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Original Townsend Brown Speaker

PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:34 pm
by pladuim
Hello all!

Christmas came early this year for me! I was given an original speaker built by the hands of Townsend Brown. I was so excited and thankful to receive such a gift. My plan is to see if this speaker actually works. I would like for everyone that is interested to put in their 2 cents worth and be apart of the project. I'm currently away from the speaker, but here are a few pictures that I have right now. I plan to post more detailed pictures of the speaker once I get back to it. I just wanted to share with everyone what I currently have and what I'm planning to do. More details to come!! I welcome any advice on parts and anything else that may be needed to make the speaker work.


Re: Original Townsend Brown Speaker

PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:08 pm
by StarCat
I don't know what I'm looking at, but I will definitely applaud any progress you make with your work.


Re: Original Townsend Brown Speaker

PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:46 am
by kevin
That is not what I expected it to look like...surprised.

Re: Original Townsend Brown Speaker

PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:06 am
by DavidG
kevin wrote:That is not what I expected it to look like...surprised.

I second that....looks like a sectioned aluminum tube with a bare coil inside it....but on this iPad I can't get close enough to see details...definitely not what I would have expected either.

Is this a section of the speaker, or the entire device, Pladuim?


Re: Original Townsend Brown Speaker

PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:24 am
by pladuim
Hello everyone!

I was a bit surprised also, didn't expect it to look as it does. It is a hollow aluminum tube with a wire coil in the center. I have no idea if it ever produced any sound or not. My goal is to get all of the things needed to test it out.

Thanks for your words of encouragement cat!

More pictures and details to come!


Re: Original Townsend Brown Speaker

PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:55 am
by DavidG
Took a closer look on the big screen, Pladuim, and it is just that..simple yet mysterious! ;)

Are there any bare spots on the coil, or is it fully insulated ?

If it is fully insulated, perhaps using induction from the coil to the tubing was how Brown may have pondered eliminating the ozone issue. I would imagine it would eliminate it fully, but I have only heard a tiny peep from inductive coils and transformers I have worked with..I wonder how he got it to blast music as such a volume?

Also, I would have thought this might be one strip of an array of them that would have constituted a device proper, or then again, it couldve been an experimental version of the speaker, made so simple to save time and investment.

Are you going to build a circuit to modulate an mp3 signal onto an hv current? Like all the arc speakers we see on youtube and in all the rich guy's sound systems.

Im excited to see what happens when you hit it with some modulated indeed!

Best of Luck!


Re: Original Townsend Brown Speaker

PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 9:15 am
by pladuim

Yes, wire coil is insulated, and yes, I plan to get the HV components and everything else needed to see if it actually produces sound.


Re: Original Townsend Brown Speaker

PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 10:36 am
by DavidG
Wishing you the best, Pladuim!


Re: Original Townsend Brown Speaker

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 12:09 pm
by Mikado14
Just to simplify this a bit.

For those that can visualize a circuit, bear with me.

Beginning at a positive point of a power supply and travelling toward the negative source, it will travel toward a High Voltage Supply, The output of the supply references to the ground state of the first supply and is the completion of that current path. The High Voltage supply output positive travels to the input of the speaker. The output of the speaker travels to the secondary of a tranformer and then to the ground state of the High Voltage supply. The primary of the transformer is the input of the signal which couples to the secondary and will cause the modulation of the current/voltage which in turn causes the variation of the EHD output produced by the speaker. It is a series circuit of the speaker and the secondary of the transformer and thus Kirchoff's law for series is valid.


Re: Original Townsend Brown Speaker

PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:22 pm
by Soloma
Hiya Plad, glad to see you around. I am very excited for you and looking forward to seeing how this plays out!