make a molecular gravitator

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make a molecular gravitator

Postby Antigravitic » Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:35 pm

viniendo en mi furgoneta se me acaba de ocurrir una forma de hacer un gravitator molecular, voy a emplear öxido de plomo amarillo (litargirio) y parafina como agente aglutinante, ademas al ser el óxido de plomo mas pesado que la parafina se conseguirá una constante dielectrica asimetrica ya que las particulas mas pesadas se ubicarán en la zona inferior y las mas ligeras en la superior, esta idea es similar a esta otra: ... ulsion.htm
coming in my van I just thought of a way to make a molecular Gravitator, will employ oxide yellow lead (litharge) and paraffin as binder, besides being the lead oxide heavier than paraffin a dielectric constant will be achieved asymmetrical as heavier particles will be located at the bottom and the lightest at the top, this idea is similar to this one: ... ulsion.htm

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Re: make a molecular gravitator

Postby Antigravitic » Sun Mar 13, 2016 9:00 pm





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Re: make a molecular gravitator

Postby Antigravitic » Sun Mar 13, 2016 9:32 pm




Estoy muy contento con los resultados, ha sido pensado y hecho, de las 5 losas solo he podido despegar correctamente 2 unidades, ahora ya se el truco para despegarlas perfectamente, primero la espatula falló, después aplique calor por abajo y se despegaba pero deformada, al final doblando la bandeja metalica docenas de veces he conseguido que salgan de una pieza, tenia que haber aplicado mas cantidad de parafina ya que la mezcla parece uniforme, ahora cuando se enfrie les pondré 2 armaduras de cobre a cada lado y woala!!.. ya tengo un molecular gravitator de litargirio.

I am very happy with the results, it has been thought and done, of the 5 slabs I could only properly take off 2 units, now is the trick to unstuck perfectly, first espatula failed, then apply heat down and taking off but deformed, at the end bending the metal tray dozens of times I have gotten out of one piece, there had to be applied more quantity of paraffin as the mixture appears uniform, now when cool put them two armor of copper on each side and woala !!. . and I I have a molecular Gravitator litharge.
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Re: make a molecular gravitator

Postby Antigravitic » Sun Mar 13, 2016 9:57 pm


En aproximadamente media hora teniendo todos los elementos necesarios es posible fabricar un molecular gravitator, si el tiempo de edición fuera un poco mayor podria englobarlo todo en un mismo hilo.
El próximo paso es darle varias capas consecutivas de parafina liquida a 50º para crear un escudo dielectrico envolvente.


In about half an hour taking all the necessary elements it is possible to manufacture a molecular Gravitator if editing time was a little older could encompass everything in a single thread.
The next step is to give several consecutive layers of liquid paraffin at 50 to create an envelope dielectric shield.


se corta una aguja de acero y se estaña a la armadura de cobre para poder pinchar la manguera de alta tensión.
a steel needle is cut and misses copper armor to puncture the high voltage hose.
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Re: make a molecular gravitator

Postby Antigravitic » Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:50 pm


Esta era la imagen que andaba buscando, realmente está intimamente ligada con la página citada, si miramos el condensador cónico veremos como hay unas particulas o puntos que se concentran en el vertice del cono, esas particulas pienso que es un óxido pesado (litargirio) mezclado un fundente (bakelita) pero puede ser perfectamente parafina, por gravedad el óxido pesado se hace mas concentrado en el vertice del cono y mas disperso en la parte superior, de esa forma se crea un gradiante electrico asimetrico, bueno esa es la forma con la que yo lo interpreto, que puedo estar equivocado.

This was the image I was looking for, really is intimately linked with the said page, if you look at the conical condenser see how there are particles or spots that focus on the apex of the cone, these particles think it is a heavy oxide (litharge) mixed a flux (bakelite) but may be perfectly paraffin gravity heavy oxide becomes more concentrated at the apex of the cone and more dispersed at the top, this leads to a good asymmetric electric gradient is created that is the way with I interpret it, I can be wrong.
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Re: make a molecular gravitator

Postby Mikado14 » Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:42 am

Antigravitic wrote:Image

Esta era la imagen que andaba buscando, realmente está intimamente ligada con la página citada, si miramos el condensador cónico veremos como hay unas particulas o puntos que se concentran en el vertice del cono, esas particulas pienso que es un óxido pesado (litargirio) mezclado un fundente (bakelita) pero puede ser perfectamente parafina, por gravedad el óxido pesado se hace mas concentrado en el vertice del cono y mas disperso en la parte superior, de esa forma se crea un gradiante electrico asimetrico, bueno esa es la forma con la que yo lo interpreto, que puedo estar equivocado.

This was the image I was looking for, really is intimately linked with the said page, if you look at the conical condenser see how there are particles or spots that focus on the apex of the cone, these particles think it is a heavy oxide (litharge) mixed a flux (bakelite) but may be perfectly paraffin gravity heavy oxide becomes more concentrated at the apex of the cone and more dispersed at the top, this leads to a good asymmetric electric gradient is created that is the way with I interpret it, I can be wrong.

You are correct in that a gradient is created. Any capacitor (condenser) must achieve equilibrium of charge. In a conical shaped dielectric, there will be a greater field of charge on the smaller plate due to the surface area. Instead of a shaped conical dielectric, you could reduce the surface area of the plate as well. However, there are several mitigating factors such as the K of the dielectric as well as dielectric breakdown if the charge on the smaller area exceeds this value.

One of the keys to any Gravitor is gradient, it is very instrumental and is overlooked by many but I see you are considering it as well as asymmetry. Nice work.

However, I fail to see why you are calling this a "molecular" device.

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Re: make a molecular gravitator

Postby Antigravitic » Mon Mar 14, 2016 12:17 pm

Mikado14 wrote:
Antigravitic wrote:Image

Esta era la imagen que andaba buscando, realmente está intimamente ligada con la página citada, si miramos el condensador cónico veremos como hay unas particulas o puntos que se concentran en el vertice del cono, esas particulas pienso que es un óxido pesado (litargirio) mezclado un fundente (bakelita) pero puede ser perfectamente parafina, por gravedad el óxido pesado se hace mas concentrado en el vertice del cono y mas disperso en la parte superior, de esa forma se crea un gradiante electrico asimetrico, bueno esa es la forma con la que yo lo interpreto, que puedo estar equivocado.

This was the image I was looking for, really is intimately linked with the said page, if you look at the conical condenser see how there are particles or spots that focus on the apex of the cone, these particles think it is a heavy oxide (litharge) mixed a flux (bakelite) but may be perfectly paraffin gravity heavy oxide becomes more concentrated at the apex of the cone and more dispersed at the top, this leads to a good asymmetric electric gradient is created that is the way with I interpret it, I can be wrong.

You are correct in that a gradient is created. Any capacitor (condenser) must achieve equilibrium of charge. In a conical shaped dielectric, there will be a greater field of charge on the smaller plate due to the surface area. Instead of a shaped conical dielectric, you could reduce the surface area of the plate as well. However, there are several mitigating factors such as the K of the dielectric as well as dielectric breakdown if the charge on the smaller area exceeds this value.

One of the keys to any Gravitor is gradient, it is very instrumental and is overlooked by many but I see you are considering it as well as asymmetry. Nice work.

However, I fail to see why you are calling this a "molecular" device.


In this case the mixture is litharge (PbO) and bakelite, bakelite I replaced by paraffin which has good dielectric rigidity and is easy to handle.
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Re: make a molecular gravitator

Postby Mikado14 » Mon Mar 14, 2016 12:31 pm

I see why you called it "molecular".

That photo is apparently from the period prior to the 50's whereas Brown was calling his devices "gravitators"

I will go on record that he was wrong in calling it a "molecular" gravitator. All dielectrics are molecular and to use that term is obvious. In fact, all matter is made of molecules and thus are molecular.

In fact, in Brown's later papers he started calling it a "Gravitor". This was after he wrote his "Structure of Space".

However, I can see where you at in this moment. What are you doing is to prove to yourself the basic work of Brown in establishing his theory that would be referred to as "Biefeld-Brown". My only advice is to not limit yourself to thinking within a box.


PS: I hope we learn to overcome this language barrier regarding terminology.
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