Due to the recent attack at registration, I have noticed a few things.
It would appear that a good percentage of the registrations come out of Russia, Ukraine and Czechoslovakia. I also noticed that some of the registration have come out of the US as well as the UK. Some of the emails are gmail accounts while some are from know spam email accounts. The funny thing is that all those registrations have come through the capcha, those scrambled images you have to see the number, as well as answer a question. It would appear that instead of robots attempting registration, individuals have been doing the registrations. I noticed a while back that IP's from the US were registering and then ads would appear.
Now I wonder, why would individuals register? There must be something in it for them so the only logical answer is that they are getting paid in some manner or form.
I went through the member list and noticed that the registration time and last activity time were either identical or only one or two minutes apart. I checked the emails for noted spam and then the IP's. I then deleted the accounts and banned the IP's.
So that is the first thing. People are getting paid to register or they now have a way to bypass the capcha.
The other thing I noticed, not that I didn't realize it prior but the names here in my County (Chester) has a good many names from England. For instance, Coventry is used in the name of three townships, North, South and East. We have two Nottinghams', East and West. There are two Oxfords, We have a London Britain, a London Grove and a London Derry. There are Marlborough's, a Birmingham, a Thornbury and a Goshen.
Guess there is no denying the link the Colonial settlers had to England.