Cyber Stalking/Cyber Bullying

The Hypocritical actions of the Nickel Site that serve to substantiate the lying actions of Linda Brown (that would be the Cosmic Token so all can she how deranged Linda Brown can be)

Re: Cyber Stalking/Cyber Bullying

Postby Mikado14 » Sat Apr 04, 2015 12:04 pm

wags wrote:
kevin wrote:Having again looked in at the cosmic forum I noted a post by someone called ...Mad Max.
In this post He? states that if Lindas friends on the hut site ever did discover anything related to Dr Browns works that "they would simply disappear"
Either that is a threat, as in some men in black or such will make anyone here disappear, or the works related to Dr Brown can make persons disappear as in the Philidelphia experiment tales?
Anyone know who Mad max is?

That statement "... did discover anything related to Dr Browns works that "they would simply disappear".

That statement is definitely true if nothing at all is discovered.

Curious that someone would make a statement such as "they would simply disappear". Reminds me of Linda claiming that someone would come down my lane if a switch was thrown and my statement that no one came down and then her subsequent but recent posts claiming that nothing was done or nothing happened since no one came down the lane....phew...that was starting to get away just like someones stories.

All speculation based upon no foundation of real research but statements exhibiting paranoia or based upon a psychosis grounded in imaginative wishful thinking of a disease identified as "know-it-all=ism" which is easily contracted from forums where no one has to identify themselves. How is it that those claiming such have never posted photos? I have. I have posted all kinds of photos of construction of items, parts etc and I have even posted photos of two of three Gravitors. And yet these infected individuals, fueled by pathic tendencies orchestrated by one individual, can show nothing, can talk nothing and when they do, it is condescending information that a first year vocational student could do better.

According to Kim reading to me excerpts from the Token, Linda is now claiming that somewhere on this forum, claims were made that Brown's work is a dead end.

I am asking anyone who may have read that on this forum to please direct me to where it is. The only aspect of Brown's work that I may have made that claim was to fruitbat in regard to a lifter. Not so much that it was a "dead end" but more so as an efficient propulsion source.

So, since a lifter is EHD, which is based upon electrophoresis first identified in 1807 by Ferdinand Frederic Reuss, Brown only rediscovered what had already been done and then misidentified it has electro-gravity. Was this intentional? I have no way of knowing but anyone with at least a college level of physics should be able to deduce that Electrohydrodynamics is an extension of Electrophoresis. It is easily misinterpreted (EHD) in that a charge and dielectric (the fluid medium) are involved as in Electrogravitics. Sort of like comparing a nuclear reaction creating heat to wood burning and calling the wood burning a nuclear reactor.

How is it that those claiming to have worked on EG, and one for 30 years, all have no funds to even build a simple power supply but yet claim to be experts? And that is question that philosophers have waited through the ages.

Baseless claims of knowledge condemning others with no proof of their claims. Sounds like cyber-bullying to me.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Cyber Stalking/Cyber Bullying

Postby kevin » Wed Apr 08, 2015 2:06 pm

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