about what she said. However, as our knowledge base grew, we came to understand that a Gravitor will no more transmit a signal than an electromagnet to the amount that someone a good distance from the source would know. As to the "sidereal bursts", she never mentioned it, it is a figment of her imagination or some other entity in her cranium.
"Its sort of like a submarine ghosting along with a pod of smart, make noises like a whale... move like a whale...."This is so much balderdash. She is giving a comparison (simile) to something she knows nothing about from past admissions.
"OR... when that red light goes off blinking on some other entities dashboard...perhaps you are going to be there.... outstanding in your field alright... hoping that you had made better preparations... and black suburbans barrelling down your little lane with people armed with badges.... might just be the LEAST of your problems."She makes me laugh as well as others. IF there was a light, it went off a long time ago and I am getting weary of waiting here for the black suburbans. Suffice it to say, this is Linda Leach pretending to be something she is not and having knowledge that she doesn't have either. In fact, testing the Gravitor is the LEAST of my problems.
"That was my worry in the past anyway. Perhaps its already too late."Awww, isn't that so sweet, she is worried about Hut B but she is correct in one thing, the switch was thrown a good while back and she has been proven wrong. But it should be noted, in this post, she is almost stating that work on a Gravitor should not be done out of fear of transmitting signals and that it should be masked in some manner. And yet on the other hand, she promotes and has directed toward's me to "get to work". And yet at other times, she has stated that I and/or Hut B, has fallen flat on our face with all the possible comments between those two points. The only signals that I see being transmitted are the mixed ones emanating from one Linda Leach powered by her own ignorance of the technology and the fertile imagination she possesses to be the center of attention. Reminds me of sitting around a dinner table with her, many times, and she dominates the conversation around her. It eventually became boring.
Oh, and for someone whose professes that her memory is so good and dependable enough to provide information to Paul Schatzkin as well as her own tome, the proper spelling is LANGLEY.
Well anyway, she is going quiet for about six months or so she says, like we haven't heard that before. Wanna bet it doesn't last a month?.....nah...too easy a bet.