A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby Mikado14 » Sat May 10, 2014 3:05 pm

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:

Can we look at the word that has been used -- field.
What does that mean to you, and others reading this?


An area, a finite area that can be measured.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby kevin » Sat May 10, 2014 3:05 pm

Been a bit of a geek, I spend a lot of time indulging My dowsing abilities on looking in My own odd ball way at how materials locally affect the field patterns and flows about them in multiple orientations.

W0ood slices are very revealing, and provide good evidence( to Myself) of how the resonant cavity structure influences the flows around the wood, and they enable Myself to rotate them and note the local consequences.

I have no idea as to how many rocks I have done this with, and such as seashells .
Before Myles so rapidly chopped My login on the cosmic, He had mentioned R N Boyd who I have read a lot of, and His self organising method of the aether flows is akin to what I deduce as been the symbiotic manner that creation into 3D matter is occuring.
All materials have first been created in this manner, no matter what they are re-organised into, and will thus interact with the creative aether flows accordingly.
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby kevin » Sat May 10, 2014 3:11 pm

By FIELD I mean a local memory field that any 3D creation is within, and of course thus can forget to be within.
Thank You for the compliment, I have missed bouncing ideas about with You, it needs a spark to start a fire, and You are also a bright spark indeed.
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby kevin » Sat May 10, 2014 3:16 pm

The first few sentences had Me laughing out loud...."bat cave"
http://www.zpenergy.com/modules.php?nam ... t&sid=1573
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sat May 10, 2014 3:39 pm

Field definition
Interesting responses from Mikado and Kevin.
Kevin, do consider a field "finite" that can be "measured"?
and what contains the memory?
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby kevin » Sat May 10, 2014 4:07 pm

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:Field definition
Interesting responses from Mikado and Kevin.
Kevin, do consider a field "finite" that can be "measured"?
and what contains the memory?

I have wandered about lonely as a cloud, until all at once I came upon a geometry ( golden daffodils have their own unique geometry)
That geometry begins to expand as You wander out from the centre point.
I find everything is locally measurable to a defined measure, but it is also able to be detected at any distance.
I I use a humans field for example their local dominant memory field is measurable ( younger womens expand and contract relative to their menstrul cycle)
But once I recognise any individuals field, I can detect it at seemingly any distance ( I can easily practise this because nobody knows I am focussed upon them.
I would therfore suggest that all memory fields are heart centred, and are the centre of their universe.

Once I achieved the geometry, it was simply a case of realising how it is omni present at all scale, a sort of omni present platform that enables creation, and the spin involved been of 720 degrees of outside and inside fractionally out of equality enabling the chase ( the serpent eating it's own tail)
The memory is thus contained within the unique geometry of whatever.
Further to that came the realisation of how the omni present platform was itself geometrically shaped and packed, and that therein lay the dimensions in precisely the self same location, and thus where the trip across dimensions was where current science is blind about.
Spooky things right inside You, not at any distance.
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby LuisP » Sat May 10, 2014 9:43 pm

wags wrote:
.... Take nothing on its looks. take everything on evidence. ...Theres no better rule...

.... The only predetermined protocol is the scientific method when considering a scientific claim ....

.... Could I be wrong? Yes but so can you

Liberally excerpted from you, Wags.

Will you - can you - explain Leedskalnin “work” ? Gariaev’s DNA “sound” resuscitation of seeds ? Lakhovsky’s “cosmic rays harnessing” ? the Chinese Space Seeds Program ? the Russian Data Elis resonance machines effects ? Ebner & Schürch’s Electrostatic Field effects ? Wheeler and Feynman’s “replenished” electrons ? my Jacaranda’s revival, btw ?

All these HAVE PROVEN EVIDENCES going for them! Not just “looks” !

And NONE have “scientific methods” to explain them.

How do you (can you ?) explain physicist after physicist (several Nobel laureates among them) saying – explicitly – that “scientific” methods are insufficient and even misleading, being short of answers and explanations, BECAUSE science has not yet come to grips with the simple FACT that there are Effects that it cannot understand … but only “REGISTER” they exist ?

All this to say
To reject something because it doesn’t conform to the “scientific methods” way of doing things – in the face of all these UNEXPLAINED BUT REGISTRED FACTS BY SCIENCE – is to accept a “predetermined” path to ongoing ignorance.

I will not accept it and am therefore willing to thread outside that mainstream methodology, with no preconceived ideas, following others – many others – footsteps before my own.

Yes, I can be wrong.
But so can you, as your Positive mind admits – has had to admit, and I'll grant you that lucidity - about yourself.

The more you push, the more you teach me – and others – to pursue in a more exigent manner an ever growing search that disproves your monolithic, insufficient and increasingly wrong knowledge.

Thank you for making me do it, for I will sail with pirates - if needed be, which has not yet been the case - to try and understand, ot at least make sense, of this stuff.

Just following my "Geometry".

Do you have one ?
Or can you "cope" with one ?
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby re-rose » Sun May 11, 2014 12:08 am

The liferay group forum was more focused on the science of making it happen, there was never really a space for us to discuss the tech as noobs. It appears recently, whoever was hosting the site pulled the plug. I recall Nancy mentioning here that the site owner wanted to make money off the tech.

Well, few of us work for free and there's nothing wrong with being repaid for one's investment in time and effort. If the technology had been tested and proven already. What a shame. The volunteer could probably have recouped his costs by building kits for folks like you and Luis, but so much learning curve information is lost with every restart.

So, to make sure I understand , is there any plan for continuity under the LifeRay Nonprofit banner? It would seem imperative to have a single source of ''official" information, updates and news and forums really can be built quickly. Sign up, pay up, and off you go.

Anyway, thanks, Soloma for answering my question. May your efforts be fruitful.

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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby Soloma » Sun May 11, 2014 12:44 am

So, to make sure I understand , is there any plan for continuity under the LifeRay Nonprofit banner?

I am hoping so. Nancy will have to elucidate their next online step, I do not know.

Id like to do the tests we were going to do w/ FB and MC4U, I am hoping Luis and Mikado will join me. Black Cat Systems a/b/g detector looked good for testing but not mobility. I am willing to buy a detector and work with whatever sample, hopefully all control factors we can duplicate for those who want to participate in testing.
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby re-rose » Sun May 11, 2014 1:07 am

Is Black Cat the maker of f the 3 particle recorder that was reportedly being developed last winter?

That would be great for a centralized station, but my own inner geek would still want a walk around history logging counter.

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