Creative Writing

~ Independence ~
Washington fought first Jumonville,
In seven years, war with the French,
After Wolf’s loses Quebec & a continent,
Tea tax levied from mother Parliament,
To pay the wars, sours colonial content.
Thirteen states make plea to mad King George.
But history reveals, Lord North’s was the fool,
For wisdom in truth of representative rule,
Foundered in far distant Downing Street,
On the Fourth fathers declare independence date.
Solemn vows firm reliance, providence divine,
Pledged lives, for if caught hanged one at a time.
Don’t tread upon me” the serpent flag proclaims,
And General Washington leads patriotic battle cry.
Washington fought first Jumonville,
In seven years, war with the French,
After Wolf’s loses Quebec & a continent,
Tea tax levied from mother Parliament,
To pay the wars, sours colonial content.
Thirteen states make plea to mad King George.
But history reveals, Lord North’s was the fool,
For wisdom in truth of representative rule,
Foundered in far distant Downing Street,
On the Fourth fathers declare independence date.
Solemn vows firm reliance, providence divine,
Pledged lives, for if caught hanged one at a time.
Don’t tread upon me” the serpent flag proclaims,
And General Washington leads patriotic battle cry.