Living rocks?

Phenomena that can't be explained ...... yet.

Living rocks?

Postby catspaw1950 » Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:32 pm

Are rocks and minerals alive and capable of communication? Certain minerals grow crystals. Is this just a chemical reaction, or is it some form of life? Just some thoughts.

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Re: Living rocks?

Postby Mikado14 » Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:33 am

Disposing of human arrogance for a moment....why not?

IF the aether be intelligent, and IF the aether passes or flows through everything, could that not affect whatever it passes through?

But then again, is intelligence a characteristic of being alive?

Pondering as well on this end..

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Living rocks?

Postby catspaw1950 » Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:33 am

Is intelligence a characteristic of being alive? That's an intruiging question. Politicians are alive, but I'm not convinced of their intelligence. But we're supposed to be talking about rocks.

I've seen specimens of wire copper and wire silver. They look like they're growing very fine hair. Chemical reaction, or an attempt at attraction? Iron pyrite has been mistaken for gold. Chemistry, or misdirection? As Winnie the Pooh would say, "Think, think, think."

A time just for plantin', a time just for ploughin'.
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Re: Living rocks?

Postby kevin » Fri May 23, 2014 2:51 pm

catspaw1950 wrote:Are rocks and minerals alive and capable of communication? Certain minerals grow crystals. Is this just a chemical reaction, or is it some form of life? Just some thoughts.


There is a current theory called the big bang.
In simple terms something blew up and is still expanding with the fallout condensing into mass etc.

I offer the thought that was no such occurance, and that all mass was origonally matter, and all matter was origonally formed upon an omni present platform called universe.
A sound occured and reverberated about in this platform that is perfectly packed and of geometric form.
Due to the geometry this sound began to spin and return around itself , this expanded and the central pinch points spawned off satelitte similers about themselves that were of fractionally variant shapes, certain of these were attracted towards others where a fit relative to each of their geometries enabled, these began to ever further compress into what is called the periodic table of elements.
I would highly recommend Walter Russell and his periodic table rather than anything else.

This all began to further compress with super high frequencies been created and plasma pinch points formed, small stars if You like.
These stars became alive in the sense We know it as their complexity increased, eventually groups of them formed in torus locations becoming ever more complex and actually creating their own unique star point in the geometries central locations.
Thus our current sun is a product of the planets which it is not a central object at all, but is downstream of the resonance flows of the planets, it too will become a planet, and a new son( the son of the sun) will be created in the new frequency pinch point of the increased planet numbers.

The modus operandi of this is evident as matter first, thus Your bodies will eventually become the planet and be transmuted into mass.
Thus all what We term as rocks etc where independant life forms that have now become a part of the living planet, Your unique resonant memory going back into the flows to become another lifeform.

Rocks were independant alive, and have been transmuted by the planets circulating lifeforce.
This lifeforce is resonance based, and been bastardised into what is called electricity.
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Re: Living rocks?

Postby kevin » Fri May 23, 2014 2:59 pm

The above is not clear even to Myself.
But the simple answer is YES rocks are alive, and are part of a living planet, they have been transmuted by the life force of the planet, that life force is within an ever increasing self similer series of such, and at intervals we call time, vast increases and decreases of these flows cause transmutation, our life spans been too short to remember when these powerfull events occur, and we may well transmute along with everything else .
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Re: Living rocks?

Postby LuisP » Fri May 23, 2014 3:26 pm

Walter Bowman Russell was a painter, sculptor, author and builder and less well known as a natural philosopher who reasoned about a Unifying Theory in physics and cosmogony.

Walter Russell.jpg

He posited that the universe was founded on a unifying principle of "rhythmic balanced interchange" . This physical theory, laid out primarily in his books "The Secret of Light" (1947) and "The Message of the Divine Iliad" (1948–49), has not been accepted by mainstream scientists.

Russell assumes the existence of “mind as cause” while he believes that scientists in general assume the existence of “mind as effect” and that “mediocrity is self-inflicted and genius is self-bestowed”.

His “principles of the unity of universal law” showed that many mainstream theories were in direct conflict, and also incomplete.

From his book “The Universal One”, published in 1926 :
- “The universe is a multiplicity of changing effects of but One unchanging cause. All things are universal. Nothing “is” which is not universal. Nothing is of itself alone. Man and Mind and all creating things, are universal.”
- “There is but One universe, One Mind, One force, One substance. When man knows this, in measurable exactness, then will he have no limitations within those which are universal.”

Russell's TUO.png
Russell's TUO.png (75.25 KiB) Viewed 6763 times

A U-Boat Kapitan, then ?

Absolutely !
His own Family tried to have him committed to a psychiatric hospital.

No better credentials, if I may say so, given the fact that these guys are surely Crazy.

Right ?
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Re: Living rocks?

Postby LuisP » Fri May 23, 2014 3:35 pm

And Hobbit ?

Is it not amazing that so Many speak about the Same thing ?

Pity the "language difference"...

And still, many simply do not believe in this. And "think" only inside the "small squares" of Knowledge, disregarding what they do not "understand", because no "white paper" has been written on it.

"Voluntary Psychic Unity"

Now, where have I heard this ?
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Re: Living rocks?

Postby kevin » Fri May 23, 2014 3:37 pm ... 4222958040

I have walked this path ever so many times, into and back out from the centre, watching My dowsing rods direction react symbiotically with the pathway of least resistance.
ALWAYS a dominant cross is a feature in the geometries created by the super high frequency pathways.
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Re: Living rocks?

Postby kevin » Fri May 23, 2014 3:38 pm

To use Your religious methodology....
Forgive them, for they could not know.
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Re: Living rocks?

Postby wags » Fri May 23, 2014 3:49 pm

LuisP wrote:And Hobbit ?

Is it not amazing that so Many speak about the Same thing ?

Pity the "language difference"...

And still, many simply do not believe in this. And "think" only inside the "small squares" of Knowledge, disregarding what they do not "understand", because no "white paper" has been written on it.

"Voluntary Psychic Unity"

Now, where have I heard this ?

Only if one falls into the trap of the mistaken belief that science does and can explain the Life the Universe and everything else. A 'white paper' is only required if the good name 'Science' is invoked.
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