A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby kevin » Fri May 09, 2014 3:17 pm

Hope You are able to be up and running soon.
We both were perhaps "right" about various posters?
Sans fairy ann ( a ne fait rein)
( it doesn't matter)

All the best to You and Yours, glad You posted.. when Soloma answered I thought He was You in drag.
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby LuisP » Fri May 09, 2014 5:46 pm

wags wrote:A novel thought?

There has never been any university interested in this garbage. It is the most logical conclusion based on what is known.

No, it is not.

Then again, what do you know, Wags ?
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby wags » Fri May 09, 2014 7:23 pm

LuisP wrote:
wags wrote:A novel thought?

There has never been any university interested in this garbage. It is the most logical conclusion based on what is known.

No, it is not.

Then again, what do you know, Wags ?

Fill in the blanks:-

Name of University ?

University Contact name ?

Do you know the answer?
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby Soloma » Fri May 09, 2014 11:56 pm

when Soloma answered I thought He was You in drag.

Sorry for the confusion friend, it was an opportunity to let you know I am glad you are here.

I would still like some space where those of us who are attempting to assist the Hutchisons with deployment and testing can communicate do's and do not's as well as our personal experiences and or results with the tech.

My intention is to buy a rad detector to track making something non radioactive. Essentially I would like to test this for myself, I feel it may be the only way I can ever know for certain that the Johnny-tube works as intended.

Nancy, is the Black Cat still appropriate or is there a more mobile unit that you have come across that perhaps others besides myself can buy?

Would be great Mikado if you joined in testing/deploying, are you still east coast? I know they were short on east coast deployment.
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby Soloma » Sat May 10, 2014 12:00 am

LuisP wrote:
wags wrote:A novel thought?

There has never been any university interested in this garbage. It is the most logical conclusion based on what is known.

No, it is not.

Then again, what do you know, Wags ?

He knows what other people tell him, apparently.
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby wags » Sat May 10, 2014 7:39 am

Soloma wrote:
LuisP wrote:
wags wrote:A novel thought?

There has never been any university interested in this garbage. It is the most logical conclusion based on what is known.

No, it is not.

Then again, what do you know, Wags ?

He knows what other people tell him, apparently.

Not that gullible Soloma.

If someone tells me black is white the only fact is that the person told me that, the premise is not believed simply because it was said. Evidence is sought of important. Absence of data does not prove the theory does it! And in this case that is the issue. Nancy has provided no back up to her claim to university involvement ergo it does not exist, however it does not preclude the possibility only it has not been shown to be the case. Nancy is not sufficiently independent to rely upon her anon report.

Think it through...
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby re-rose » Sat May 10, 2014 9:44 am


A central information repository is a good idea, but what's wrong with using the Liferay group as that place?

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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sat May 10, 2014 1:15 pm

sound creates this physical realm
the movement, in and out of the Everything is sound

if you look at your coffee cup, and see it is red
it really is not red
light (a form of sound) is hitting the coffee cup
all colors, except for red are absorbed by the coffee cup
red...the color you see...is actually the color that the cup is NOT

this physical realm is Sound
"going forth" from the Everything
what we perceive as the physical realm is a huge cymatic
It is the Everything....except for....a coffee cup, or a table, or a human, or.....

a marvelous symphony
ancient humans have left us so many clues
the Essenes, the group the guy they call Jesus (not his real name) came from
the Teaching of the Inner Circle of the Master Essenes
the Holy Stream of Sound
one example of clues

but some one, some thing with free will choice
changed the key, the harmonics, the balance
I like to believe that some one is the "Prodigal Son" from the story in the bible.
My belief allows me to continue, trying to reestablish the harmonics
Law---the relationship of one thing to another. How the symphony works.

As the physical realm --sound--"goes forth" from the Everything
oscillating in and out of the Everything, millions of times per second
there is a VEIL that interferes with the Sound
a "filter"
so the sound (signal) is degraded at each oscillation
causing the physical realm to be out of balance
out of harmony
struggling to maintain
don't know "who" put the filter there
do know it wasn't part of the original Law--the relationship of one thing to another

bars and clouded glass over prison windows
filtering the view
so we cannot see ... or hear

We struggle through "life" in this physical realm.
Are put into systems that control our energy, lock down our minds.
Most people are programmed into accepting that you are born, you live, you die.
Some find a religion that gives them hope there is something more than the pain and struggle in their lives. Never knowing that as humans they can change the music. Yes, humans have the KEYS to the harmonics of the physical realm.

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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby Soloma » Sat May 10, 2014 1:21 pm

Think it through...

I have and am intending to prove/disprove the tech for myself, which imho is the only sensible path to follow. I do not understand throwing Nancy or their project under the bus such as you and Linda have done because it has not fit my predetermined set protocol on how it should play out.

A central information repository is a good idea, but what's wrong with using the Liferay group as that place?

The liferay group forum was more focused on the science of making it happen, there was never really a space for us to discuss the tech as noobs. It appears recently, whoever was hosting the site pulled the plug. I recall Nancy mentioning here that the site owner wanted to make money off the tech.

So now there really is not a place to do so except here, as far as I can tell. Mikado seems okay with it, I am hoping Nancy does too.
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Re: A personal look at the Hutchison Radiation Remediation

Postby wags » Sat May 10, 2014 1:32 pm

Soloma wrote:
Think it through...

I have and am intending to prove/disprove the tech for myself, which imho is the only sensible path to follow. I do not understand throwing Nancy or their project under the bus such as you and Linda have done because it has not fit my predetermined set protocol on how it should play out.

You will never do it Soloma, not got the ability, data or resources to replicate the claim. You are chasing the proverbial foot of the rainbow. It is quite clear that this is not science in any shape or form, more like a high degree of faith required. The only predetermined protocol is the scientific method when considering a scientific claim, and that is the claim right?

Could I be wrong? Yes but so can you, can you cope with that? For I see to much unhealthy attachment to very low probability event.
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