fruitbat wrote:Re: Regarding the HUT
by fruitbat » Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:52 am
I'm going to go out on a rotten limb here, and mention, that just as I do with Graham, Peetee, Hobbit, and some of the others, I feel an empathy for certain parts of "Mikado's" thinking. In short, at a fundamental level I'm fairly sure I think like he does, however (he said, trying to get back to the safer wood), I'm fairly sure I am motivated by different things.
So I'd guess that for Mikado, as for myself, the achievment of "flight", if at all possible accompanied by an indifference to inertial effects and some cool sound effects, would be the "prize" at the end of the rainbow, rabbit hole, secret laboratory, whatever.
So the communications aspect might well have passed by Mikado altogether. However in my case I was a "short wave listener" in my teens, and an avid CB radio enthusiast too, so it hasn't escaped me.
What many of you will be blissfully unaware of is that here in England, the operation of any radiio transmitting device used to be subect to a LOT of draconion regulation and red tape, with unusually sever penalties for repeat offenders. We literally had to have a public uprising and mass refusal to follow the law on behalf of the people, (one of the only times the IRON LADY lost a battle against a group of plebians it was, actually) before we were allowed citizens band radio! And even then. they made damn sure it wasn't quite compatible with anyone else CB radio channels...
IN the light of the "hutchison effect" (Podkletnov says it's genuine, I believe him) I can now see how they'd have wanted to keep radio transmission tightly controlled on an island which has such a rich history of techological innovation and general tinkering for the hell of it. (Any one heard of the Industrial revolution? happened right here in Birmingham it did! So, yeah, if radio can interact with High VOltages to make reality go wibbly wobbly, then Hell YES, they'd have some serious laws over here about radio. Only relaxing them when transmitters stopped using high voltages and Continuous tuning) I clearly remember wondering as a child why it seemed to be easier to get and operate a gun, than a radio transceiver from a legal/regulations perspective.
Now Linda, given that I believe the "hutchison effect" to be a real phenomenon, and some of that is REALLY reminiscent of the alledged "Philadelphia experiment" then although your dad was working with a different phenomena, and military like to keep their projects seperate, he might well have been a consultant on the high voltage section of that project.
It might be that when the authorities realised that a combination of HIGH voltage and radio frequency fields can jellify steel, levitate stuff etc, and this in the hands of everybody, could be a bad thing, they made a choice, back in the late 40's early 50's to try and move technolgy away from high voltages, and just develop radio. I think your dad's work would have been a neccesary casualty of that (hypothetical) decision relying as it does on high voltages being in use.
If I am right, in our quest to reveal the truth, about the legacy of TTB, we will be going against a decades old campaign that ultimately was supposed to protect us from ourselves, much in the same way as you keep matches, and surgical instruments out of the hands of toddlers.
Also if I am right, given the strength of the military in the post war world, you'd expect them to be allowed to play with your dads technology, particularly if it offers a communications technology, which providing it's kept secret is indetectable to the rest of the world... Another reason to kill public knowledge of your dad's work.
SO. Putting all of this posting and some other historcal happenings together: Here's my fictional list based timeliney storything based on what seems to have happened:
1. In the middle of england some Brummies make a better steam engine, and some hard working northerners buy loads of these machines, which allow them to get unfeasibly rich because machines work harder than people. This catches on around the world and thus the industrial revolution is born. Engineering (what used to be called tinkering) becomes a respectable profession. Technology literally starts to reshape the world!
2. WW1, WW2, spawns a technological arms race between countries and we get radio, radar, gas turbine engines, robotics, and all that other good stuff being invented at a fantastic rate. However..
3. The military think they can make a ship invisible to radar by a mix of plasma and radio fields based on the stuff that they nicked from tesla, plus the insights of uncle albert and a few otehr slide-rule jockeys, something now known as "the Philadelphia Experiment" is done and suddenly a whole new and incredibly dangerous area of physics opens up to us! At the time it's not deemed immediately militarily useful, (there's a war on, don'cha know?) the ship didn't go invisible as hoped for, in fact a whole load of weird unexplainable and dangerous stuff happened, so they quickly put that line of research on hold, and stick with the stuff that seems to be working less uncontrollably, including Lindas dad's experiments and some other weird stuff in a berkely university squash court.
4. Someone lets off a nuclear bomb. And after that it's suddenly realised that technolgy can be DANGEROUS, and the "authorities" of the time sit down and have a bit of a post-war think. It's decided on the grounds of "global health and safety" that we'll try and slow technological innovation, and stifle certain areas of investigation really vigorously. Someone points out that due to teh unexpected Teleortation side effect, if developed the philadelphia experiment has the implications that a nuclear bomb could now be delivered instantly to an enemy country, or worse to our country, and it's decided that we don't want that getting out into the world at ANY COST. Since radio technolgy is already now mainstream it looks like High Voltages need to rapidly fade from the world conciousness. Particularly DC or pulsed DC ones.. Your dad being a leading scientist might well have been one of the people who formed policy in these areas, but high voltages had to be suppressed wherever possible. However, your dads work was leading to more useful breakthroughs in propulsion and communications, so the only way for him to continue to work from that point would have to have been "total secrecy", with all the bullshit and lies that that required.
5. Your dad, although a co-operative and helpful citizen had to be publically discredited and knowledge of his work kept in the dark simply because of the need to stifle any interest in high voltages (and hence any more teleportation, jellification of steel etc).
6. Unfortunately, around about this time, other more advanced civilisations, who possibly lacking the same proclivity for vandalism, mayhem and murder that the human race has, have developed fully the electrogravitic technologies notice, the electrogravitic signatures of 3 nuclear explosions here on planet earth. From what I can gather E/G communications has a much better group delay than radio, so it would be the preffered method of communications for them. And they hot tentacle it over here in their e/g powered spaceships to see WTF is going on over here, those earthlings can't really be doing that nuclear stupidity could they??
7. The poor old "powers that be" now have to deal not only with suppressing high voltage knowledge, but they are confronted with all the complexity of dealing with several other civilisations at once. AND THEY HAVE TO KEEP THE PHYSICS SECRET!! (Matter of life and death doncha know..) Fortunately, they have pulled ZOG (or J-rod) the name is unimportant from the wreckage of his spacecraft at Roswell, and he says the immortal words "take me to your leader" telepathically by use of a small chest mounted grey box, which uses a technology that our military now uses against other peoples known as the "voice of god" weapons system. (look it up of you don't believe me!)
8. Speedily it becomes apparent that there is a whole galaxy of spacefaring "peoples" out there, (the skies are suddenly packed with ufo's every time we do a nuclear test, and they are of an unbelievable mix of designs and capabilities, although perhaps it is observed that the most popular drive system leads most often to a circular aspect to their vehicles) and they tend to interact amongst themselves on a planetary basis at least, and in fact as of yet, we have no leader! Nor do we have any nominated authority which speaks for the whole planet, and given that we just fought 2 epicly nasty wars, it's very possible that the rest of the universe would be quite happier if we stayed on this planet for a while too.
9. Well, the only rational thing to be done here, woud appear to be to welcome all vistors with open arms, learn from them the best way to live, and fulfill our destiny amongst the stars.
10. Linda's dad meanwhile is tickling the e/g spectrum in a different, but also very noticeable way (from the "others" perspective) to the nuclear explosions which are happening around the same time, so he becomes a person of interest ( possibly THE person of interest to some them - at least his e/g emissions are being done for a useful purpose)
11. We get a 50 year period of fairly ruthless suppression of scientific research except in the "safe" areas. All gravity and alternative energy research is made the object of derision, and suppression at any cost is made the order of the day, whilst the authorities desperately try to unify humanity under the united nations, eliminate racism, and subordinate individual "freedom of thought" in favour of mass group-think, via the recently discovered and conveniently hypnotic technology of television.
12. It was all going quite well all things considered, we managed not to have a big nuclear war, some secret agreements got made with some "visitors", others decided to stay away, and some of us got good at shooting at them with our more secret weapons, (see Nasa's sts48 shuttle video for an example of this being done) so the world was saved from the dangers of teleportation, interdimensional communications et. al, partly by the suppression public knowledge (and hence recognition of linda's dad's work), and partly by rather unfairly neutralising by any means possible anyone who showed signs of doing work leading to the "scary thing" that happend at a certain shipyard...
13. Over that 50 years of course, there have been many changes, one of which has been the incredible rise of the power of money.This has lead to the insane tendancy of people to allow themselves to be influenced and try and imitate the behaviour of anyone who visibly has lots of money. This has spewed a huge variety of money based power structures, and corporations (and their attendant conspiracies) which has somewhat muddled the picture for the honest seeker after truth.
13.b Assisted by the need for global unity which is mandated by the prescence of the "other people" (even if it's only so that when we go to war with them, we'll have the entirety of earth's resources and peoples to fight that war against the tentacular green or grey skinned menace) some fool decided to invent the internet.
14. Initially to the (perhaps well meaning) people in authority, who it must be remembered are involved in the process of trying to get "all nations to speak with one voice" "the internet" must have seemed like the perfect medium for extending their communications with the "masses". You see television only really goes one way, you get to send your message out to the proles, but you don't get instant feedback about how well they are receiving it. Via the magic of the internet protocol, or IP address, you not only get two way communication, with your people, but by being in political/legal control of the peopel who implement the IP servers, you can very much refine your collection of intelligence, which must have appeared a most juicy fruit indeed to those who need to control things.
15. Unfortunately, the internet turned out to be a two edged sword, not only did it allow unrestricted information gathering of information about society, and where neccesary indivuals in that society, but the nature of the medium allows information to replicate itself in a way much like germs do, and so suddenly it's become really difficult to keep secrets...
16. This dear beloved, is the true meaning of the "age of aquarious". (hey! I've just looked and wikipedia confirms I got that right at least..) The internet is the sole reason why knowledge of Linda's dads work is no longer a distant memory of a page in a science ficton book. It's also the reason that it is no longer an easy option to keep anything secret for very long except by means of filling the medium with all sorts of wild and wacky conspiracy theories, to confuse the readers and trying to destroy the credibilty or otherwise neutralise the more dangerous purveyers of information.
17. Linda, forms the quonset hut, and forms a nucleus of people all united in their ambition to rip open the veil of secrecy and share the knowledge.
18. Like any dangerous infection once it gets noticeable it gets treated with antibiotic style "memes" via the vector of "Mikado" ( it hink that's the right word) which quickly halts it's growth.
19. "Typhoid Linda" (no disrespect at all implied here, you lovely lady, honest!) meanwhile has managed to spread the infection to a new colony, called the "cosmic token", which has now successfully mutated into a mikado resistant strain...
20. Who knows what will happen next!
I hope this post is as amusing as I think it is. It took a loooong time to put together.
I post it in its entirety due to the lack of the link but here are a few comments.
I am being misrepresented in that the only reason I persue Dr. Brown's work is to achieve flight. Further, the communications aspect has been well thought out. Not to disappoint the poster but it is an example of how very little some individuals really know me but some others who have been long time posters do. Mr Magic can attest that I had mentioned that I was a "novice" ham operator many years ago. My first transmitter was a Knight T-60 and my receiver was an old Allied, can't remember the model number.
The poster questions EG communications so let's talk about it.
I readily recognize the possibility for EG communications. However, in looking at the development of EM, communications came after the development of the electric motor and other passive components. The same will be true for the EG spectrum. What some individuals don't recognize is that a form of EG communications has been around since the 40's. This was experimented on by Dr. Brown himself and on it's face, is probably how he may have come up with EG communications. This was the dielectric radar antenna.
In EM communications applications, it has always been that the radiator was a form of coil or wire. In EG, it will be something entirely different. EM radiates transverse waves that are two dimensional and usually are linearily polarized. EG will be something entirely different.
Just a few thoughts
fuitbat wrote:17. Linda, forms the quonset hut, and forms a nucleus of people all united in their ambition to rip open the veil of secrecy and share the knowledge.
The Quonset Hut was created by a group that Linda was with. It was created for her to discuss her book and the promotion thereof. The science discussion was to be handled over at the "Lights on the Runway" forum. Another example of misinformation.