First let me address Mrs. Hutchinson:
Yes, I am a real person and I am not offended by your words. And yes I am intimately aware of cancer having lost my wife to it and several of my friends and family.
Second, just who the FUCK do you think you are to make assumptions about anyone you do not know? You seem to think that what John has done is something remarkable and yet there is not one shred of evidence the he or you know what you are dealing with. I have seen his videos and read much of what others have said, and while I take it all with a grain of salt, I have yet to see one thing produced to benefit humanity.
Cancer is not a cause, it is an effect. It is CAUSED by a disruption in the patterns of life, the patterns of a living entity, and that is caused by many things, chiefly it seems, that which we ingest, and the lack of oxygen available to us as more forests are destroyed in the name of progress.
I am not an 'expert' in any of this, as I am still learning every day. And so I do not pretend to be a FUCKING KNOW-IT-ALL and I refrain from calling others names or labeling them to fit my opinion of them.
And further, I don't give a RAT'S ASS what you think of me or anyone else because what you think is irrelevant. It is actions that one takes that displays their character.
Finally, George Carlin used his Seven Words to emphasize and not to shock. His humor did not need the shock value because his humor was intelligent and thought provoking on its own merit. So it's not about censorship at all, it's about etiquette and respect for others. Maybe you don't care if others are offended, which only demonstrates you are only about what YOU think and not about compassion or respect of others.
If you feel that my words offend you, deal with it, as we all deal with yours.