The Hypocritical actions of the Nickel Site that serve to substantiate the lying actions of Linda Brown (that would be the Cosmic Token so all can she how deranged Linda Brown can be)


Postby kevin » Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:30 am

A new poster calling themselves ROBUR has started a thread on the cosmic hypocrite forum which Linda is threatening to DELETE. ... 1&start=10
She is hiding benerath the skirt of an imaginary or cowardly member of said forum to justify deleting the thread.
The reasoning is that Robur is stating HIS/HERS information is from alien sources.
Just where EXACTLY is Dr Brown supposed to have recieved information from which Linda has stated that Her and Her mother had to write down ultra fast after Dr Brown woke up after recieving information in His dream state???????

Linda You are disgusting.

Someone should inform Robur of where there is a better forum related to Dr Brown.
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Postby Mikado14 » Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:44 am

I found this not only interesting but a telling statement (my comments are in blue): ... 724#p35724

Linda Leach wrote:Re: Plants And Energy
Postby Linda Brown » Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:48 am

I appreciate you bringing us information about what " Zora" has to say and perhaps what you have to teach but this entire subject is just a tad too far away from what Dad was doing. And since he wasn't on any "list" I am taking the opportunity to excuse this forum from having to investigate everything that you have said here.

This is contrary to the thrust, as you have mentioned kevin, to the source of Brown's information. Since the ttbrown forum, we have been told about the "deer in the forest", we have been told about the aliens, of which one resembled Jesus...with red hair, who landed in Virginia and gave Brown a device and Linda was present and the list goes on. Here is a person who claims something in the same vein. It would seem that Linda has her pantyhose in a bunch since her Father was not on that list.....but I would bet a navy bean to a dollar that if he was she would be all over it. The man is talking about electroculture for starters which is what brought Rose to the ttbrown forum. How about the device talked about in regard to a pine tree...anyone remember that?

She just has her nose out of joint since her Daddy was not on the list. But remember....she never deletes! She never deleted on the Hut and it was all Fred doing it! Manipulative sociowhatever.

Of course, there may be some here at this membership that find everything you have said here fascinating... but for the main body of us... we have to stick with the subject of Townsend Brown and the archives of this Forum have to reflect that.

This, I believe, is a statement that needs to be made here and I thank the member who suggested that I post it.

"The posts/threads and dialog in this section is not condoned, and Linda Brown and the forum Cosmic Token does not endorse nor acknowledge the information presented in this section and accepts no responsibility for the accuracy (or lack of), psychological, spiritual or metaphysical effects either negative or positive to individuals who read these threads. User discretion is advised.

Following any posts or threads of these "messages" that a link to the source be provided so that readers may follow up on the accuracy and authenticity of the message and/or messenger. Thank you"

Looking at what is posted by members such as MadMax, Bob and fruitbat, that pretty much leaves ecker to have made this statement. I have found their posts to be all over the spectrum, which they should discussion.....not controlled. Take a look at some of what Linda discusses, it is not always on topic with Brown, for example, what does the thread "Linda Browns' DOG , CAT and PONY show", where she is selling dogs; "Its a DOGS WORLD!"; "Friends and Family of the Token"; " Mikados imagination " have to do with Brown?. These are just a small sampling of threads in the topic "Speculations" that haven't a damn thing to do with Brown. But mind you, Robur posts in regard to "electroculture" and his entire thread will be deleted in a week unless the members talk about it. Well ecker won't talk about it. Linda will appear to be polite until the "delete" button is hit. MadMax supposedly left, not too sure about Bob. Looks like the finger is getting close to the button.

The last part of the statement in regard to links.....still waiting on a good many of them from Linda....oh yeah...I forgot....she is the omnipotent source.

I have decided that I am going to keep this thread up for a week Robur..(or longer if you think you need more time)... and after that I am going to delete it. I hope that this will give you the time you need to contact those here who are interested in what you have to teach. I personally do not have the time nor the interest and I have to keep our discussion on firm footing that does include the subject of Townsend Brown......(or as firm as we can manage given the metaphysical slants that seem to come in our direction.

I am sure that you will understand our need to maintain focus ...............

Need to maintain focus?....really? Look at the threads I mentioned above....and the Speculations topic is filled with a good many others that haven't a crap to do with Brown. Focus you say?

Townsend Brown
August 2015
From the Shadow

She doesn't realize nor comprehend her actions belie if not prove her hypocrisy.

Robur, if you were to read this, you are welcome to post in the fringe science section of the Hut. Nothing is ever deleted nor edited unless it would present a legal issue, however, I may move to an appropriate topic section but that is not deletion nor editing. I am sure that since you are friends with fruitbat, he would advise against doing so but how is it working out for you at the Token? You already have threats of deletion.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Postby Mikado14 » Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:56 am

This is another priceless post: ... 731#p35731

Linda Leach wrote:Re: Plants And Energy
Postby Linda Brown » Thu Aug 27, 2015 1:40 pm

Of course... Kevin from the HUT has already seized upon my message to Robur and has posted THIS on the HUT.

"by kevin » Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:30 am

A new poster calling themselves ROBUR has started a thread on the cosmic hypocrite forum which

Linda is threatening to DELETE.

viewt ... 1&start=10

She is hiding benerath the skirt of an imaginary or cowardly member of said forum to justify deleting

the thread.

The reasoning is that Robur is stating HIS/HERS information is from alien sources.

Just where EXACTLY is Dr Brown supposed to have recieved information from which Linda has stated

that Her and Her mother had to write down ultra fast after Dr Brown woke up after recieving

information in His dream state???????

Linda You are disgusting.

Someone should inform Robur of where there is a better forum related to Dr Brown.



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So my suggestion is.......that he continue his observations ( with his lovely pictures) over on the HUT. I am sure that they will welcome him.

And yes.... I already know that Robur is not speaking in his native tongue... that he is from an " exotic" land.... and that he has found himself here through his association with you Fruitbat.

I am not going to defend my decision. We will either keep his posts in a special area....(. if that's what you and the other Token Forum members want me to do).... and I think I have been quite fair in giving him a week to be "Noticed" here.

From the HUTs reaction...(.see the malice seeping in our direction?) I think they are excited about having his input.

Robur is a big boy. He can handle himself over there. And my suggestion is... unless this membership ( other than you Fruitbat because you have already spoken up) decides his posts are worth the obvious distractions and misinformations/....he is better suited to be THERE and not HERE.


Whomever is copying and pasting on that onion routing program really needs to correct the copy. The fact that it is altered as above indicates that it is copied from the Hut and pasted to an email which will alter the format which is one explanation of the alteration.

Your such an ass Linda.

Of course Robur would be welcome. I am not saying that anyone would pick up the conversation but his information would be on a forum and open to searches for those looking for the subject he would write about.

And yes, he is better suited here than in the dictatorship known as the Token.


edit: When you get this copied to you, Linda, I am still waiting to hear if you want me to email you Dave's real middle name. Here's a hint...someone else in the family has it, not sure if it is spelled the same.
The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

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Postby kevin » Thu Aug 27, 2015 10:44 am

I agree , and that this is showing Lindas agenda.
Ecker is a science believer, which You know I am most certainly not.

What I consider is been revealed here is the agenda to cover up Dr Browns works by Linda, and that has been Her agenda all along.
Things have a strange way of revealing themselves when You look back over the years, some of What You have quoted ( call it esoteric) has been encouraged By linda, but then never allowed to further anymore, and posters such as the late junglelord were soon harressed away, in fact there's quite a few.
Then those who will keep within the current science beliefs( Ecky fump) are promoted as such.

It is becoming obvious now that the agenda all along was suppression, and by creating enough distractions the true path of Dr Browns works were kept covered.
That means We have all been lied to over all of these years.

I know My pathway is straight and one inch wide, and I will not fade away as obviously it was assumed I would.

No wonder Paul quit so bizzarely, He was correct as to.....A bag full of empty shells.

He too was led down a dead end to the buffers.
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Postby Mikado14 » Thu Aug 27, 2015 10:57 am


What started out as a book about Brown has transformed into a book about Linda and her memoirs. It has become all about her and you are correct, it is no longer about Brown and his work. And now she claims to be writing a fiction with the help of Smith. I will bet another navy bean to a dollar that she will claim that she is telling the truth disguised as fiction.

Ovay! I remember my daughters playing the same song over and over again...I felt like I was being tortured. Strange that this memory comes to me now.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Postby kevin » Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:05 am

As You posted about the electric universe in the SCIENCE section, here is a link to a thread on the thunderbolts forum in the mad ideas section (Where they keep Myself)
Along similer lines to Robur, and Merlynn may face a similer fate as to Robur if not carefull.... ... 10&t=15926

You sniff the Joe cell in there?

My senses recognise Robur, and Merlynn, but most importantly have always recognised Dr Brown.
Strange thing is how information reaches into the here and now???
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Postby kevin » Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:20 am

Perhaps, perhaps....
Fruitcake will realise that there is no MALICE here, there sure is ALICE , down in this wabbit hole there's lots of ALICE.
Basically fruitcake You , Myself, Mikado etc etc etc have been used.
The difference is most have eventually realised such

Linda is a past master in divide and rule. DIVIDE ET IMPERA.

It was with great shock and huge dissapointment when the cosmic penny finally hit Me about Her TWO faces, call it a token of deciet.
Shame doesn't near it.
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Postby Mikado14 » Thu Aug 27, 2015 1:27 pm

I wonder kevin, think this post will be deleted that was made by Bob? ... 740#p35740

Trying to figure out the connection to "all things Brown". I must be missing something.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Postby kevin » Thu Aug 27, 2015 2:18 pm

You are looking into My strange reality with that link.
My agenda is to best understand that which I detect.

I have had direct communications, lets call the voice a deepbrown voice, it's not My earthly voice.

I have reasoned that My pineal gland is involved, call it an antennae, and I can attune to whatever I focus upon, and everything in creation has it's own unique radioed signal involved.

It's all very difficult for those who have never experienced such to accept such, their EGO fights the unknown as an enemy.

Direct commications where of who's interest????? , instant communications not resident in electromagnetic , and it is even harder for most to ever consider that electricity is not what they have been indoctrinated to BELIEVE, or that We are not orbitting the sun, or that light occurs, it does not travel.
That no-thing grows as indoctrinated, and that the enabling force is not from the sun ( the sun is downstream of the planets, they all were the sun once)
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Postby kevin » Thu Aug 27, 2015 2:40 pm

Robur is basically posting that of Wilhelm Reich.
He tried to describe about a duality force of universe that involved creation and dissolvement of matter.
That the self same force was responsible for the weather.
SPIN states involve the weather.

Any decent sailor boy will have a huge interest in the weather.
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