Linda Brown wrote:Sort of dating a girl instead of marrying her?
"I don't have a psychiatrist. I have a friend who is a psychiatrist. There you go, twisting the facts.
Whats that saying about getting the milk for free? Same deal.
Sort of like Dave Smith...<g>???
No, it is not the same deal and your being an ass. Do you ever think before you write? Also, doesn't one date a girl prior to marrying her? I actually thought that is what one did in our society. But then look at who wrote the above...say anything, do anything, even if fabricated truth and twisted truth peppered and seasoned with a little lie....
Linda Brown wrote:Now this is a funny thing to say Mikado..
The problem is, removing your name is not going to stop you from spewing your vitriol on other venues. Absolutely right. Never will stop me....
I could just ban you but then that would make me a hypocrite like you...nah, wouldn't want to be you. Oh but thats the problem.... without me .... a connection with me... you have nothing of your own. Thats why you can't let me go from this Forum. You really ought to speak to your " friend" about that. Maybe he will have a suggestion so that you will be able someday to resolve that ego issue.
See you over on the Unhypnotize Forum . You really don't have enough of a readership here do you? Linda
I see in your excitement to post you still cannot differentiate between what is a quote and what are your words.
Should I explain this r e a l l y s l o w f o r y o u ?
I will not delete your account. I have stated that before. Anything that is posted here in regard to your Fathers' work, Paul's book or even, heaven forbid, that rag you published as truth "The Good-Bye Man" will be able to be commented upon, nicely I might add or expect deletion if slanderous/libelous, rebutted, corrected and analyzed in a post. And why not? Afterall, it is about your Daddy and you should have that right to do it here and not on some other forum.
In other words, you slander and spew half-truths if not outright lies, I will be there to rebut you and offer correction and in every instance where possible I will give citations.
As to readership here, we have anywhere from 25 minimum to a little over 200 per day. But then do you really think the Token is doing that good either? The only visitors you have are those who have drank the Kool-Aid and those coming to view the links that you put up.
Have a nice day...and was that slow enough for you?
And as to the unhypnotize forum...well...I will correct your posts that have lies about me or anything connected with me.
Anymore posts in this thread not associated or germane to the topic will be deleted.