So, it would appear that these pennies have a special significance within the Caroline group from Andy's discussions with Linda, even to the point of Andy going out and purchasing one. Their special and I will suppose that the significance is that to have a penny would be indicative of being Caroline.
In June of 2010, there was group that got together. Linda of course was here, Dave, Radomir and one other I will call Verne. These were the individuals that were present for the anomalous behaviour that took place. It was a Thursday evening and Linda, Dave and myself went to see the movie "Ironman".
Linda is big in going to the movies for it is a source of information, you do know that most movies are entertainment expressions of secret information to soften the public, for instance, the John Travolta movie "From Paris with Love" was made to memorialize Morgan, or so it was told to Pladuim by Linda.
Continuing, we were going to Huntingdon * to meet, and according to Linda, vet Pladuim. It was decided, by twigsnapper mind you, to show Pladuim the Gravitor as it was, even though not tested, this was explained that it was an indicator of work in progress. ** I was in the shop assembling it when the anomaly occurred. The next day, Friday, when I told what happened to the group, I then demonstrated and showed them. Radomir was having so much fun that he chipped a very expensive piece of ceramic but it was okay. But please remember, it has been reported by Linda that Dave, Backpack Dave the homeless man from the Pickering Creek, said that there was nothing to the anomalous behaviour and that it was all an act but yet 5 different individuals have witnessed and performed the anomaly...including Backpack Dave. I believe that is Linda talking for Dave only has a mouth and that is to be a "mockingbird" for Linda and that is based upon his interaction when in a group for he must look at her as he is talking, I found that to be strange for usually, one looks at who they are talking to. However, I am sure he is much better at it now for he has had years to practice the spiel.
So, please bear with me, we packed up and left for Huntingdon to go and meet Pladuim. Radomir did not go and had to go back to Philly and catch a plane home. Verne drove up to Huntingdon with us for the meeting. On Saturday, Linda called everyone together in a room, those that were there and she made a presentation to me from "Mr" Twigsnapper. She said that he wanted me to have this gift for the work I have done and "will" do. I remember being very moved by it.
This was in June of 2010. By the fall, Linda was already spreading discontent to others about not trusting me. So what caused the change? My questioning the validity of Dave as Morgan. Her story of him was falling apart due to the fact that I lived in the same town. He had a history here. His friends were friends of mine. His story was not what Linda was telling and she knew I would figure it out. When I questioned her about this around September of 2010, she said that twigsnapper mentioned that I would figure it out, just like Vinny in the movie "My cousin Vinny"....there is that movie reference again. And that is about the time she started to discredit me to others, I was a danger to her story. I was the catalyst that would ignite the bomb and she needed to neutralize me.
So how is it that in June of 2010, "Mr" Twigsnapper is having Linda present me with a coin for work I have done and will do and within a year, I am the lowest life there is and such a despicable, untrustworthy and terrible person?
I am telling this story with the pictures so that anyone with a half a brain can see the emotional level I was involved. To be given a "gift" from twigsnapper, and one would have to be familiar with the old ttbrown forum to understand the significance and the presentation was nothing more than playing on ones emotions to attain a personal goal. In retrospect, I believe Linda was attempting to create a situation whereas, after being presented with something from twigsnapper, that I would accept any explanation of the divergence between the story told about Morgan and the live led by Dave Smith. It didn't work. Truth must win in the end. I separated the science from the story. Science can be verified through repeatable experiments. Stories are just that, like breath on a mirror they must repeatedly be maintained or they have no substance.
And yet another reason for why I started the Due-Diligence a few years back.
* Kim has mentioned that Linda is apparently attempting to make a conspiracy out of that particular town. It was chosen for two reasons: 1. I was familiar with the area from doing business up there in the late 80's till the late 90's and it has a beautiful lake called "Lake Raystown"; 2. In April of 2008, it was chosen as a meeting place since it was almost halfway for Verne and I to meet. It has been used for that purpose since. However, no meetings have taken place there since June of 2010 when Linda was present. There is no reason to go there.
** this is an example of how Linda will use individuals to impress/recruit others into her world through the use of named but unidentified phantoms of authority.