Luis you make some strong and sensible points, which is why I am posting this here. Different perspectives help deal with the issue quite a bit. Unfortunately most people I know can not talk about the subject, it is too much for them. Instead they rather believe there is something wrong with me.
I believe this to be a subject where information and disinformation are so entangled that it is almost impossible to separate them. Why don’t you ask it the other way around ? – What might you learn and be of use to you by knowing how disinformation is worked to look like information, thereby making it more easy to be recognized as such ?
I agree, there really is no telling what is disinfo and what is truth. With that being said, I did try and watch the rest of the movie late last night after work. I was really difficult to watch, especially after seeing a piece of paper during a brief intermission that said "believe everything Richard Doty says about ufos". To me not only are we looking at disinformation but mind control too. It was very subtle, barely enough time to read what was on the paper and then they were off and running again with some piece of info/disinfo with hardly anytime to consider that statement.
I think my best defense versus knowing what is and what is not disinfo is my personal experiences. I believe that at the end of the day I have been visited, for what reasons, I do not know. Upon doing the research, I find I am hardly the only one. That being said, obviously if it benefits the those in charge to have one think it is a ufo when indeed they are seeing secret military craft, than that is how they will play it. However if it is a true ufo, they will tell you it is government secret tech.
With this in consideration, once again it is obvious to me that in bizzaro world, wrong is right, down is up and usfo`s are secret military vehicles, depending on how best the situation benefits those who run the show. I do not need a movie about disinfo to see all the disinfo around me, we have all grown up with it, just some of us were better tuned in to it. Some like myself refused to accept it and have lived our lives doing our best to not play into this false reality.
The “Know Thy Enemy” advice is very sound advice.
Surely as I have been considering my enemy since I was very young and a very large part of that is "the system" of control. I have said for a very long time, if we are ever to free ourselves from the negative entities that run this show, we will have to free ourselves from ourselves. Right now we are our own worst enemy and I do not mean me to myself. I mean humans who have been taken over or just plain old corrupted into the "control system".
If we can never free ourselves from the insanity that is running our lives in the physical here and now, we will lose the spiritual war. Look around you, who do you think is winning?
What Doty admits to, seems to be corroborated by other guys featured in the piece that are “UFO investigators” (or so I understood) such as Richard Dolan, Bob Durant, Greg Bishop, George Hansen and Gabe Valdez, all of whom can then be regarded as “contradictory” sources. So, yes, based upon that cross reference process I’d believe what he says.
Which exactly is what? Like I said, I watched a bit more of the movie and really had a hard time with it. To me, there was no new information. I know the waters are muddy and I know who is muddying them, Doty by his appearance screams he is being less than honest in this film. He also appears to love it, he is getting his kicks off the power he has over controlling the thoughts of others. Even in retirement, he is what he is, evil.
Why would one believe a retired senior engineer from a major defense company breaking oath and going on record in his retirement saying we have the technology to travel to the stars, but dismiss a retired senior government agent breaking oath and going on record in his retirement saying that more than 85 % of what happens around the UFO subject is fielded and feeded crap to cover up military secrets ?
I am not, I believe both are potentially correct in this particular instance. I am assuming that those in power have the means to travel to the stars, I know for sure we have always been visited, most likely in benign and malevolent cycles.
When you were taken, did it involve hassle ? Since it then contained “aspects of losing all control”, why do you now think you can control it with such simple countermeasures has staying inside your house instead of going out 300 feet from it ?
In the past, the hassle on their end would involve with me being unwilling to be taken without my consent. On top of that today, they have to deal with the four lanes of highway that run next to my house. I am assuming to make a physical abduction of me, they too must be physical. That means potential to be seen by the highway whereas if I freely meet with them on the other side of the farm, they can be shielded by the large hill.
So the hassle lies in the defensive position of being next to the highway, my house has nothing to do with it except it sits next to the highway.
Do you really think worrying yourself over this will help, or should you just do the opposite, and think that by going out and meeting the threat once and for all might clear your fears ? This is not bravado, but plain logic.
I have found when dealing with this subject, logic, physics and a whole slew of other "accepted" terms go right out the window. The worrying is part of the discernment process, while I have no choice but to face these fears, may as well take advantage of the opportunity to think this through before blindly serving myself up to whoever/whatever is behind these lights.
Furthermore, they did warm the night so you could step outside. Which you did, not even needing a jacket to shield from the cold, so what do you gain by staying inside and worrying if you are going to be abducted, when then, you were not ? again, think about it.
Honestly I was not worried at the time I was going to be abducted. I went back inside because I was not really seeing the situation for what it was, I was too overwhelmed. They were giving me the opportunity to cross the farm to meet them, it would have been as easy as their transition to the shinning star above to warm my way to transition back to the meeting.
Now here is a worry, that these were positive entities and I missed my opportunity. Somehow I do not think I have missed it as quite frankly when I learned from my neighbor that there had been ufo sightings on the farm previous, I understood why my car broke down. I understood why this tow truck driver came into my life and why I now live down the lane from him. I am thinking I will have another chance.
Understand, I’m defending this latter course of action because - simply put - I believe that if abduction was intended, then you, like before, would not be able to resist it and the walls of your house even less.
You do not or could possibly see the full picture. Do not get me wrong, if they wanted to abduct me in front of the highway, they could. However if they have long term plans to continue to abduct me (all my life?) then getting spotted adds the risk of the spotter coming forward. It would be much easier to lure me to the wooded valley on the other side of the farm. If this is the case and I serve myself up to them, it will be like they own me physically and spiritually. The devil will have lured me as if an angel, what sort of man would I return if I return at all?
As I see it, you should think less and do more. If “physical conscious contact”
I am not sure physical conscious contact is what I desire. I mean think about this. If this began when I was very young, how could I have developed the capacity to attract such experiences with my thoughts? Chicken or the egg? I am only interested in conscious physical contact if the entity(s) opposite me are the good guys.
then forget about past “terrible mistakes”. You then were not the man you are today and nothing you now do will correct what you then did.
Remember how Linda got all bent out of shape when people were saying her father let in negative entities into our world. In a sense, this is the same thing for me and why it is so hard to forget. During my encounters, I was praying to them all, Jesus, Buddha, Yahweh, Socrates (not THE Socrates), etc. I was doing this praying in ignorance as I was vaguely familiar with all of them. Well Socrates was the name given to a enigmatic teacher in my favorite book, way of the peaceful warrior.
Think about humans and the problem, reaction, solution paradigm. First I am tormented by aliens (demons) and then I pray for help, in ignorance and fear. Then a being of light (devil?) comes to me in the dream/obe state, the meeting I do not even recall. I only waken to a vague feeling I had just negotiated away the rights to the farm I lived on. I have only ever clung to the hope that this being of light was legit however knowing it is written that negative entities will present themselves as if made of light AND they will intercept your prayers to further their agenda.
So how can I forget that the 10's of 1000's of lightships I awoke to in nov 10' were not possibly the bad guys, neg aliens (demons) that I gave permission to? I mean everything going on around my encounters can be interpreted both positively and negatively. The trick is to discern through the positive as it could be a manipulation
Let me clarify, I believe there are most likely aliens and demons of all three polarities. I am trying to lay down that what is happening to me has happened to many others and has been interpreted many times. It is the tactics of the negative vibratory entities that seems almost predictable?
Problem, reaction, solution. As above, so below. This is where our idiot leadership get their methodology from.
That’s water under the bridge, and I’m sure that you – like me – are today a better, more cautious and prepared man by reason of knowing you have made mistakes and so not wanting to repeat them, whatever the circumstances involved.
Until I understand what happened to me regarding these experiences, I will never be able to let the potential past mistake go. Again, this is only speculation as to what occurred, however it is strong speculation. Would not a positive entity of light allow me to remember exactly what transpired instead of me awaking with a negative vibe from the encounter? Of course its possible I colored that experience with negativity because there was so much it occurring, it was easy to mistake a positive experience for a negative one.
If my experiences were real and not some mind control holographic symphonic extravaganzas, then the amount of light ships I saw is either really cool or really awful. Since I have no direct experiences to relate from good guys or angels or positive entities, it is easy to think it has just all been bad. What a burden! What did I do???
Thank you Luis for your perspective, I too consider you a friend. It has been a joy to share this recent ride with you into understanding existence.