I am placing this here for now only as a place-mark.
The kink will take you to the pages of Harold Aspden. You may find his work more than a little interesting.
http://www.aetherscience.org/www-aspden ... p/0000.htm
From another of his papers:
"Aether Science Papers: Part I: The Creative Vacuum
Page 1
Copyright © 1996 Harold Aspden
The fourteen scientific papers just mentioned are presented unamended and in the form in which they were published in the periodicals, Hadronic Journal and Physics Essays. They provide a theoretical account which will show that the 20th century did yield a definitive answer to the riddle of gravitation, together with the long-sought Unified Field Theory.
However we will enter the 21st century confronting a new riddle, that of devising a way in which to use this knowledge to build a machine able to control gravity in some way. That is a real challenge.
The author may not live long enough to see the arrival of that technology, but wishes to go on record here for pointing researchers in one possible direction. The task is to devise a composite metal structure which, under appropriate field control, develops resonant gravitational interactions between its innermost atomic electrons and the gravity field. The resonance frequency is the Compton electron frequency and the technology will need to exploit a resonance, probably with the fifth harmonic frequency of electrons in the K shell of the atoms.
As a clue take note that, if a metal were to have a propensity to be active in the supergravitational or antigravitational sense, it might have a smaller latent heat of fusion in relation to its melting point temperature than applies to normal metals. Then make a selection from known metal elements to determine which have a melting point above 1,000oC combined with a latent heat of fusion below 80 J/gm.
You will find that there are four such elements, neodymium, samarium, gold and uranium. Neodymium and samarium sit either side of promethium in the periodic table, promethium being completely 'missing' from natural Earth crust abundance data, possibly owing to its abnormal supergravitational properties.
I observe that an electron of atomic number 137 would have a first harmonic resonance with the gravity frequency, if it were to exist, but an atomic number Z of 61 (promethium) applies to the fifth harmonic and Z=79 (gold) applies to the third harmonic. The electrons in gold atoms, however, do not interact with the underlying quantum medium so as to produce a dominant harmonic perturbation, whereas those in promethium are strongly affected. The right combination of neodymium (Z=60) and samarium (Z=62), which form, incidentally, the most powerful magnets known, could, given a special field control, well develop powerful anomalous gravitational forces according to that governing control.
Anyone interested in the prospect of such a technology should pay special attention to the theory disclosed in the fourth of the fourteen papers. Do not overlook the Epilogue added at the end of this commentary on page 60."
Have fun!