Mikado14 wrote:I went to your link, kevin. One can't help but notice the dig is a sideways one at best and very general.
Has Linda's memory been brought into question? Yes it has on several issues. Those issues were supposedly reported in her "diaries" that Paul used and from her memory but when researched on the Internet and other sources, they showed some inaccuracies. That in and of itself indicates that something is amiss. The problem comes in as to how to determine what is and what isn't the truth. Somewhere in all she says must be truth but for some reason, she feels compelled to embellish or twist the facts. For example, Helen Towt did have an accident and she says that, however, it was not a hit and run and it was not a "hit" due to some espionage. It was an accident. She, and Paul, could have easily traveled to West Chester when they were in King of Prussia and paid $25 for the report....along with postage....but they didn't. How many times has she been in the area to see Smith? How many missed opportunities to get that and other information? The answer is obvious, it is cheaper her way.
Her reference to Smith cracked me up, and I need a bit of humour today. I find it curious as to why he is still hanging around owing to the fact that back in 2011, he was under the impression that Linda was going to leave George to live with him. He even showed me his bank account and how much he had to start a life with her. I wonder how that is working out with him?
I also noted fruitbat's response.....I wonder.....would he recognize truth even if it bit him in the arse?.....or just the truth he chooses to believe?
...very objective of him (sarcasm intended)
Admit it , You, Me ,Andrew, fred, trompreynard, smiff and a whole bunch of other suckers have fallen under Lindas spell....at some time?
So forgive fruitcake, hopefully He will wake up to reality, as so many of us have.
She is a charmer, a wizards daughter?