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It won't happen again!

Postby Mikado14 » Mon Apr 04, 2016 11:48 am

On the front page of the forum, the index page, there is a section called "Contacts". In this section there are two emails listed for contacting the admin for this site. These emails are forwarded to my personal email.

I received an email last Monday to the HutMaster. For the past several weeks, the site has been inundated with registrations from Russia so I turned off the registrations. All the requests for registration had to get through the captcha which means that they were being done by humans, as far as I know. Apparently, someone used this to ask a question of me. Stupidly, I admit, I opened the attachment. My mistake....

All my data was ransomed, my computer was useless. For the past week, I had to take my computer to a shop to have the Hard Drive reformatted since I do not have a copy of Windows to reinstall. I am finally back on today. Now if I were a paranoid individual and saw conspiracies when things don't go according to the stories that I tell others, such as someone else who shall not be named, I would say that the proliferation of facebook entries along with "likes" from certain new converts, I could say that this was not so serendipitous.

Here are a few facts for those that are coming here to read on the behest of a lunatic claiming that all we do is talk about her but any competent individual with the capacity to read can see that this individual is the one doing all the talking. Secondly, none...let me repeat this....NONE of my work, important data, kept on the computer that I go online with. So, whomever did this, you did not get any data and the keystroker did not award you with anything of importance. I may be stupid in opening the email but I am not that stupid to keep the important stuff on my computer. Perhaps being a bit "old fashioned" has some merit.

Now, fortunately, I am not that paranoid or a conspiracist, I regurgitated any Kool-Aid I had consumed. I unmasked certain truths that did not conform or substantiate stories, in fact, they contradicted quite a bit of the foundation that a good many of the stories rested upon. The only thing I am guilty of is the reporting of events and the posting of truths that are easily found on the Internet, either for free or for a fee. Sometimes, it is easier to tell a lie than to pay for the truth which is dogma for another.

Whatever was done to my computer, oh well, the only harm was to pay someone to reformat it and the loss of some of my time. It is nothing compared to the loss of time and money I experienced with the duo of Morgan and his married girlfriend.

And here is a bit of information....the airplane was 2P-X (NA337) that you are looking for as was reported by Morgan and O'Riley to Paul Schatzkin. I would bet real money that the number will now be different. Afterall, it is easy to research what planes flew into Germany and now change the number to one that really did fly into Germany. IF this happens, then Morgan's stories all become suspect and he will be characterized as a liar and all that was written by Paul Schatzkin, based upon Morgan's emails, may be construed as a lie.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
― Søren Kierkegaard
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