What is this?!!
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 11:31 pm
This reminded me of TT Brown tech so I had to drag it here. Any thoughts?
This UFO or Electro Magnetic Propulsion Devise
Is powered By AC and DC electrical current.
A High Voltage DC copper plate is on top
And High Voltage AC plate is on the bottom.
THe ground wires connect to a power generation source.
In 1910 Nicola Tesla Wrote in the NYT that by 1920s all men and women would be using flying cars run off of basic electricity.
High Voltage DC current excites Aether (aether expansion) ( a force of motion that is inside and all around everything)
High Voltage AC Blocks the flow of Aether( aether compression)
Together they create a vacuum force that can lift and fly anything.