by LuisP » Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:00 pm
And as if by quantum magic, more than 3 months have sped by ...
This both somber and festive season, I once again decided to drive off road into the hills. And I mean deep, far out places where “electricity” - hard as it may seem to believe - arrived only some odd 30 years ago after our “democratic revolution” of 74, and where its few remaining people still live with, and from, The Land, aided by some animals. Not pets, just hard working partners.
Very old people, I mean. For the young, and the not so young ones, have since long gone away.
And stayed away.
Places where there’s no newspapers in at least a 30 mile radius and only one TV set for the whole “community” inside the “People’s House” , places where no one knows how to use the internet, even if they have heard about it from their “grandkids”. Where a PC from – I’d say – the early Nineties sits alongside it, full of dust and looking as if having had as much use as my rowing machine (the power cable being neatly rolled by its side and unplugged gave me a hint, I have to say).
Places where the houses are built from sliced Shale plates piled on top each other, heating and cooking is from a fireplace and food is mostly – mostly - from what you catch, breed, grow and milk, and then understand (know how to, and are able enough to) make “food” with it all, and also, once in a while, from what you occasionally kill.
Places where two thirds (three quarters ?) of the houses are empty, derelict and many even simply rubble. Places were there are no doctors available, no aspirins, CBD Oil, structured water, or whatever. You name it, they won’t have even heard of most of it, much less know about. Regardless of it – and needless to say – they know when to sow and when to reap, when to breed and when to kill, when to lie down and use simple herbs and juices or whatever to get better and when to get up and push themselves hard, and relentelessly, even at their very old age.
Now don’t get me wrong. I’m no snob looking for freak shows. I didn’t “discover” this yesterday. I didn’t find a sudden romantic or paternalizing sense over it all. This is what we ( I, for one) in the City and Civilization, call Misery and abandoned Old Folk, and avoid mixing with like the plague.
But that is how I, the wife and kid (I know, she’s eighteen but forget about it !) came to find ourselves in one of those places, where my 1:50.000 Army topographic maps had led me towards a waterfall I was seeking because it is very hard to get there and, that day, I wanted to simply get to it and drink some of its water. Simple a reason as any other.
But I found this place. Some 483 miles northeast from where I live.
And stayed there 3 days. I chose one of several available houses (after having asked for permission from one of the 8 elderly men ) and set up camp, best we could under the circumstances.
I won’t go into what I did in that time, what or with whom I talked, what was talked to me, what happened when my six packed food ran out and I tried to “buy” some more, what I saw from dawn to dusk, and afterwards.
I won’t go into all of that simply because it is too private.
Just wanted to share with you the good Easter I had, and where and with whom I spent it.
While wishing you may have been equally fortunate.
Be well.