Acoustic Standing Waves

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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sat Mar 29, 2014 8:22 pm

I do not recall ever asking you to purchase components.
I do remember asking you to build, test and analyze the effectiveness of a circuit with the original prototype.
and I have an email in which you state you have "everything on the shelf".

You don't know this about me. I take things one step at at time.
As I wanted independent verification of the effectiveness of the first prototype and circuit, it is highly unusual for me to request you purchase components for making circuits that had not been "tested outside the group".
So, I don't think I asked you to purchase components.

You assert that I "burned you". I suggest you burned yourself.

I believe I have addressed your two questions, in the email sent to you.
One--yes testing outside the lab, outside the bubble has been accomplished. Controlled radioactive samples.
Two-- no I will not share the numbers

and of course we understand how important safety is
transmutating matter
understanding the way matter even comes into existence in the physical realm
could be greatly abused
IMO--already IS being greatly abused....we aren't the only folks that understand these SIMPLE concepts.
simple concepts
its all about humans
DNA, caduceus coils
sound, rhythm
and singing a lullaby
owning the KEYS

Not my fault you can't leave your programming and understand the basics.

and about the "fan speaker"
the Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music
Ions, think ions

go sniff somewhere else
this sandbox is relatively clean
and we know what cats do to sandboxes

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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby StarCat » Sat Mar 29, 2014 10:20 pm

Oh! Good heavens! I think I've been chastised. <g>

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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby Mikado14 » Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:55 pm

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:Mikado,
I do not recall ever asking you to purchase components.
I do remember asking you to build, test and analyze the effectiveness of a circuit with the original prototype.
and I have an email in which you state you have "everything on the shelf".

You don't know this about me. I take things one step at at time.
As I wanted independent verification of the effectiveness of the first prototype and circuit, it is highly unusual for me to request you purchase components for making circuits that had not been "tested outside the group".
So, I don't think I asked you to purchase components.

No, you never asked upfront. I volunteered in an email/PM. You say you wanted "independent verification of the effectiveness of the first prototype circuit". It was a 555 timer circuit that was a reverse sawtooth/ramp that could have been found in a National Semiconductor cookbook for LM (Linear Monolithic)chips that was printed in 1975. You use, consistently, wrong terms and so do your associates. The emails kept saying - "test". In engineering principle, when someone "tests" a circuit, a set of parameters are given. The only thing given was a frequency and nothing else except the request to see it worked. I reported back that it put out the required frequency. I suppose electrons operate differently on the East Coast than on the West but we proved that wrong...the circuit did oscillate...and I heard no more until I was accused of being a spy.

As to purchasing, I did that because I gave my word that I would build 50 units of the circuit and the urgency of getting them done/completed was paramount and can be seen in the emails. I did the purchase because the circuit was about as common as cat poop was going to do what it was supposed to do. What about tolerance of components? What about temperature variations? Was shielding going to be required? What about bandpassing harmonics of the base to ground? Not one person would give me any parameters. Not one person had the balls to reply and say...."no thanks, your a spy for Linda"...instead, I saw it on the forum and a scathing email from you.

Remember, it all ended because I was a "spy" for Linda.

But remember this and this forum will prove that I never condemned you or John and I continued to support the work you did, causing much consternation to a certain person named Linda Brown who can't even discuss what you are doing but only asserts (there's that word again) that she understands it but can't even discuss the technicalities of it.

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:You assert that I "burned you". I suggest you burned yourself.

I didn't assert that, I said:
Mikado wrote:<snip>You are doing a find job without me and I don't offer my hand more than once after it has been bitten. <snip>

Having ones hand "bitten" is referring to the manner in which I was treated by you and your group. I assert that you are jumping the gun in your assertion and appears to be taken right of "Linda Browns' play book" for I never said that you burned me for the purchase of components.

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:I believe I have addressed your two questions, in the email sent to you.
One--yes testing outside the lab, outside the bubble has been accomplished. Controlled radioactive samples.
Two-- no I will not share the numbers

and of course we understand how important safety is
transmutating matter
understanding the way matter even comes into existence in the physical realm
could be greatly abused
IMO--already IS being greatly abused....we aren't the only folks that understand these SIMPLE concepts.
simple concepts
its all about humans
DNA, caduceus coils
sound, rhythm
and singing a lullaby
owning the KEYS

Not my fault you can't leave your programming and understand the basics.

and about the "fan speaker"
the Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music
Ions, think ions

Yep, absolutely dumber than a door nail. So, why would you even trust anyone such as me?

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby LuisP » Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:21 pm

“Trust” is a very big thing. We have to look no further than Traveler to see the devastation it can produce, if misplaced.

But, to me, it seems “trust” is uncalled for within the scope of this discussion. Quite the contrary, really, is – or should – be required.

It is those who neither trust or distrust but are willing to try and understand, to verify, to reproduce, to share and to see if what is claimed is what in fact happens, that MUST be cherished and supported.

If it comes down to “trusting”, I will – every time – choose the untrusting over the trusted for participation with a view of obtaining results. Said so about FB, for instance. And not out of my mouth, but believing it.

All this to say …

Maybe Trust is too overrated in all of this. By every party.

That – simply – is not the point.

And FWIW, that is my opinion.
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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:38 pm

Are you telling me that you read all the information on and linked at the site?
If so, what is your "Cliff's Notes" on the Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music?

I had asked if you would build and test a circuit with one of the first prototypes.
Parameters? Not only does the circuit work, but does it work with the WDX, and in what manner?
IMO, having someone "outside the core group" doing this testing was important.
Sometimes, people who are too close to a project can skew the results.

The person who designed the WDX is an example of what I write.
We built and tested the device. And when we had questions, we could not get answers. Some units contained the recording, many did not. And the ones that had the recording, would "lose it".

The "circuit" was part of the design of the original mobile unit.
Your building and testing the circuit with one of the first prototypes was so that we could get "outside the group" information of possible problems. We aren't Microsoft. We like to have all the problems resolved before bringing something to the public. We probably could have identified the problems with the original unit, faster, with your assistance.

Linda had asked, and you accepted, her request to find out info at the "Hutchison Camp".
It would have been nice for you to have read the information on the liferaygroup site, (especially the Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music), and reported back to Linda, information in words that she can understand. Instead, "problems with the circuit" is what was reported. In fact, there were no problems with the circuit. There were problems with the WDX holding onto the signal that was recorded onto it.

There is a complex multi-band RF signal that is recorded. The alpha and omega of that signal are the audio tones. The RF brings the information from the audio tones into the subatomic level. Had you actually continued with the group, I would have asked that you verify the signal in the unit, then verify the signal with the unit and circuit. Without your help, we determined the circuit was counterproductive.

So we had to go back to square one. And now we have a mobile unit that does not need a circuit, maintains a very strong recording, is self powering, and is effective in eliminating radioactive contamination.

Understanding this technology can be daunting. However, it is quite simple.
And if you can start with what happens when you sing a lullaby to a baby, then you can begin to understand.
Just think about it. A crying, screaming baby in your arms.
Rocking the baby...finding the rhythm.
Concentrating on your body energy as you hold the baby, finding the "field" that the baby is "in".
Then using your voice, your energy field and movement (rocking) to bring the baby to rest.

Another way to deal with a screaming baby is to put the baby in the crib. Leave the room, shut the door.
And let the baby "cry it out". Until the baby is exhausted and falls asleep.

Everything in this physical universe is a repeat of patterns.
If we can learn from the pattern of bringing a baby to rest, we can duplicate the pattern in bringing radioactive elements to rest.

I have repeated tried to explain this to you. Yet, you have been "condescending" about my explanation.
Law is the relationship of one thing to another.
This physical realm is our observations of the cymatics of resultant wave patterns.
Rhythms, pulsations.

Peace. Be well.

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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby Mikado14 » Sat Apr 05, 2014 1:31 pm

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:Mikado,
Are you telling me that you read all the information on and linked at the site?
If so, what is your "Cliff's Notes" on the Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music?

Sound as consciousness creates reality

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sat Apr 05, 2014 1:43 pm

Mikado14 wrote:
Nancy_Hutchison wrote:Mikado,
Are you telling me that you read all the information on and linked at the site?
If so, what is your "Cliff's Notes" on the Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music?

Sound as consciousness creates reality


"The key question is what if the modern Western mentality – and its genocidal path of destruction– are literally forms of deep mind control that covers up access to real consciousness?
What if real reality has been denied to modern humans?"
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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby Mikado14 » Sat Apr 05, 2014 1:55 pm

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:
I had asked if you would build and test a circuit with one of the first prototypes.
Parameters? Not only does the circuit work, but does it work with the WDX, and in what manner?
IMO, having someone "outside the core group" doing this testing was important.
Sometimes, people who are too close to a project can skew the results.

The person who designed the WDX is an example of what I write.
We built and tested the device. And when we had questions, we could not get answers. Some units contained the recording, many did not. And the ones that had the recording, would "lose it".

The "circuit" was part of the design of the original mobile unit.
Your building and testing the circuit with one of the first prototypes was so that we could get "outside the group" information of possible problems. We aren't Microsoft. We like to have all the problems resolved before bringing something to the public. We probably could have identified the problems with the original unit, faster, with your assistance.

I was asked to build a very simple circuit. In fact, I wanted to give a link to the liferay forum for all to see the schematic but for some reason, it does not come up on a search, almost as if it has been deleted.

The circuit was a simple 555 timer circuit that was being called a "negative sawtooth" when in reality it was a "negative ramp" generator. The simplest definition of the difference is that a sawtooth generator has variations of amplitude vs time that are linear whereas a ramp generator has variations of amplitude versus time that are not. First error in technical terms but it is forgivable for a good many technicians will refer to both as a sawtooth whether positive or negative.

Now, as to "it" (the circuit) functioning (working) with the the hell would I know? I was only asked to "breadboard" the 555 circuit and see if the output was the negative sawtooth (negative ramp) and that it had a specific frequency.

There was never any mention ofmy hooking up the output to anything since I didn't have anything to hook it up to. In other words....I didn't have the WDX. According to "stoni", all he wanted was for me to verify the circuit which created discussions whereas I asked for parameters and I kept getting "smarmy" answers. In the end, it appeared that the problem was that he "ONLY" wanted me to build it see if it worked. As if electrons wouldn't work the same for me as for him. So, you say one thing and stoni says another...what is the truth? Don't matter does it. Your device is functioning.

...continuing. So, the only "problem" I could have identified would be that the circuit didn't work but it did and I reported it as such and did not get any response what so ever or even a freakin' thank you for the time I did take.


PS: The circuit, as I have mentioned various other times, is extremely similar if not identical to a circuit in the National Semiconductor reference manual. They give circuit schematics for applications for the LM555 as well as other LM chips produced. (LM = Linear Monolithic) The book is from 1975.
The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby Mikado14 » Sat Apr 05, 2014 2:08 pm

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:Linda had asked, and you accepted, her request to find out info at the "Hutchison Camp".
It would have been nice for you to have read the information on the liferaygroup site, (especially the Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music), and reported back to Linda, information in words that she can understand. Instead, "problems with the circuit" is what was reported. In fact, there were no problems with the circuit. There were problems with the WDX holding onto the signal that was recorded onto it.

I reported nothing to Linda. As to the Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music, you really think that one can reduce over 600 pages in simple words that Linda could or would even attempt to understand as feasible? You couldn't do it, others couldn't do so therefore, do you think I could have succeeded? I started on this forum and decided to not go any further for my own reasons....sort of like pissing into the wind and praying not to get wet. As to no problems with the circuit, well, National Semiconductor had no problems in 1975 why would there be problems know? And here is my response to you, check your email:

email wrote:----- Original Message -----
From: kim_c58
To: Chris stoni ; JK Hutchison
Cc: - JB.ACT - Thugnology - Coder ; Ben Zene
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2014 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: Mikado

Upon building the circuit, I noticed that there is D1 and V1. D1 is reversed biased in the schematic. Also, what is V1?

Anyhow, I did get the circuit to work without those two components.

Waveform appeared a bit truncated.


The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Re: Acoustic Standing Waves

Postby Mikado14 » Sat Apr 05, 2014 2:23 pm

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:There is a complex multi-band RF signal that is recorded. The alpha and omega of that signal are the audio tones. The RF brings the information from the audio tones into the subatomic level. Had you actually continued with the group, I would have asked that you verify the signal in the unit, then verify the signal with the unit and circuit. Without your help, we determined the circuit was counterproductive.

Oh well, shame on me for offering to help but let's look at what you said:

"There is a complex multi-band RF signal..." Do you even understand what you are saying there? Do you or anyone in your group have any understanding of what a complex waveform is? Do you understand that when you say "multi-band" it is not a SINGLE RF signal but many? Do you understand methods of propagation from an antenna to transmit "multi-band" RF signals? And finally, I could go on, do you see why anyone with a modicum of an education that has worked in the field has a difficult time in believing you?....but I still believe in what you are doing it is just that you don't have the ability to communicate in technical terms.

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:So we had to go back to square one. And now we have a mobile unit that does not need a circuit, maintains a very strong recording, is self powering, and is effective in eliminating radioactive contamination.

I congratulate you and the .... guy from Holland?

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:Understanding this technology can be daunting. However, it is quite simple.
And if you can start with what happens when you sing a lullaby to a baby, then you can begin to understand.
Just think about it. A crying, screaming baby in your arms.
Rocking the baby...finding the rhythm.
Concentrating on your body energy as you hold the baby, finding the "field" that the baby is "in".
Then using your voice, your energy field and movement (rocking) to bring the baby to rest.

Another way to deal with a screaming baby is to put the baby in the crib. Leave the room, shut the door.
And let the baby "cry it out". Until the baby is exhausted and falls asleep.

And this is where you lose people because of your metaphors. If you want to convince technically minded individuals than give a metaphor in a technical manner using a technical example. Otherwise, you sound like a plumber attempting to metaphor to brain surgery.

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:Everything in this physical universe is a repeat of patterns.
If we can learn from the pattern of bringing a baby to rest, we can duplicate the pattern in bringing radioactive elements to rest.

Perhaps you would have better luck in using a metaphor to calm an agitated horse and then Linda might have an iota of a chance in understanding.

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:I have repeated tried to explain this to you. Yet, you have been "condescending" about my explanation.
Law is the relationship of one thing to another.
This physical realm is our observations of the cymatics of resultant wave patterns.
Rhythms, pulsations.

Peace. Be well.


I have not been "condescending" in regard to your explanation. I have been trying to get you do it in a manner that others might understand you. People that read this and other sites are looking...are hungry...for this to be explained in a technical fashion and you use too many metaphors/similes.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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