Linda Brown wrote:Mikado....
Your answer this morning included this
I was not ever indulged to the point that I was given a horse. I had chores from the time I was 9 and earned an allowance for those chores. When I had my first job, at 14 on another farm, my allowance ceased but I still did chores for that was my keep.
Did you WANT a horse? If you did and your parents didn't give you one.... especially with others in the family who knew about horses... and all of that land around so that your feed bills would have been practically nothing..... then I am sorry.... I wish that they had given you a horse. I didn't think that you were all that interested. Usually the boys go for the mechanical things and the girls fall in love with horses.....
Any farm kid is asked to do alot of chores.... Thats what usually makes them responsible people when they grow up... I wish that more kids could grow up on a farm. Modern kids in cities are missing so much.
We had a horse. I wanted a dog and didn't get one until I had my own place. We had dogs mind you at different times but I wanted my own dog. I even offered to not get allowance to pay for the food and when I got my first job at 14 I still wasn't allowed to have one. I was not indulged. And I think you just complimented me so thank you.
Linda Brown wrote:You said. "You said you were bored so why should I answer? You are being more argumentative than seriously looking for a conversation.And my response to that is that I simply stated what I felt at the the time I was bored. Period. Not everything that issues forth from me is an argument Mikado.I sometimes think that you may have a perception filter that makes you believe that though. My opinion. ( You can call that argumentative if you want but you will be proving my point)
You distinctly said you were bored and to - "Figure out something more interesting to talk about.". I did figured out something, to talk about the manner in which you vacillate.
Linda Brown wrote:You continue with this quote from me.....
"[i]Stop continuing the charade Mikado... You are not having to prove anything to anyone in your life anymore. Since April 28th I should think that you have been released of many of your obligations....why haven't you reconciled yourself to the situation? Striking out at everyone around you will not make you feel better...Resolve your situation with me and go on..... Linda...."[/i
That was an observation of your actions since April Mikado... and a recommendation on a path that might be more positive for you. It was a suggestion and it meant exactly what it said.
You suggest something to me...on a positive note? My actions have been the same for over a year.
Linda Brown wrote:Your response?
]1.What the hell does this mean? ( if I had a " negative filter on" would that look like beligerance?
It is not what you say, it is exactly what it is, exasperation in the manner that you switch your personality. I stand by it - What the hell did you mean?
Linda Brown wrote:2.Charade? What charade?
Look up the meaning of the word Charade Mikado. Its a GAME. and what I am saying here is that you have been playing a mental game here with all of us and it is unnecessary and time consuming for all of us.
I have news flash for you. It is no game. What you have been doing since you first came up with Morgan was a game. Since the truth came out about Dave, it has been no game.
Linda Brown wrote:3 What does April 28th mean ?
To ME its the date that my daughter was born so its an easy date for me to remember. You know why you will remember it. We have all been there... those of us with any age on us and its a terrible time to go through.... None of us need to turn that kind of emotion into an excuse to fight with others around us.
So your daughters birthday should have some significance to me? Sorry but that date will mean nothing to me and I don't have a clue as to why you have chosen it unless you feel I should be sending your daughter a present. Oh, and by the way, I spent the afternoon yesterday filling in the holes in the lane so that when Sean and Jennifer come down they won't get that pretty truck or that mustang dirty and the police can get here faster to arrest their asses for trespass.
Linda Brown wrote:4.Striking out at everyone around me? Other than rebutting the crap you say whom have I stricken at unless they were a participant in the crap you were saying?
Oh but thats only because no one else has SAID anything to you Mikado. If they had you probably would be striking out at them too. Everything crappy in your world Mikado is NOT MY FAULT.... although some would say.... looking at everything that you have written.... that you have decided that I must be the person causing you all this pain... and for every little thing that I mention you just HAVE to have a rebuttal to it. If you don't see that then its useless mentioning it.
Everything? I currently have 8 emails in my Inbox with things you have said on the Token. Who is the one that appears to be in so much pain in all the posting? AS to who is posting here, there have been posts made by others, you only seem concerned with what I post.
Linda Brown wrote:Well, guess what. No one else out there cares a rats ass about the discussions that you and I might have or the slights that you have felt. Someone being really tough on you might say.." Grow up and get on with your life".... and for my participation in even interacting with you on all of the subjects that are brought up... they might say that exact thing to me too. " Grow up Brown and get on with the important stuff."
If you hear that advice in your ear too then I encourage you to follow it. I know that I am going to.
You follow anyone's advice? I keep telling you to shut up and go on but your the one who appears to be posting up a storm over on the Token. As I said, I have 8 emails in the past two weeks but I would bet the reality of it all is that there are a good deal more. Afterall, what are you up to "Mikado and the Hut III"?
Now the question should be, Who appears to be in pain?
Now what does any of this have to do with the topic of this thread? Nothing. See how you commandeer threads? You did that on the Pegasus and it pissed them off. You seem to have that affect on people.