A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

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A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby Mikado14 » Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:45 am

I am reprinting my original posts from the Token. I only ask that no one posts in this thread and will create another thread for discussions so that there will be continuity from post to post as I make them. It might take me awhile for there is a lot of research (reading) that I have done and need to do. My goal is to be as objective as possible and to put it in language and terms that are acceptable to most. I know I will not succeed for there will always be those that won't and that is okay but I want to give an objective look at what they are attempting to achieve, not clouded by personal agenda as has been done on other forums and other individuals. I go into this with knowledge of frequency use in other areas but it should be noted that it is not biased. I have no agenda, no axe to grind, no grandstanding to create high numbers of posts, no ego to massage or anything personal to gain. The claims made deserve someone to be as impartial as possible for if their claims are substantially correct...who wants a dose of radiation with their corn flakes in the morning?....and the milk too!

Original Post #1

Re: The Hutchison Consortium Discussions
Post by Mikado » Mon Jan 27, 2014 1:08 pm

I was waiting to see if Nancy was going to come back, and she more than likely will, so I will begin bringing together my conclusions that wags asked me to do.

First, Nancy claimed she was looking for those that could help. I was contacted by Soloma in September and then again by Tim in November, to get in contact with Nancy Hutchison. I did. Not too much information was forthcoming other than they wanted individuals to build circuits and transmit frequencies that she claimed would neutralize or greatly reduce the radiation slowly migrating from Fukishima. No matter how many times I asked questions, i was directed to read the forum:

http://www.liferaygroup.com/index.php?s ... d0a6203123

The only answers I was able to get from the forum was that the answer to my questions were not there. So, I was told to join the forum, I did. I waited about 3 or 4 weeks to get approved and then when I was, it was a mistake and I was only able to post in the "New Members" area. And that is where that stayed.

No matter how many times I asked Nancy to direct me to the theory behind what they were doing, I was told to read the forum. When I asked questions of others in emails, "read the forum".

It would appear that the circular logic was only beginning. It was at this time that I got a notification that a post was made on the unhypnotize forum. I went to read it and it was Linda. It was during these exchanges that she asked me to come here and we agreed to terms on that forum of which anyone can go and read.

Next, my research into the theory


Original Post #2

Re: The Hutchison Consortium Discussions
Post by Mikado » Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:36 pm


I came here to the Token and found about 400+ pages of posts and several threads dedicated to the Hutchison's. I needed to read up and see if Nancy was providing data that supported their (John and her) claims that they could remediate radiation and reduce its count and over time, reduce it competely.

I began to read and do some research on my own. I had read quite a bit about frequencies being used for different things. From Rife machines to making plants grow. I know someone who was playing soft elevator type music in their tomato patch and were getting excellent results. They usually played it in the evening hours when they watered. They had some nice tomatoes. I started to reread about Andrija Puharich and how he utilized frequency to break water into it's component parts. I went and reread about psionics, which had my interests in the 80's, to see if this is what they were doing but couldn't see a connection.

They were using frequencies and modulating with music as follows:

6.8 Mhz, 10.6 Mhz, 58 Mhz and 10 to 100 Mhz on a sliding scale(in other words, the frequency was varying between those two points but the rate of change has not been mentioned publicly).

Music was being modulated on those four seperate frequencies which is called heterdyning. So, there were four heterodyned frequencies being created. This wold be Amplitude Modulation to create a modulation envelope. The output of those heterdyned frequencies are then fed as follows:

6.8Mhz mod into 720 Hz
10.6 Mhz mod into 10.5 Mhz
58 Mhz mod into .7 to 1.4 Mhz (sliding scale)
10 - 100 Mhz mod into 1000 Mhz to 2000 Mhz (sliding scale)

These four outputs were then fed into a 4 channel oscillator/transmitter stage at 10.184 Ghz. Yes, I did say Gigahertz. It is the fourth harmonic that is being modulated with the four frequencies and then being outputed to an antenna/amplifier.

Now, you might ask, what is the fourth harmonic? You take the base frequency and multiply it by four which in this case gives you a frequency that is greater than 40 Ghz. They are claiming this is UHF but in reality, it is SHF (Super High Frequency) which goes from 3 Ghz to 30 Ghz. The fourth harmonic is in the EHF band which extends from 30 to 300 Ghz. In the Electromagnetic spectrum, each class will be begin and end with a 3.

Now, there is a major mistake. Their base frequency being transmitted is identified as UHF when in reality it is EHF and the fourth harmonic is SHF.

Where did these frequencies come from? What is happening with the sliding scales and why?


The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby Mikado14 » Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:47 am

Re: The Hutchison Consortium Discussions
Post by Mikado » Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:04 pm

Before going further, a short statement needs to be made about frequency.

First, I am no audio expert and also, I told Nancy that I haven't worked with RF for about 25 years. With that said, there are still basics one is taught in school that apply.

The first is about the mixing of two signals(doesn't matter the EM band). If I take two frequencies, one a high and another a low and they are not equal in amplitude, I will get the higher frequency riding on the lower frequency. Here is some animation to help understand:

http://www.acs.psu.edu/drussell/demos/s ... ition.html

We see four different types of waves and the result of when they are combined. The fourth example is what a modulated wave looks like. Usually, both signals have the same amplitude. If the amplitude of one or the other is greater, the wave form would have the higher frequency usually riding on the lower frequency. One can easily see this, remember the old CRT TV's? The electron gun was heated with an AC voltage, this voltage would transfer the 60 Hz (50Hz) onto the cathode. The result would be the picture would weave and the there might be black and white bars trevelling from top to bottom. This was the 60 Hz riding on the video signal reacting with the 60 Hz vertical sweep.

Here is an example of a complex waveform that is being used, or contemplated to be used by the Hutchisons:


here is the entire video


Now, it has been hypothesized, both in esoteric circles as well as scientific, that matter can be affected by frequency. The following link, although not too informative goes into a different direction but it is of significance here:


I would like to draw your attention to the third paragraph. This talks about matter having a vibratory rate down to the molecular level. This is referred to as the resonant frequency of matter. Now one assumes and rightly so, that different matter has a different vibratory rate. Say, the matter in cherry cheesecake versus U235.

Further, the fifth paragraph is of interest. It links the Philadelphia Experiment to this resonant frequency of matter and parallel universes. This is one of the few links I have been able to find that link Townsend Brown to anything in relation to the Hutchisons. Could this be what Nancy was referring to when she linked the two together?

If this is true, the account of the Philly experiment, that gives us:

The Philadelphia Experiment
Alternate Universes
T. Townsend Brown
John Huthcison
Elizabeth Rauscher
And purportedly, Gordon Novel

Frequencies being harmonized/resonated/heterodyned/transmitted....to affect matter.

to continue...I need to get my notes coalesced...feeling a bit rushed before the axe comes crashing down and hopefully not in my head...<g>

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby Mikado14 » Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:48 am

Re: The Hutchison Consortium Discussions
Postby Mikado » Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:28 pm

You know what Linda, I am going. I noticed that you deleted my response to "Blue". I feel as if I should be looking to the dresser for my $10 as I walk out the door. The agreement was there would be no digs between us. I didn't. Our agreement did not mean that someone, not even a member, could make statements, derogatory, without my ability to rebut or to counter and have you post them. That is pure instigation on your part. I see who the problem has been since day one. I am sorry, I blamed you.

After you made the post about the white knight and the black knight, I thought that perhaps you didn't really want any of my assistance but I ignored those feelings in the belief that someone has to make a step. You made the first, agreed, I made the second by living up to it and I have attempted to put out help.

I thought about deleting my posts above but then that would be petty just like that young man who talked about racoons and squirrels and Andy Griffth...remember him? Andre was his name. Had this fascination for Beau Kitselman. Let them stand as testament that I helped you when you asked and that we could work together, that is, until someone else did your thinking for you. I did not know that my time here was limited, that is not what is represented on the unhypnotize forum.

You want help again, ask, I will help you, however, the terms will not be as what you are currently doing.

I admit it....You got me...you got me good.

Now, I said no drama, there will be no drama, unless you delete this post/edit.

You want the rest of my work, okay, stick to the terms as agreed.


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The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby Soloma » Sat May 03, 2014 12:41 am

With Hutchison deployment, this seems like a good time to revisit your critique Mikado.
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sat May 03, 2014 2:34 pm

Soloma wrote:With Hutchison deployment, this seems like a good time to revisit your critique Mikado.

Mikado was given the opportunity to have an actual mobile device sent to him.
He declined.

The actual signal can be identified by an oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, or a computer running the Linux operating system with low latency real time kernel. Audacity program, that was developed by one of the core hobbits. That software is open sourced and free at the liferaygroup.com website.

However, Mikado does not want an actual operating mobile device. Does not want to test the actual signal, himself.

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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby Mikado14 » Sat May 03, 2014 2:40 pm

Actually Nancy, I never declined or accepted for you have no email with either, in other words, I didn't decide.

I believe I told you personal information as to my current situation which I had hoped you would understand that I was delaying any decision. As far as I am concerned, I haven't decided yet unless you wish to change that.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sun May 04, 2014 10:17 pm

Mikado14 wrote:Actually Nancy, I never declined or accepted for you have no email with either, in other words, I didn't decide.

I believe I told you personal information as to my current situation which I had hoped you would understand that I was delaying any decision. As far as I am concerned, I haven't decided yet unless you wish to change that.



you posted the following on this forum...
After spending several hundred dollars on components and after the manner I was treated do you really anticipate my help in either time or funds?

Sorry, I don't think it will happen now read this carefully....

You are doing a find job without me and I don't offer my hand more than once after it has been bitten.

those words sound like a decision to me
BTW--I believe I clarified that your "spending several hundreds of dollars on components" was not something myself, or anyone else, asked you to do.
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby Mikado14 » Sun May 04, 2014 10:35 pm

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:
Mikado14 wrote:Actually Nancy, I never declined or accepted for you have no email with either, in other words, I didn't decide.

I believe I told you personal information as to my current situation which I had hoped you would understand that I was delaying any decision. As far as I am concerned, I haven't decided yet unless you wish to change that.



you posted the following on this forum...
After spending several hundred dollars on components and after the manner I was treated do you really anticipate my help in either time or funds?

Sorry, I don't think it will happen now read this carefully....

You are doing a find job without me and I don't offer my hand more than once after it has been bitten.

those words sound like a decision to me
BTW--I believe I clarified that your "spending several hundreds of dollars on components" was not something myself, or anyone else, asked you to do.

You appear to be exhibiting a Brownism.

I told you in a personal email where I stood. The above quote is taken from a post made on March 29th.

viewtopic.php?p=32206#p32206 ...it is a reference to building anything and not what Soloma is talking about.

You are repeating your answer...again. I gave my explanation of the statement that you are quoting in a series of emails of which you took responsibility for the confusion going on at the time.

Question, are you going to do what Linda does and that would be to put out my personal emails to you? I won't but you need to decide. You need to check the series of emails from the end of March and continuing through the beginning of April. After reading those, if you believe the above then okay. I am not going to get into a pissing contest with you, in fact that is in one of the emails from the end of March or so.

The spending of funds for parts was explained in an email and I will not bring that out on this forum. Emails are personal and I believe you may agree and if you don't, then I suppose we will not email again. The decision is yours.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
― Søren Kierkegaard
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sun May 04, 2014 11:16 pm

Mikado14 wrote:
Nancy_Hutchison wrote:
Mikado14 wrote:Actually Nancy, I never declined or accepted for you have no email with either, in other words, I didn't decide.

I believe I told you personal information as to my current situation which I had hoped you would understand that I was delaying any decision. As far as I am concerned, I haven't decided yet unless you wish to change that.



you posted the following on this forum...
After spending several hundred dollars on components and after the manner I was treated do you really anticipate my help in either time or funds?

Sorry, I don't think it will happen now read this carefully....

You are doing a find job without me and I don't offer my hand more than once after it has been bitten.

those words sound like a decision to me
BTW--I believe I clarified that your "spending several hundreds of dollars on components" was not something myself, or anyone else, asked you to do.

You appear to be exhibiting a Brownism.

I told you in a personal email where I stood. The above quote is taken from a post made on March 29th.

viewtopic.php?p=32206#p32206 ...it is a reference to building anything and not what Soloma is talking about.

You are repeating your answer...again. I gave my explanation of the statement that you are quoting in a series of emails of which you took responsibility for the confusion going on at the time.

Question, are you going to do what Linda does and that would be to put out my personal emails to you? I won't but you need to decide. You need to check the series of emails from the end of March and continuing through the beginning of April. After reading those, if you believe the above then okay. I am not going to get into a pissing contest with you, in fact that is in one of the emails from the end of March or so.

The spending of funds for parts was explained in an email and I will not bring that out on this forum. Emails are personal and I believe you may agree and if you don't, then I suppose we will not email again. The decision is yours.


I am not "quoting from our emails". Nor am I going to.
Rather, you made the statement on this forum, that you had not decided.
And I referred to YOUR post on this forum that appears to be decisive.
You were offered by me to deploy and/or build mobile units. No cost to you.

First level deployment has already been achieved. In the process of second level.
If you would like a mobile unit, let me know. You can verify the multi-band RF signal with an o-scope, spectrum analyzer or the special computer operating system that we have posted for free, on the liferaygroup.com website.

As this thread is titled, "A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation", me thinks your actually having a personal look (ie unit with the multi-band signal) would clarify your perceptions.

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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sun May 04, 2014 11:20 pm

My last email to you was April 9th. There was no response.
Lots of hanky panky with our emails. Perhaps you had sent a reply. I did not receive it.
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