Inaccuracies regarding Helen Brasee Towt

...or the difficulties that the author faced in performing his "due-diligence" in writing an accurate and truthful Biography.

Inaccuracies regarding Helen Brasee Towt

Postby Mikado14 » Mon Mar 10, 2014 3:26 pm

This post is being copied from another thread. It is being done, for it has become apparent that incomplete reporting of the facts is being done. There will be further posts to clarify the facts.


This will be the only time I will ever give out information in regard to the validity of Linda's statements. Once Jan said that she believed that Mikado knew more than he ever told, well, she was correct. There has been a good deal of info I had discovered and only wrote it off to jealousy, poor memory of an event or other some such excuse for no one is perfect. It was all about getting the science out there.

This particular tidbit is not a lot but shows a pattern. A traumatic experience to a young girl is just that, a traumatic experience but the alteration of the facts to fit an agenda is not a poor memory. It raises a question.

In Linda's book, she talks about it.

The Goodbye Man wrote:"Dropping the receiver into her lap, she broke into tears. Helen Towt had been killed in a hit-and-run accident only a few miles from our doorstep!"

Page 88 "The Goodbye Man"

and then this:

The Goodbye Man wrote:"Daddy and Charles arrived minutes later. The police told us that Helen's car, loaded with all of her belongings, had been broadsided and flipped up onto a bank. They said that it appeared that Helen had been making a permanent move. The car had been loaded with her household effects and she was travelling with a kitten."

Page 88 "The Goodbye Man"

In conversations with Linda over the years, she has mentioned, as she does in her book on page 88, that the accident was a "hit-and-run". She further mentioned, in subsequent conversations, that it was by a truck that broadsided her car. She went to say that it was an assassination and implied that Helen was involved in some "spy" thingy and they wanted to shut her up.

It should be noted that a "hit-and-run" is where there has been an accident and the person causing the accident fled the scene and was unidentified.

And now there is this:

Huntingdon Daily News wrote:"West Chester: Helen B. Towt, of Bethesda MD, was killed Sunday when her collided with another automobile near the West Chester Borough line. The operator of the other car, John Wilda, 22, of Yardley, Bucks County, was injured." ... 1962-07-23

The newspaper states it was an automobile. Even back in 1962, reporters knew the difference between a truck and a car. Secondly, the other vehicle is identified. This means that it was NOT a "hit-and-run".

I need not say anymore other than it was not a hit-and-run and the other driver was injured. I will leave it to the reader to make their own determination. My analysis is that if Linda couldn't get this correct and embellished the story then how many other of her stories are the same?

Now I can fairly predict that Linda will say it is all a cover up but Occam's razor can pretty well eliminate that for afterall, that is her excuse whenever something doesn't fit with one of her stories..."it has been faked". Well, I find it very serendipitous or at the very least a joke by the universe....the newspaper this report came from is Huntingdon County, the very same town that the meeting occurred in with Paul in December of 2008. Who knew that TWO events would be linked there.

Helen's sister obit ... &fhid=2500

Helen's obit ... 27/mb.ashx
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Re: Inaccuracies regarding Helen Brasee Towt

Postby Mikado14 » Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:01 pm


Lately, it is being reported on another forum, facts surrounding the death of Helen Brasee Towt. She is being presented as instrumental in the story of Townsend Brown. The first item that will be clarified are the facts surrounding her death.

In the book, "Defying Gravity" by Paul Schatzkin, it was reported that Helen Towt was the victim of a "hit and run". This "hit and run" has been reported as being a "hit" on Helen Towt in some type of espionage termination.

Here is the newspaper article, which was on the front page and easily obtainable, that has the facts of the accident:

Front paper.PNG

To the right of the photo there is an article that says, "Zanesville Native, 39, Is Killed".

Reading the article, a more complete statement of the facts surrounding the accident is presented.

It has been reported to be a "hit and run" and this was reported by Linda Brown to Paul Schatzkin. In a manner of speaking, Miss Towt was hit and run by her own car after being thrown from it. I suppose that is an accurate representation of the facts but it is only a part of the facts. The other driver is identified as John Wilda from Yardley, PA. It further states that he is being held over for a grand jury investigation. For those that don't understand that, it means that he was put in jail, no mention of bail, while the investigation was being done.

Giving the benefit of the doubt, perhaps Linda Brown heard the words "hit and run over by her own car" and only remembers the words "hit and run". That is a plausible...a very plausible explanation of the facts. It does however fits in with other statements that have been proven wrong and a propensity to fill in the gaps with unsubstantiated facts is emerging.

Now an argument could be made that the then 22 year old was an operative for an alphabet agency but it would be groundless and fails to hold up. It becomes nothing more than speculation, a fanciful thought at best.


Below is an expanded view of the article:
new report.JPG
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Re: Inaccuracies regarding Helen Brasee Towt

Postby Mikado14 » Sun Jun 15, 2014 10:33 am

Towt marker.JPG
Towt marker.JPG (24.62 KiB) Viewed 3915 times

1. Helen Towt was a Zanesville native.

2. Helen Towt was related to the Williams.

3. Helen Towt was buried in Lancaster, OH which is about 50 miles south of Zanesville.

4. Anyone know who the Williams were related to?

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