I thought I would put this under this heading. The Esoteric cause something is there but not quite visible. The Metaphysical cause one hopes with principles that go beyond the physical world. And the Pseudoscience for that may just hold a key.
There has been references in the cannabis thread to Kim and cannaboids. Even Fred gave a reference that Kim had other more important things than to give energy to Linda. But with Kim, perhaps it is the fact that she does not like fabrications that distort the truth where she is involved.
Kim for all her life has been a fighter. She left an abusive husband with her 5 kids, the youngest was 6 months old. She lived on the streets for five days until her Uncle gave her a place to stay along with a job in a bar. She was the cook. She raised those kids and lived in fear that her ex would track her down and yet she did her best to provide for them. She met a man at the bar and ended up living with him. It is this person that is the Father of her son who lost his life in 2010. This man moved to Arizona and Kim sent her son out to visit. The Father wouldn't sent him home. This was in 2000. Eventually, the eldest daughter and eldest son connived a plan to have the youngest come home for a visit with promises to send him back. They didn't. This was in 2006, he was 14. She kept her hope up all through that time that she would again see him one day, not that she didn't get depressed for any parent would if there child was taken from them.
She has always been a fighter, a nervous, loaded with anxiety at times but then life will do that to us but when needed, she will rise to the occasion and do what is necessary....until now.
Over a year ago, Kim was diagnosed with PBC. It will eventually require a liver transplant but statistically, the liver will contract the disease again. It is a difficult disease to predict for they base it on the bilirubin percentage in the urine. She has been on a medicine that costs $500 per month and is derived from bear bile. She is in pain on her right side most of the time. This disease is very rare with few Doctors knowing about it and is associated with the autoimmune system, the same system that was compromised with the Lyme disease which affected her very badly, worse than it did to me for she went for a very long time with it undiagnosed. It wasn't until she experienced Bell's palsy on the left side of her face that it was finally diagnosed. The Doctor recommended I get tested, I was positive. For the past year, Kim has dealt with this and with the medicine, it is supposed to slow the progression of the disease. Hopefully it will, but there has been a turn of events.
In March of this year, Kim was diagnosed with cervical and uterine cancer. She will be getting a hysterectomy soon but it appears that from a recent emergency room visit that she has a cyst and a fibroid tumor on her left ovary. Her surgery has been delayed....thank you Obamacare!. Amazing how they said it would give coverage when the reality is...it doesn't do crap and is extremely limited..unless of course you go platinum. They should have left it all alone....assholes. I digress.
Kim and I talked about putting this out there. We are not looking for sympathy or any other emotion. We decided to put out the truth. Our photo has been put out there and perhaps a bit of truth to round out "who we are". We are just like anyone and everyone else. We go to work, although Kim has been classified as disabled due to her "uncurable state" from last year. It took us since February of '13 until this past May to get any coverage for her. We have been paying for everything. I say this because it has delayed my work. I made a decision that took less than a second. The work or Kim. This is part of the reason of why this post is being made. Baseless accusations have been made from another party about my work. Not that work hasn't been continuing but the schedule has slowed down. Capital expenses have been minimal but there is work and I have been doing it but not at the pace I would like.
This is life. We are attacking it head first. It hasn't been easy but we are moving forward.
The most important thing is...we are enjoying life a little bit better, between my NDE and her illness, we are cherishing our time and perhaps, that is another explanation for posting rebuttals at times. To point at what is wrong so that we may recognize within ourselves what is right.