Original Townsend Brown Speaker

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Re: Original Townsend Brown Speaker

Postby Mikado14 » Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:10 pm

I have been keeping quiet about this.

I would like to add my opinion of the device and what transpired with the "giving" of the speaker.

We were sitting in a room and Andrew came out with this pole. He mentioned that he had been carrying it around with him and he was tired of having it and asked if anyone wanted it. I knew I didn't want it and just said as much. The others in the room said the same thing. Andrew had said that no one really wanted it and he was just going to dispose of it. With that, Plad said he would be honored to take it.

That is how it went down.

As to the speaker, I have been told that Linda Leach is demanding it's return and that it has sentimental value to George. If it was so sentimental than why did they/whomever give it away? Why if it is so sentimental to George did he tell Linda Leach that she was wasting her time with all this "stuff" about her father?

So many contradictions.

The speaker from what I observed is an aluminum tube that has nicely machined slots. That is where the "nicely" ends. The end caps do not appear to be able to insulate very well from High Voltage so the amount of HV will be very low and on looking at the amount of insulation I would guess not much over 5 to 10Kv...at best. The wire used for the coil within the tube is regular hookup wire, however, it appears to have a clear cover on it that would indicate that it has a 600 V capacity and is oil resistant. I could find no markings on the wire to indicate any NEMA numbers as to specs. One conductor went through the center of one end cap and the other conductor was the tube itself. The schematic I know of for this speaker does not have the external tube at a ground potential but it is floating. That is dangerous but then Brown did lose a finger in a lathe accident so I don't believe he was all that...or it was George Leach not knowing what the hell he was doing.

I doubt it worked very well if at all.

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Re: Original Townsend Brown Speaker

Postby DavidG » Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:54 am

The tube is not at all what I envisioned when thinking of the speaker fan....it does seem to be an odd ball item...but nothing like I'd have pictured the real deal.
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Re: Original Townsend Brown Speaker

Postby Mikado14 » Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:51 am

Hi David,

This is not "the" speaker fan as presented at Rand. Ever see one of those vents on the side of a building that has louvers that open up that go from side to side? That is what it resembles. Or...take a rectangular frame and one side of a lifter from side to side of the frame. Now put multiples of that going from side to side and from top to bottom. You do not want those too close to each other that the HV would arc over. A good deal of ozone will be produced just as with a lifter.

The tube speaker is a variation that Brown was trying out. It was not what I would have called "quality" work but then it was probably a laboratory experiment. My own Gravitors are meant for controlled experimentation and are not designed for long term use either but for the compiling of data. Perhaps that is what was meant with this tube speaker but I really don't know.


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Re: Original Townsend Brown Speaker

Postby Mikado14 » Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:56 am

Andrew read my post above and sent me an email and said that I could share it with the forum:

Andrew wrote:Mikado,

I'm sorry to hear there is some confusion / ill-feelings regarding the "speaker" I passed on to Pladuim. Please understand that I spent over 26 years, and thousands upon thousands of dollars, amassing (that's the right word, believe me) paraphernalia related to Townsend Brown, the Philadelphia Experiment, and UFOs in general. Remember that I had the original Carlos Allende seaman certificate and letters ? That was a rare find!

Anyhow, I went through all of those things and ended up selling most of it on EBay, giving some away, and to be honest, recycling the rest. There were several pieces that I kept for sentimental reasons, or that I didn't quite know what to do with. If this speaker came from Linda Leach, I couldn't tell you - like I said, I collected a lot of stuff from many sources, as you can imagine. It was my understanding that I shipped everything that belonged Linda Leach's back (plus some of my own things - at my own expense, I might add) to her back in the spring of 2012.

If she has some sentimental value associated with it, then she shouldn't worry. She sent me to "vet" Pladuim on one of my cross-country trips some years ago, and I reported back to her that I thought he was a straight-up guy, which she confirmed to me. Better in his hands than mine, I think. At least he has an interest in it, and I am merely passing on the torch, as it were.



No more to say, right from the horses mouth (since Linda Leach likes horse metaphors...<g>. And as wags has said...well....that what she should do.

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Re: Original Townsend Brown Speaker

Postby Mikado14 » Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:12 pm

Putting this here since the full post is in regard to the topic, however, I will only answer a non-topic question:
http://www.cosmic-token.com/forum/viewt ... 481#p30481

Mikado wrote:<snip>
And Mikado, why did you not want to touch the " thump stick" as Paul was passing it back and forth at that meeting in Huntingdon? You carefully avoided handling it. ( and later have discounted it as a cheap purchase from a swap meet????? Why was that? Though you warned about it being a " recording device" that was couched in laughter.( I have the recording)...the same laughter that you all had when you called me a " mascot".... right? Vern was there.... he thought things were going well but he was never understanding what was really going on... was he?

1. As always, you state a part of the truth for it serves you well. At first I did not want to touch the "thumpstick" out of not being prepared. Ever hear of psychometry? I have been prone to getting images from objects when holding if I don't prepare myself to not receive those images. Paul had the walking stick standing next to him and then pulled it out and started handing it out. I didn't want to touch it at first until I was mentally ready. Gregg handled it first I believe. Prior to that, Paul was the one who made the joke about it being bugged and I may have said with an EG device. It was a joke dipshit,(highlighted to make sure you see it) something you are totally incapable of understanding. In fact, I did hold it for quite a while. You wouldn't know that if you are listening to the recordings that were provided to you by me, recordings do NOT give visuals as to what is going on in the room. I inspected it, it was a piece of crap walking stick where the handle was held together with what appeared to be the head of a finishing nail, not one but two if memory serves. As a "thumpstick", well, it might survive a hit or two but other than that, it would not be much help as such. As to getting it at a swap meet, you told me that at McDonald's in July of 2011 and if you didn't get it at a swap meet and somewhere else then the "lying actions of Linda
Brown" appears to be apropos. The only admission you have given of that meeting is that you were there...why?

2. As to the comment about being a "mascot". That originally was made by Fred. It was made in regard to you being committed to your time in promoting your book and that you would end up being like a mascot in regard to the forum for you would be engaged in appearances and promoting the book. You, in keeping with your socio/psychopathic traits wish to turn it into a slap in the face. Again, it was joke dipshit in that you wouldn't have the time for the forum. But then we see exactly how far your book has gone. So far that you took it off the market. How many sales have you had? You are so quick to post how many Paul has sold....what about you? Back to the topic, Fred was busy setting up discussions for you, one was with George Noury, remember? It was the fact that he wanted to get your sister-in-law on as well and you did the watusi and it wasn't long until you devised a means to discredit Fred and have him removed. Now why wouldn't you want anyone to talk to your sister-in-law? We found out.

You have some serious insecurity issues.

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Re: Original Townsend Brown Speaker

Postby Mikado14 » Wed Nov 19, 2014 2:32 pm

This is enough to make a dog laugh but I am sure at some point, Andrew might just read this as well as Pladuim.

http://www.cosmic-token.com/forum/viewt ... 502#p30502

Linda wrote:<snip>
I am feeling alright with Plad having the pencil speaker after Andrews last message to Mikado and content now to go on to other things. George just was a little miffed but he gets over things quickly and besides.... he knows we could duplicate it any time if he decided to.


This thread was started by Plad on Sunday November 2. There have been numerous posts made as to how he acquired it. Linda had been claiming in various posts that Andrew had no right to give it away and that George wanted it back. Here we go again, saying things about George. Like the email he sent that threatened my family and signed it "G", well at least, it would appear that his full name is being used but then if it was so important to George, why didn't he call Andrew? He still has the same phone number that he had years ago, well, at least from 2008.

So Andrew read all the back forth and forth and the demands from Linda for it to be returned and so far as saying that George was going to show up or some such nonsense.

http://www.cosmic-token.com/forum/viewt ... 256#p30256
Linda wrote:<snip>
(in response to what Pladuim posted in his thread)
YOU WERE GIVEN THE SPEAKER? WERE YOU AWARE THAT THE MAN WHO GAVE YOU THAT SPEAKER HAD NO RIGHT TO DO THAT?... That speaker was handed to Andrew Bolland by my husband George.... to keep... safely.... not to give away. George has the proper rights to that unit so if you have questions about it or its construction perhaps you should be a gentleman and ask HIM about it. My advice to you is to check back with Mr. Bolland and verify what I am saying here. I am curious to see what his response to you will be.

Now keeping with statements made as to sentimentality of the device to George...why would he give it away? I have things that are sentimental and being that, I wouldn't think of giving them away in the least. So the conclusion one can make is that it really wasn't that sentimental for if it were, George would not have given it away. What we are seeing is an exaggeration.

There was a good deal more ranting and raving and if one is truly interested, which I doubt, they can go and look at the Token themselves.

And then Andrew sent me a message which I posted. viewtopic.php?p=35437#p35437

Linda, as usual, copied it over to the Token and responded. (For someone who refers to this place as does fruitbat as a smelly place, they sure do come here to read a good deal...and copy I might add!)

http://www.cosmic-token.com/forum/viewt ... 500#p30500

Linda wrote:<snip>

And I accept that Andrew... thank you very much for your message.
I will tell George that the speaker is in good hands... one Marine to another... he will be OK with that.

My best to you and yours at Dolphin Jump... Linda

Wow! Such a turn. Now look at this. If in her previous posts she is demanding answers as to the veracity of what I posted of what happened and what Andrew has said, she readily accepts what I posted from Andrew....huh?.....does anyone see that she does exactly as I said? Something about personality disorder comes to mind but I could be wrong.

And then this.....

Linda wrote:Linda ... a diplomatic way to close the pencil fan controversy, my compliments. I am delighted that Mikado, who was drooling with anticipation of weeks of continued opportunities to insinuate himself into a situation that has nothing to do with him, is now looking at an empty plate

Thank you Blue...... a kind word from you and I am good for another thousand miles. <g>


uh......who started the thread? I could not have given a damn about that useless piece of junk, and I am not the only one who looked at it in that manner. We were not impressed with the quality of the work and the joke was made that there was a dumpster outside. After a few minutes Plad took it as has been stated.

Back to what I said....who started the thread? Pladuim did, not I, so what plate is the homeless one talking about? It is quite apparent to me that "Blue" is a pseudonym that Linda Leach is using to interject an agreement from another individual. This is the same MO she did on the ttbrown forum. It really is getting wearisome having to see a socio/psychopath continue in this manner.

So...who/whom was using Plad's original post?

And now something different.

So Linda Leach, where is Mark Bean? If "Blue" is Morgan et al, why hasn't he located him? You had so many questions for him.

Why hasn't twigsnapper located him?

Hell, you don't even have to tell us where he is, just let us know how he is. Simple really but then it will never happen for those you identified as those characters are not real.

There will be no word from Mark Bean for those others don't exist.

Very simple thing, sort of like a token and a ride that was never possible to begin with....a figment from a sick mind.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Original Townsend Brown Speaker

Postby Chris Knight » Sun Dec 07, 2014 10:08 am

Hmm, has anyone considered that George has no idea what is going on ?

He never showed the least interest in what was happening on any of the forums. I doubt she has even told him.

If the speaker was made by him (and so very important to him), and she had told him, then he would call me. I would then tell him what had been going on in his household.

Not good for Linda Leach.

Unless, of course, she has already poisoned him against me.

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Re: Original Townsend Brown Speaker

Postby Chris Knight » Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:46 pm


A friend of George and Linda Leach George confirmed that George is aware of the speaker.

My apologies to George (a good man) if it did come originally through him to me, and I think that it is in very good hands with Pladuim, also a good man. Pladuim has some interest in working with it, and will take good care of it.

You want a diamond ring ? I can get it for you.
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