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Postby DavidG » Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:15 am

It also could be that consciousness is a force or even an entity which enables seemingly separate Anu fields to combine and interact at a so called spiritual level, leading folks to invent gods and such edifices of idiocy.

Does it assemble matter, and as some think, is it the vibration which accretes matter from the nothingness, allowing for such as Walter Russell to be deemed a genius?

Or, is it the idea, the desire, which can never have a hand in making solid form...but only growing itself into a universal entity, holding all past, present, and future possibilities?

Consciousness..not to be confused with awareness.

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Postby kevin » Fri Oct 24, 2014 2:54 pm

DavidG wrote:It also could be that consciousness is a force or even an entity which enables seemingly separate Anu fields to combine and interact at a so called spiritual level, leading folks to invent gods and such edifices of idiocy.

Does it assemble matter, and as some think, is it the vibration which accretes matter from the nothingness, allowing for such as Walter Russell to be deemed a genius?

Or, is it the idea, the desire, which can never have a hand in making solid form...but only growing itself into a universal entity, holding all past, present, and future possibilities?

Consciousness..not to be confused with awareness.


If the universal information field contains the required resonance then creation will occur.
Also if the bio resonance of anything is matched it will flourish, or if the resonance is strong enough it will break down creation.
Rife was spot on.
IMHO all so called diseases could be treated with resonance to destroy them, and our vital parts and organs enchanched by supplying the required levels of specific resonance.
They are recieving this naturally from the overall field via transmission and feedback, but if too much alternate resonances are flooding the local area or overall planatery field, then were in trouble.
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Postby LuisP » Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:27 pm

DavidG wrote:"snip"
Consciousness..not to be confused with awareness.

Very well observed.

From my modest standpoint and even less significant view, that makes a lot of sense.

I'm working on my Awareness.
Hoping it will lead me towards Consciousness.

I read about this years ago, in De Chardin's book.
It didn't make much sense, then.

Now, it does.
A lot.
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Postby LuisP » Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:39 pm

kevin wrote:"snip"
.....self similer fields morphing into a combined overall field?


For instance (why not?), Mass.

Christmas' Eve. Rooster's Mass.
Unlike any other. Mass, I mean.

Something happens.
I always thought of it as something else, orthodox, simple, and already explained as written.

Nowadays, I'm not so sure.

Not about something happening.
Because It happens.

I just don't think it is explained as it is written.

And that's eating at me.
I'm dreading next December 24th midnight.
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Postby StarCat » Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:11 pm

I had to research Rooster's Mass. I wasn't aware of that particular piece of folklore. But I don't understand the dread of that particular Mass this year. Despite my Catholic background. But I'm all ears if you want to elaborate Luis. And in my dream the other night, I really was all ears. Big furry green rabbit ears.

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Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:49 am

kevin wrote:ANU
Has envisioned by Charles Webster Leadbeater. ... teAtom.htm

I have high confidence that Leadbeater was the real deal.

yep..I see it, flow with it
looks like a Johnny Tube

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Postby LuisP » Sun Oct 26, 2014 7:35 pm

Having researched it, you will know why it is called "Rooster’s Mass". It may be seen as Folklore, given its explanation and commoner “roots”.
I don’t see it that way.
For “Rooster’s Mass” has long left its more common connections and evolved into another domain, more spiritual and interior, not aesthetic and external, by reason of a lot of things it would be boring and burdensome for you to read and see explained in this instance.
What I can say and answer you without being that imposing, is that something happens in that Mass, and everyone experiences it. I can’t really describe it. It is eminently interior, very strong and felt by all, including kids. For instance, when time in that Mass arrives for the Kiss of Peace to be given to your neighbor, total strangers embrace in silence and many in tears, speechless and overwhelmed by emotion. Hugs are deep, take longer and cheeks are not just perfunctorily touched, but really kissed in tenderness.
I used to think of this as a tiny link to the Sense of Life Victorious over Death as explained inside the conceptual framework of my religious beliefs, transmitted to all present through its also explained Spirit.
I’m afraid I don’t think of it – only - in that way, anymore. And so dread the occasion when I will be put to what I now regard as a test.
Nothing fancy, as you see. Just something I have to digest.
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Postby LuisP » Sun Oct 26, 2014 7:44 pm

Folklore is extremely powerful, and I am not despising it, just for the record.
To me, the more evident examples are during Easter’s Holy Week and given by the torch lit night processions practiced by the Penitent’s Farricocos or the Brotherhood of the Laying Jesus. Anyone who has witnessed those, will not forget it. It is intended to be exactly that way. And many people enjoy them, not as in “joy” but as in “relief”, because it is a “visual” primer for Sin to be exhibited, Repentance practiced and Forgiveness asked, done collectively and unashamedly.

So be it.


Brotherhood of the Laying Jesus.jpg
Brotherhood of the Laying Jesus

This is terrible stuff, from where I stand. Most religious folklore is. But I respect it for many people need those “primers”, whatever their reasons, and it is not up to me to judge them.
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Postby StarCat » Sun Oct 26, 2014 7:48 pm

I see. I've been to Midnight Mass, but haven't experienced the depth of emotions that you describe. I suspect that has something to do with cultural differences. The dioceses west of the Mississippi tend to be less stringent about doctrine and observances. Thank you for taking the time to explain.

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Postby DavidG » Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:24 am

Ironically, the feeling these folks get when assembled with their fellow followers, is a glimpse of what life would be like if they would jettison their insane religion and feel the energy of reality coursing through their veins.

They go, thinking they will experience something spawned by their invented god, and come home misinterpreting once again the truth about how we are all interconnected through Mind and Desire.

Until people start to accept their that religion is a shroud of insanity over a clear, obvious reality, these types of experiences will be no more than a day of emotions worn on their sleeves.

Pity the poor humans who keep themselves locked in the cave.....and curse the ones who use religion to hijack the benefits of connecting with the All...thusforth remaining shepherds to the flock of sheep with blinders.

Folklore, and archetypes...humanity has so much ingrained in it's psyche as a whole, if it could only collectively unleash the experience coded in it's genetic past, formed by physical events, defined by spiritual imperfections, and ignored by those who wish to attach human traits to a very non-human universe, it might have a chance this go-around.

To be conscious, is not to have consciousness...and most are woefully ill equipped to delve into these areas, as they still hold fear and self worthlessness as a sword of Damacles above their very own heads.
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