The penny

The Hypocritical actions of the Nickel Site that serve to substantiate the lying actions of Linda Brown (that would be the Cosmic Token so all can she how deranged Linda Brown can be)

The penny

Postby Mikado14 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:47 pm

I was wondering about a discussion that was had on the old "ttbrown" forum. It involved a ship that sunk which was owned by the East India Company in 1809.

Below, are the links to three posts that twigsnapper references coins from the wreck. In the first, he talks about the wreck. In the subsequent, he talks about similarities between the coins and situations. If your interested, you can go to the links and read for yourself.

The first post was in October of 2007. Of course it has been established in regard to IP's as to his veracity as well as the fact that there has not been one appearance from him and his last appearance is here:

It was made on Sunday, Mar 15, 2009 at 2:24 pm. This was made after Jim was made an admin and reopened the board. The question that should be first is ....... why has he not posted either on the "Lights on the Runway" or on the Hut or even on the Cosmic Token?

So anyway, does anyone remember the discussions of the copper coins?

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Re: The penny

Postby kevin » Thu Apr 16, 2015 2:37 pm

All coins have two faces, some are simply two faced.
It was good reading through flows posts again.
It was sad feeling that many of those posts were ..whats the word?
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Re: The penny

Postby Mikado14 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 2:48 pm

Yes kevin, they are Janus at it's finest.

I talked with flow several times on the phone. We had a rocky start, as you might remember, but he was a kindred spirit. Perhaps it was a bit of the old saying about being too much alike in some ways. Robert was an Italian who grew up on a farm...sound familiar?...........<g>

wags made a comment somewhere on here about the fact that to the person who made up these individuals, they are as real to her as a tree in the park. I recently saw an episode of Dr Who where the Doctor was in the Tardis which was his grave. His wife, River Song who was dead, was there in spirit form. He was going to do something and she got pissed and she went to slap him, even though a spirit, and he caught her hand. She was surprised in that he could see her and touch her. He told her he always could and she asked why he never did or say a thing. Well, long story short, he kissed her and then realized what it must have looked like to the others present for he would have appeared to be kissing thin air.

What is real in this plane is perhaps different to someone else.

There are times I wonder about this in regard to phantoms.

So, remember the pennies?

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Re: The penny

Postby kevin » Thu Apr 16, 2015 2:59 pm

I have tried to describe the multiple faces of a perfectly packed soild universe, where each face was it's own unique dimension.
Thus in exactly the self same location multiple dimensions exist, but We with our limited to 3D senses only see 3D

Remember the coins.
If those coins were all smelted in the self same location, at the self same time, then they would all react at once to a matching resonant broadcast, no matter where they are located in a solid universe?
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Re: The penny

Postby Mikado14 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 3:02 pm

I am inclined to agree with about multiple children from the womb?


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Re: The penny

Postby kevin » Thu Apr 16, 2015 3:27 pm

I can't remember their names, but a pair of twins was discussed......communicating across the globe....penny won't drop relative to their names????
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Re: The penny

Postby Chris Knight » Thu Apr 16, 2015 4:29 pm


I remember the coins. Linda Lech and I had several conversations about those people who had one of the coins - that they would all find their way back to each other. Something to that effect. She had one of the coins she had picked up somewhere.

I am terribly embarrassed to admit that I bought one on EBay.

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Re: The penny

Postby kevin » Thu Apr 16, 2015 4:47 pm

Chris Knight wrote:Mikado,

I remember the coins. Linda Lech and I had several conversations about those people who had one of the coins - that they would all find their way back to each other. Something to that effect. She had one of the coins she had picked up somewhere.

I am terribly embarrassed to admit that I bought one on EBay.


I didn't realise that Linda was a Lecher.
Are You saying that some of these coins were only given to certain people?
That these coins therefore were a type of passport?

If there was origonally a million of them, how can they be special, as such, as You showed, just buy one on ebay.
I viewd the origonal post by Twigsnapper ( whoever such that is?)
was more of an example about something, rather than actually about the coins themselves?
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Re: The penny

Postby Mikado14 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:52 pm


You say Linda had one of the coins? Does she still have it?....I wonder.

I just remember twigsnapper talking about the coins and how one would call out to the other and that any group of individuals would find each other in much the same way. Anyone remember all of that? Just checking not only my memory but what was written and what I comprehended from it all.

So Andy, do you still have your coin?

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Re: The penny

Postby Chris Knight » Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:04 pm


I'm sure Linda still has her coin.

I still have mine somewhere. I collect old and foreign coins anyhow, so it was something unique to add to my collection.

Heck, I still have my magical mystery tour NY subway token - still in the red box my wife gave to Linda Leach when we found "her" token she had lost.

Oh, wait, it was her token (with thankful tears and everything), and then it wasn't hers, it was mine, and I'd get a pass for one person anywhere, then it wasn't anything special...I'm confused now...This Caroline Group just can't seem to make a solid decision.

I keep it to remind myself not to project my normal emotions onto people who obviously don't feel emotion like normal people.

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