Back on thread....
Cancer is relative to the observer like anything which exists
Is it a parasite, in the human body due to unbalanced conditions, or can it be construed as a corrosive element among other things in whicn it s immersed?
I think the etymology of the word, deflects the intended meaning of the first one who coined it as a word, and not a medical term.
Since this thread is about the medical term, I should refrain from making observations of how a person or entity can be a cancer, and say to bring it back on topic that a alchemical transmutation of said cancer can take place to some degree, but most treatments I have observed like the hamfisted ones provided by equally hamfisted medical professionals have been the most successful.
Not to say certain things like turmeric and other naturopathics are ineffective, but they likely are best when combined with medical methodology for a two pronged attack on what is proving to be a formidable foe.
Does not a platoon of men sent to battle have a multitude of specialists?
Turmeric, Face from the A Team, and Rambo the doctor could do a lot to show cancer how it is an unwanted scourge among the human form....which of course is just a vehicle for the inner self to experience physical life through.
One department of compartmentalized opinion or knowledge may seem the end all to the person who shares it, as I am seeing in the tough love offered by some, but the true seeker of continuity in life knows that all disciplines and techniques are valid to the proponent of such....basically, the cancer patient and their loved ones make the concerted decision, and either lives or dies with singular tough love, spiritual fruitcakery, or firm disbelief in medical experience will do....just a combination of all the options which have ever proved even semi successful.
As a well worded video from Bill Buhlmann Kevin shared recently showed....beliefs in one or many are still beliefs....boxes to be locked into...and as such are eminently indicative of a surrender to dogmatic priniciples, robbing the observer or patient of all available channels provided by the All.
Love to all,