jimmywalter wrote:In 1953 Project Winterhaven proposal to do with "Research on the control of Gravitation": "For the last several years, accumulating evidence along both theoretical and experimental lines has tended to confirm the suspicion that a fundamental interlocking relationship exists between the electrodynamic field and the gravitational field. It is the purpose of Project Winterhaven to compile and study this evidence...to examine the physical nature of the basic "Electro-gravitic couple"..."
There are more quotes from TT Brown along these lines.
And what then does this forum have to do with T townsend Brown, controlling gravity, or "a new motive force, useful as a prime mover"?
The heading at the top of the forum says the following:
Discussions of Townsend Brown and other Obscure Scientists, their work, lives and everything else in the Universe.This forum is currently discussing the work of John Hutchison, his work in anti-radiation, Georges Lakhovsky’s Multi-Wave Oscillator, The Ciba-Geigy Effect, Acoustic Standing Waves, John Ernst Worrell Keely to name a few of the scientist and topics that are NOT pertaining to Brown.
This forum has NOT been devoted to only Brown. The URL does have his name but that is from back in 2009 when it was started for Linda Brown to discuss her Father and her subsequent book she was writing which ended up not being about her Father as much as her memoirs. The forum has since been dedicated to discuss as stated in the heading.
You are citing a paper that was written in the hopes of obtaining funding for research. At the time it was written, Brown had many experiments that suggested a relationship between Electricity and Gravitation just as a relationship exists between Electricity and Magtnetism.
As I said previously, if you wish to discuss Brown and or his work, there are other appropriate threads. In the event that you do start a thread, Brown's work is not considered "Hard Science" so please post in a thread other than so. I have requested others to keep a thread on topic as much as possible and if a new subject comes up then start a new thread. There is no charge for new threads and it makes searching that much easier when the topic is relatively adhered to.