Linda Brown wrote:This is interesting.
On one side, citing the more conventional knowledge that he has learned perhaps... Dylan has said that the cord can not be severed. Yet you and Cat seem to believe that it is possible. Can you tell us more about how your reached this conclusion Mikado? Linda
I would recommend reading Lopsang Rampa's "The Third Eye" as a starter. Although it is controversial in nature, it has been cited by Tibetanologists as credible.
However, there is a quote from the Bible:
"Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." Ecclesiastes 12:6-7A good many of "new age" philosophers will point to this in that the silver cord, or astral cord, will sever upon death and that those who may be close to death or experience an NDE may see the cord. Also, the cord may be viewed emanating from various different chakras from time to time.
As to the actual severing of the tether, I cannot say with 100% certainty that it can be severed. Based upon what the Bible has said, it is quite apparent that the cord is severed upon death. The obvious statement that looms is that IF the severing of the cord is possible AND if death does occur then no one has come back to make a statement of fact.
My personal conclusion is - until I know for sure, why take chances.
Now, as to using the astral body to walk around the physical plane, no, it doesn't work that way. If one believes that the astral body exists in the realm of the physical plane than they don't understand that the physical body and astral body are not the same. What is occurring is more of a projection back into the physical plane from the astral body and is more mental or projecting the astral consciousness into the physical plane (realm).
Everyone astral projects and don't realize they have done it when they are sleeping. However, I remember what I have experienced, I know the astral body has many tendrils or extensions it sends out just as we have arms and legs. I know the cord is made or appears to made of the same substance that the astral body is made of.
Severing of the cord? As I said, I can't say with 100% certainty but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.