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Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:26 am

kevin wrote:

I am aware of the Rife technology, but have not studied or experimented with it.
Someone who has worked with us, though, has made Rife a main focus in his own experiments.
In a recent conversation with this person, he discussed how Rife had started using only one frequency, but evolved into using multiple frequencies with a binaural beat.

John sent me this in my email: ... fault.html

I recognize a pattern in the stem cell.
Anyone else see it?

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Postby DavidG » Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:42 am

I recognize a pattern in the stem cell.
Anyone else see it?

Yep, and I suppose Kevin will shortly....
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Postby FM No Static At All » Sat Aug 02, 2014 2:47 pm

Quote from

This paper correlates data from g-factor measurements and energy radiation theory, both indicating that the electron has a characteristic radius from which radiation is reflected of 1.1547 times the classical radius e 2/mc 2. More important, the paper resolves an existing anomaly by reconciling the energy radiation property of the accelerated electron and the nonradiation hypothesis required to account for inertia according to the law E=Mc 2."

Kevin may not articulate what he sees and feels in scientific terms, but the basic premise of patterns is evident in all sciences and especially in regard to the patterns of human body health and well being. We are all made up of patterned energies and when complimentary patterns are introduced in my health or enhance our health and to the contrary, when exposed to patterns which are adverse to the natural states, they disrupt those within and about us causing 'dis-ease' and stress within the cells of our body.

In his book, Flood Your Body With Oxygen Ed McCabe tells of the importance of that element in maintaining our health. We are lacking in oxygen as more forests are clear cut, as we also lose a carbon sequestration resource. Politics of greed and control have made natural medicines outlawed and instead force chemical toxins into our bodies by licensed physicians who are being forced by the AMA and the government to obey or lose their professional licenses in addition to being prosecuted as criminals. I know of such a case first hand here in Oregon.

The machines made by Rife and Beck, as well as those of T. Galen Hieronymus are to produce or restore the patterns of health. They may be 'tuned' to mimic the patterns that we introduce into our bodies when we eat proper diets.

Lets cut to the chase.. Cancer used to be relatively rare. Now it is not.
It is a process by which a small part of your body rebels against the way it has been programmed to act and "exalts itself" above its surroundings.

Is is simply EMF or is it more? Patterns are being disrupted.

You may also want to research ORMEs or Orbit-ally Rearranged Mono-atomic Elements. Google "David Hudson" and "White Powder Gold."

And to Ms./Mrs. Hutchinson, my name is right there for all to see, so I am not hiding behind anything. I am up front and in your face. My 'avatar' is my paternal family crest. the 'a.k.a FM No Static At All' is just that, also known as, but then you seem to want to argue about absolutely nothing relevant so please continue with your rants until everyone gets tired of reading them and just ignores you.

I suggest that you get over yourself and participate in enlightening us about anything that you and your husband have discovered or observed that is pertinent to the topics, or start a new topic if none fits.
Fred a.k.a.
FM No Static at All

Fix America - The Patriot Way!
Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government...
-Thomas Jefferson (The Declaration of Independence)
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Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sun Aug 03, 2014 3:04 am

FM No Static At All wrote:Quote from

This paper correlates data from g-factor measurements and energy radiation theory, both indicating that the electron has a characteristic radius from which radiation is reflected of 1.1547 times the classical radius e 2/mc 2. More important, the paper resolves an existing anomaly by reconciling the energy radiation property of the accelerated electron and the nonradiation hypothesis required to account for inertia according to the law E=Mc 2."

Kevin may not articulate what he sees and feels in scientific terms, but the basic premise of patterns is evident in all sciences and especially in regard to the patterns of human body health and well being. We are all made up of patterned energies and when complimentary patterns are introduced in my health or enhance our health and to the contrary, when exposed to patterns which are adverse to the natural states, they disrupt those within and about us causing 'dis-ease' and stress within the cells of our body.

In his book, Flood Your Body With Oxygen Ed McCabe tells of the importance of that element in maintaining our health. We are lacking in oxygen as more forests are clear cut, as we also lose a carbon sequestration resource. Politics of greed and control have made natural medicines outlawed and instead force chemical toxins into our bodies by licensed physicians who are being forced by the AMA and the government to obey or lose their professional licenses in addition to being prosecuted as criminals. I know of such a case first hand here in Oregon.

The machines made by Rife and Beck, as well as those of T. Galen Hieronymus are to produce or restore the patterns of health. They may be 'tuned' to mimic the patterns that we introduce into our bodies when we eat proper diets.

Lets cut to the chase.. Cancer used to be relatively rare. Now it is not.
It is a process by which a small part of your body rebels against the way it has been programmed to act and "exalts itself" above its surroundings.

Is is simply EMF or is it more? Patterns are being disrupted.

You may also want to research ORMEs or Orbit-ally Rearranged Mono-atomic Elements. Google "David Hudson" and "White Powder Gold."

And to Ms./Mrs. Hutchinson, my name is right there for all to see, so I am not hiding behind anything. I am up front and in your face. My 'avatar' is my paternal family crest. the 'a.k.a FM No Static At All' is just that, also known as, but then you seem to want to argue about absolutely nothing relevant so please continue with your rants until everyone gets tired of reading them and just ignores you.

I suggest that you get over yourself and participate in enlightening us about anything that you and your husband have discovered or observed that is pertinent to the topics, or start a new topic if none fits.

FM..and the information is in the static...
my last name is spelled HUTCHISON

and apparently you are not reading my posts
IMO I have been quite specific concerning observations on this topic.

As in...
Rife began with using only one frequency, but progressed to using multiple frequencies with a binaural beat.
As in a symphony and dance.
Patterns are created by the resultant wave.

There is an information distortion ..."loss of memory" in the bodies of life on this planet.
IMO, that is not the way this physical realm was created.
We are currently in a "disruptive field" and have been for thousands of years.
There was a time when Earth was covered with a firmament, and this was a very high oxygen environment.
Lower oxygen levels may be the reason for the telomeres shortening, but I don't know for certain.
IMO Earth is in a position closer to the sun than when originally created.
Higher radiation from the sun now, and higher gravity.

Cancer has become epidemic in ALL carbon based life on Earth.
IMO, immune systems gone awry.
and also IMO, there is no magic pill.
the entire Elephant needs to be looked at.

Still waiting for responses to what people see in the illustrations of telomeres.
I have my own observations, would like to get some others looking before I state my view.

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Postby kevin » Sun Aug 03, 2014 3:37 am


Forgive those who see Hutchinson, I have in the past.

I find counter spin patterns that pinch at a central point, with the swastika evident central as four points meet.

Where has't thar bin since last saw thee, on't Ilkley moor bar tat.
I have followed the flows relative to that carving on Ilkley moor, then it is a case of thinking such ever larger, and ever smaller.
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Postby DavidG » Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:05 am

Ok, heres what I see.....
"The entire compound was divided by him lengthways into two parts, which he united at the centre like the letter X, and bent into an inner and outer circle or sphere, cutting one another again at a point over against the point at which they cross. The outer circle or sphere was named the sphere of the same—the inner, the sphere of the other or diverse; and the one revolved horizontally to the right, the other diagonally to the left. To the sphere of the same which was undivided he gave dominion, but the sphere of the other or diverse was distributed into seven unequal orbits, having intervals in ratios of twos and threes, three of either sort, and he bade the orbits move in opposite directions to one another—three of them, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, with equal swiftness, and the remaining four—the Moon, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, with unequal swiftness to the three and to one another, but all in due proportion."

Im sure I will be corrected or told I am wrong by certain me, I pay no heed, and listen to where my mind takes me....
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Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:25 am

kevin wrote:Nancy-Hutchison,

Forgive those who see Hutchinson, I have in the past.

I find counter spin patterns that pinch at a central point, with the swastika evident central as four points meet.

Where has't thar bin since last saw thee, on't Ilkley moor bar tat.
I have followed the flows relative to that carving on Ilkley moor, then it is a case of thinking such ever larger, and ever smaller.

as in what you previously posted:

and here are the images of the stem cells: ... fault.html

and then there is this: ... omere_dys/

from a conversation with the person who does a lot of Rife work:
"The way to figure the resultant waves is by taking the two tones and subtracting them. That resultant tone or the beat will happen at that frequency. ToneA - ToneB=Beat(scalar tone - pulse).
The beat is felt in the pineal gland and the whole body reacts to it. Healing is a great place to introduce the technology in my opinion as it helps everyone. When done properly it works great. Lots of references on that frequency list site. Solving for harmonics so the "scalar" tones are clean is the only troublesome part and its unfortunate that most do not even bother. The list even has Beardens "magic window" towards the bottom of the list in the HF ranges. If done properly many tones can be combined together for complete healing and relaxation. There are also tones that will cause cells to produce stems cells upon duplication rather then another cell. Stem cells will become whatever cell they need to be, but brand new. That is currently being tested on plants."

I do not necessarily agree with the above statement from our conversation, however it is an observation.

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Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:30 am

DavidG wrote:Ok, heres what I see.....
"The entire compound was divided by him lengthways into two parts, which he united at the centre like the letter X, and bent into an inner and outer circle or sphere, cutting one another again at a point over against the point at which they cross. The outer circle or sphere was named the sphere of the same—the inner, the sphere of the other or diverse; and the one revolved horizontally to the right, the other diagonally to the left. To the sphere of the same which was undivided he gave dominion, but the sphere of the other or diverse was distributed into seven unequal orbits, having intervals in ratios of twos and threes, three of either sort, and he bade the orbits move in opposite directions to one another—three of them, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, with equal swiftness, and the remaining four—the Moon, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, with unequal swiftness to the three and to one another, but all in due proportion."

Im sure I will be corrected or told I am wrong by certain me, I pay no heed, and listen to where my mind takes me....

asymmetrical spin.
I see that.

repeating patterns
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Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:40 am

FM--the information is in the static,

People in Corvallis. OR are experimenting with "new nuclear technology".

Corvallis has consistently been having radiation spikes, quite a hot spot.
we have a mobile unit operating in Portland, and the main lab with equipment running is on the southern OR coast
when the mobile unit was first installed, Corvallis immediately dropped and stayed low for over a day.
then, it resumed spiking...spikes not as high as previously, but still spiking

You said you live in Oregon.
How close are you to Corvallis?

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Postby DavidG » Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:49 am

For Kevin....

Cheers, ole chap,....

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