Messages to Pladuim

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Messages to Pladuim

Postby Mikado14 » Fri May 02, 2014 10:39 am

I will be commenting on this and a host of other posts on this topic. I have received a total of 12 emails on what appears to be this thread and they are from 3 different individual email accounts. Wonder if one of them is Linda? Probably. She wants me to know what she is up to. Okay, I'll play along.

email wrote:----- Original Message -----
To: kim_c58@xxx
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2014 10:26 AM
Subject: 1st post, Plad.

Re: What does " Consortium" mean to you?
by Linda Brown » Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:52 pm

And what has become of Pladuim? The man who was actually in control of that one particular meeting in Las Vegas... the man I "saw" as "Hog Island" in the future?

During the disruption with me over behind the scene actions on the Hut.... Mikado placed Pladuim in a difficult position ( and I suppose I did too.) We both demanded of Pladuim that he choose sides between us. I could see that Mikados agenda was to destroy me and everything I stood for.... if not actually physically then at least he was trying to sweep away anything I had done to reach the public at that point....

My efforts with Paul had turned to the release of a book that because of its flaws and Pauls inattention would sink to nothing... Mikados takeover and diversion of the HUT was obvious.... and the one person that I admired....the young man I believed would step forward into the future as a strong leader....Pladuim.... suddenly withdrew all communication with me....

I believed at the time that he was the only one who had the password which would enable anyone to lock me out of the HUTS forum by removing my " reply" button. When suddenly that was gone and I was locked out of being able to communicate at all with the community that meant so much to me... I reached out to Plad ( who suddenly had gone very quiet)

I asked him if he was the one who had used the password against me and his answer was.... NO.....that he would not do that.........

Pladuim said something about meeting someone special and spending his time in the direction of establishing a home life for himself and not having that much time any more for the Forums....and all I could do was wish him well in his future and hang up the phone.
A bitter disappointment to me personally because I had come to look upon this young man as someone I would have been proud to call a son.

One thing that I have definitely learned in all of this.... I can not trust those who present themselves as such close alliances to me. The man I thought was the same as a brother... was not..... the man I admired as a son.... easily was derailed from his loyalty to me.

I haven't spoken to Pladuim since that call where I asked him if he was responsible for removing that " reply button" from me on the HUT. And I notice too that he has not actually been active on that forum.... so I don't know what happened there.

Mikado has admitted that he pressured Plad to " make a choice"

I just wonder now if Plad cares at all about what happened? If he has been able to see the forces at work that served to sideline him?

So I am reaching out to him now... Pladuim... are you well?.... are you happy?... Perhaps those are the only answers that I would like to have from you.And I am not alone in asking that.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Messages to Pladuim

Postby StarCat » Fri May 02, 2014 6:31 pm

Since the title of the thread is "Messages to Pladuim," I'll post a message. Hi Plad. Hope all is well with you.

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Re: Messages to Pladuim

Postby re-rose » Fri May 02, 2014 8:22 pm

Plad...Rad...Fred....I hold each of you in my heart. Hope all is well in your directions.

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Re: Messages to Pladuim

Postby Mikado14 » Sat May 03, 2014 1:46 pm

Time to respond to this email

Mikado14 wrote:I will be commenting on this and a host of other posts on this topic. I have received a total of 12 emails on what appears to be this thread and they are from 3 different individual email accounts. Wonder if one of them is Linda? Probably. She wants me to know what she is up to. Okay, I'll play along.

email wrote:----- Original Message -----
To: kim_c58@xxx
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2014 10:26 AM
Subject: 1st post, Plad.

Re: What does " Consortium" mean to you?
by Linda Brown » Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:52 pm

And what has become of Pladuim? The man who was actually in control of that one particular meeting in Las Vegas... the man I "saw" as "Hog Island" in the future?

During the disruption with me over behind the scene actions on the Hut.... Mikado placed Pladuim in a difficult position ( and I suppose I did too.) We both demanded of Pladuim that he choose sides between us. I could see that Mikados agenda was to destroy me and everything I stood for.... if not actually physically then at least he was trying to sweep away anything I had done to reach the public at that point....

Let's set the record straight...again..for the umpteenth time. NO ONE was out to destroy Linda. All anyone wanted was the clarification of certain truths which defied the facts. Did I place Pladuim in a difficult position? NO...ABSOLUTLY NOT!

My efforts with Paul had turned to the release of a book that because of its flaws and Pauls inattention would sink to nothing... Mikados takeover and diversion of the HUT was obvious.... and the one person that I admired....the young man I believed would step forward into the future as a strong leader....Pladuim.... suddenly withdrew all communication with me....

Here we go again. You know the answer as to why he stopped communicating with you. You told him that if he continued to be in my tent, you didn't want anything to do with him. I will elaborate more on this with other emails I have received.

I believed at the time that he was the only one who had the password which would enable anyone to lock me out of the HUTS forum by removing my " reply" button. When suddenly that was gone and I was locked out of being able to communicate at all with the community that meant so much to me... I reached out to Plad ( who suddenly had gone very quiet)

I asked him if he was the one who had used the password against me and his answer was.... NO.....that he would not do that.........

And his answer was truthful, he did not. What he did do was to give me access after he saw the manner you were attacking not only myself but Kim. The final straw was the post you made in regard to Kim's son which I will not elaborate what the content was. He was disgusted just as he was by your recent comments that you feigned concern in regard to her son.

Pladuim said something about meeting someone special and spending his time in the direction of establishing a home life for himself and not having that much time any more for the Forums....and all I could do was wish him well in his future and hang up the phone.
A bitter disappointment to me personally because I had come to look upon this young man as someone I would have been proud to call a son.

A son? If so than the apple fell very far away from the tree. He did meet someone at that time. He also dated Kim's daughter for awhile ( boy...what will you do with that info?). I would wager an unlimited amount of funds that the disappoint you felt was nothing compared to what he felt in regard to you and I will elaborate further in subsequent responses.

One thing that I have definitely learned in all of this.... I can not trust those who present themselves as such close alliances to me. The man I thought was the same as a brother... was not..... the man I admired as a son.... easily was derailed from his loyalty to me.

Easily? No, it took you quite a while to do that. You were the one who derailed anyone's loyalty, in fact, several individuals.

I haven't spoken to Pladuim since that call where I asked him if he was responsible for removing that " reply button" from me on the HUT. And I notice too that he has not actually been active on that forum.... so I don't know what happened there.

Actually, your reply wasn't removed, your administrative abilities were removed. You lost access for maybe a day at most but you were reduced to member status even though you were crying that you couldn't login. You could.

Mikado has admitted that he pressured Plad to " make a choice"

I never admitted such a thing. Here is what happened. I told Plad that as far as any friendship was concerned, there was no problem. His decision was in regard to being a part of the Hut and access to the work. I told him that it was his decision. He was welcome to stay in the Hut but if he stayed with Linda, his friendship was all that would be welcome and anything involving the Hut was gone. He made the choice without pressure.

I just wonder now if Plad cares at all about what happened? If he has been able to see the forces at work that served to sideline him?

He does care, very much, just as everyone else who was involved does, including myself but I am sure it is not how you would imagine.

So I am reaching out to him now... Pladuim... are you well?.... are you happy?... Perhaps those are the only answers that I would like to have from you.And I am not alone in asking that.

Not alone? Anyone can send him an email and if they don't have his they can send a PM via the Hut. That is, if there are others interested.


I told him to check on the Token and see that you started a thread in his name. I will give his answer later. Perhaps he will post here in regard to your statement above.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Messages to Pladuim

Postby Mikado14 » Sat May 03, 2014 1:58 pm

email wrote:

----- Original Message -----
To: kim_c58
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2014 10:28 AM
Subject: Plad post

Re: In search of the truth about PLADUIM
by Linda Brown » Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:25 pm

REmember what you had to say CAT???


by Minoo » Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:47 pm In the section of the Hut that is now password proteceted, can be found statements by Mikado and Fred, that they were setting up a new place for Linda to work from. When Linda started makind some changes there, Mikado resisted. Pladuim set up a chat forum on Xatchat, I think it was, which became a spot for disgruntled folks to bash Linda. Plad had encouraged me to join that group, but I had dial-up internet at the time, andit didn't work for that. I did however, have sometime access to a computer with broadband internet, and poked my nose in a few times. Mikado, Fred, Plad, and SplitInfinity would typically be there grousing about Linda. Mikado has also mentioned IP adresses. In one of my
conversations with Fred, he admitted to me that he was the Hut Master. That was meaningless to me. He also said that he knew I was on dial-up because my IP address was always changing. Ok, whatever. When I questionequestioned Mikado's resistacece to the changes, he got very upset. He was also dragging his feud across more than one forum at that time.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Re: Messages to Pladuim

Postby Mikado14 » Sat May 03, 2014 2:02 pm

email wrote:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2014 10:29 AM
Subject: 4th post

Re: In search of the truth about PLADUIM
by Linda Brown » Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:31 pm

And I said here what I just repeated above....Please look for yourselves folks... the comments that were made here are varied and we need to discuss them.


by Linda Brown » Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:42 am

Plad was the only one that I really didn't expect to turn against me the way that he did....He knew how fond I was of him and of the hope I had for him in the future but he listened to Mikado when Mikado gave him the choice.... (either her, or me).....and perhaps it was better that he went in Mikados direction. It could be that having a family and a stable future was in the long run actually what he needed more than his path with me might have offered him.....(He was the only one authorized with the password to enable him to disable my reply button on the forum and eventually ban me from the HUT.) But Plad told me that he didn't do that and I want to believe him.... but if I do that..... that means that Mikado/Fred had that ability all along. Even though he had been saying that he/they didn't....

As Hog Islands companion said regarding my concerns about Fred......" this deception is just the tip of the iceberg."

Makes no difference now. Lessons learned. And the iceberg is still there... maybe smaller.... but its got red flags and beacons all over it now. Not the danger to navigation that it used to be!


Tip of the iceberg. Well, I believe I clarified the decision above so I will just let this email stand if anything to showcase Linda's repetitivnous.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Re: Messages to Pladuim

Postby StarCat » Sat May 03, 2014 6:48 pm

My post that was referenced here, concerns a conversation that I had with Fred, and observations that I made with regard to what was happening.

Since that time, I have see more effort from Linda put into continuing the drama, than I have from Mikado. That's an observation.

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