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Joe cell
Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:05 pm
by kevin
As I remember this subject always annoyed Mikado?????? to My strange senses it reveals ever so much.
implosion over outrush.
Centripetal ...centrifugal spin.
Why is it called "Joe cell"?
Because it contains the encoded information of JOE.
As do the cells of You.
Maybe He got HANDS on with the subject?
Re: Joe cell
Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:11 pm
by LuisP
Very, very interesting, Hobbit.
I can't resist posting from that article, the following excerpt (colors are mine) :
"This article is here to make you think, comprehend and maybe lead you to some answers.
I feel very comfortable with the notion that the Joe cell ( and similar devices ) utilises a form of energy that is the same ( in many ways ) as a mysterious energy that has appeared for many other experimenters and equally baffled them.
In all cases, the energy ‘ appeared ’ due to a manipulation of electricity and magnetism.
I also believe that the source of this energy is present everywhere in abundance, and is the only energy that we should be using, and is our only hope in saving mankind and Mother Earth.
I also think that the Joe cell is the simplest and most elegant way of accumulating and utilising this great gift from our Creator. I have dedicated my life to this quest, and I feel very humble in the Lord allowing me to be a very small player in the experimenting with, and the resultant sharing of my research with my fellow brothers.
My last word on the subject is that unless we all share the work and thus become a force to be reckoned with, the few but extremely powerful moguls will always keep us in bondage and ignorance. "
Re: Joe cell
Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:15 pm
by LuisP
I posted a replica of Hobbit's link, so I erased it.
Another subject for me to look further in time ....
Re: Joe cell
Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:14 pm
by kevin
Did You absord about electricity???
About how each form affects magnetism?
Mikado knows well about a triangle, with three consequences on each leg that affect the others when varying the third,........... electric, magnetic, gravity.
Implosion versus outrush, but not in a direct vector at ninty degrees, and here's where Dr Brown wobbly postcards come in, because the variations upon that triangle create the variations in gravity.
Re: Joe cell
Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:11 pm
by LuisP
As usual, you pose tremendous questions and expect too much from others – in this stance – from me. I wish I could be less ignorant or gifted with the capacity to understand what I can’t, so that I really could make a conversation with you about this very interesting link you posted.
As it is, I have not Your knowledge nor Your built-in sensitivity to match up a conversation about it.
I only wish someone more Apt could read these links you throw to substantiate your views and which I find amazing, in this instance, a “blueprint” on how to build something incredible and which “science” refuses to … make and effort at “interpreting “ outside its “proven” methods.
I mean, “Factor Y” ? or “Life Force” ? or “Living Water” ?
What has science to say about this ? simple – It is crap. Pathological Science. Not worthy of Investigation.
Nevertheless, numberless obscure and not so obscure people have “seen” it in action and producing “results” , only to also arrive at a degree of impotency to explain what they saw and only able to report what it did.
I simply say it is a fascinating “scientific” domain yet to be explored by mainstream science, but one that should be with great intensity. The problem is that to do so - I really think - the “explorers” have to be from several expertises and not only the Academia ones.
And everything stops here. And will keep on stopping until that kind of mentality changes.
I only ask what will it take for “scientists” to understand this ?
And again and again, I remember those Words – “humbly listen to the whole of Existence” !!
Why do we insist on being deaf ?
Re: Joe cell
Thu Nov 13, 2014 5:36 pm
by LuisP
From the article :
"…. let me remind the reader that Joe has not put one word on paper ( over a 10 year period ), or allowed one photograph to be taken ( not from lack of asking by myself and others ), that may be used to help resolve the dilemma.
... Joe has gone to great lengths to hide his ‘ secret ’, by evading the topic or by giving nonsensical answers to questions and sometimes even laying down deliberate smoke screens to further confuse the issue.
... As such it has been left to a few to try to convert the crumbs that fall from Joe’s table into a loaf of bread that can feed the rest of the world. about the cell in scientific circles will guarantee a belly laugh, scorn or simply result in you being ostracized . "
It sure sounds familiar, this "Joe".
He has been speaking through a lot of people.
For ages.
Re: Joe cell
Thu Nov 13, 2014 5:40 pm
by LuisP
From the article :
“ … some peculiarities as displayed by the cell are common to many of these devices. To name a few, the device goes cold when operating, the device shows magnetic anomalies in the near vicinity of the experiment, the device may be surrounded with a blue or pink glow, the device will build up a very strong ‘ electric ’ charge and the device may display some form of gravity anomalies.”
Yes, I have read about that somewhere else from someone else.
Pathological Science, that all it is.
Done by wackos, aka, U-Boat Kapitans.
Re: Joe cell
Thu Nov 13, 2014 5:44 pm
by LuisP
From the article :
Your water has to be alive … The next step is for the Life-force to charge the water in the water jacket of the engine … It is time to go for the "what-if’s". Let us accept that Reich was right (and no one has disproved him) and that there is an orgone field traveling around the earth. …Do you believe that you can tap into that energy field? I hope you do. Because this is what the Y factor is all about ….What is the Y factor about? On a very basic level it is about integrity, truth and honesty. It is not about financial gain …. My cells would not charge properly until I realised that building cells with the goal of making money was not on. As soon as I gave up on that idea I became successful ..."
Re: Joe cell
Thu Nov 13, 2014 5:46 pm
by LuisP
What can a guy like me say, other than ... Shite Happens ?
So I say it.