Several things between hacking up a lung...not too sure which one but when it finally comes up, I'll let you know.
First off, kevin, is this the old soldier who commented in regard to inspecting the bottom of the chair? I don't know what to say other than to have hope. I had a friend who had a heart attack on Memorial day of 2013. They did a bypass and he ended up with a stroke. He came around but never did get off the ventilator or out of bed or regain the ability to feed himself etc. He did real good for a while but then the insurance stopped paying for the rehab, where he did make progress and was getting about 4 hours off the ventilator per day, and put him in a home. He never got out of it. I wish he would have never made it out of the initial hospital. What does this have in common? Hope. Throughout the entire ordeal, I continued to visit him once and sometimes twice a week until he went to the home and then it was once a month for it was a good drive to get there. Perhaps I am rambling but you strike me as a realist but then you also strike me as one who has hope. I hope for the best for you and Suzi and as far as the puppy goes....oh well.....puppies will be puppies....<g>
david, thanks for the wishes but what I can't figure out is that even though the Doctor suspects viral she still put me on antibiotics. Well, we won't discuss the side effect of the Cephalexin but it is sure taking a long time. Feeling a bit more human today.
Klingon, I agree with kevin...what is up with the next 13 months?
and rose, yeah, no way to end the year. For New Years' Eve, I had wild caught shrimp, a crab bowl and a 16 oz for me and a 10 oz lobster tail for Kim. Well, the tails are in the freezer. Managed to eat the shrimp but the bowl just didn't taste right to me and now it is too old to reheat. And one thing...the bottle of wine, our yearly libation, is still corked.
I look forward to a new year of conversation, quality not quantity of posts. And Luis...Please.....Please.....the Ciba thingy maybe? I have a few things in regard to Brown and the Due-Diligence of "Defying Gravity" that I expect to post but then some of it is more preponderance of evidence so I will differentiate between the two when I post. I have been looking into the "tube speaker" as far as powering it and making it function. Plad and I are expecting to get together over the winter and do something with it. I can predict the outcome of it and I did talk with Andrew in regard to it and he and I are pretty much in the same Church as to what it will do and won't. I promise to post a thread in regard to it along with photos and the setup.
I have two remaining stories to retype that were published that are connected. For those of you that have read them to date and if you liked the three "boy and his dog" stories, you will like the two for they are about Rory and his dog. After the first two were published, the editor liked the idea and asked me to continue to send him more of the "dog on the damn" stories. He was, for an editor, short on words. I was happy to oblige for I was fascinated with time travel as well. There were a total of five stories that made it. I had played with the idea of doing a novelette/novella and possibly submitting it to Analog at the time but life took a different turn and it never did materialize. When I read them, I see they are a bit dated but then they are not meant to be text books, they are entertainment.
Best to everyone and may we disagree politely for that fosters serious discussion and when we agree, let's not paint ourselves in the corner.