gravitator experiments

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Re: gravitator experiments

Postby Mikado14 » Fri Mar 18, 2016 3:00 pm

Antigravitic wrote:I have observed that when energized with current pulses continuously rotates the torsion balance after a few degrees to stop the momentum and turn back

And so did Brown. So are you saying is, that you have only duplicated his experiment and achieved a result? Critical question mind you.

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Re: gravitator experiments

Postby Antigravitic » Fri Mar 18, 2016 3:03 pm

You've seen the new video ??
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Re: gravitator experiments

Postby Mikado14 » Fri Mar 18, 2016 3:26 pm

Antigravitic wrote:You've seen the new video ??


I am trying to understand your goal.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: gravitator experiments

Postby kevin » Fri Mar 18, 2016 4:14 pm

Have You ever left a gravitor switched on continuously?
With the equinox imminent I would expect daily glitches (as I believe TTB knew the sudden impulses as?

Basically if the background aether densities vary, will it be displayed as movement ?
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Re: gravitator experiments

Postby Mikado14 » Fri Mar 18, 2016 4:19 pm

kevin wrote:Mikado,
Have You ever left a gravitor switched on continuously?
With the equinox imminent I would expect daily glitches (as I believe TTB knew the sudden impulses as?

Basically if the background aether densities vary, will it be displayed as movement ?

Not for an extended period of time. We have only been doing DC tests and once charged, nothing happens since the imbalance is gone.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: gravitator experiments

Postby Antigravitic » Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:53 am

Lo he conseguido, bravo.

El impulso solo es generado durante un tiempo breve cuando se conecta la alta tensión en este caso corriente continua no pulsatoria a 16Kv, el brazo de la balanza describe una trayectira para despues volver al sitio inicial aun teniendo los Gravitors energizados, hace falta unos segundos sin energia para que el dielectrico de estos se relaje y vuelva a mostrar empuje al ser energizado.


I got it, bravo.The impulse is only generated for a short time when high voltage is connected in this current case no pulse to 16kV, the balance arm describes a trayectira to then return to the initial site even taking the Gravitors energized, it takes a few seconds without energy for the dielectric of these relax and redisplay push when energized.
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Re: gravitator experiments

Postby Antigravitic » Sat Mar 19, 2016 1:35 am

I got it, bravo.

The impulse is only generated for a short time when high voltage is connected in this current case no pulse to 16kV, the balance arm describes a trajectory to then return to the initial site even taking the Gravitors energized, it takes a few seconds without energy for the dielectric of these relax and redisplay push when energized.
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Re: gravitator experiments

Postby Mikado14 » Sat Mar 19, 2016 9:21 am

I believe I did mention this to you. The inrush creates the gradient. Displacement (thrust) is the result.

I am happy that you have observed this.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: gravitator experiments

Postby Antigravitic » Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:48 am

Hola amigos llevo varios días experimentando intensamente y he llegado a la conclusión de que en la balanza de torsión hay dos fuerzas que actúan una en sentido opuesto a la otra la primera y más evidente es el viento iónico que se manifiesta sobre todo cuando no se le da ninguna capa de aislamiento externo a los condensadores planos con muy poca tensión eléctrica es posible mover la balanza de torsión en cambio cuando se le dan varias capas aislantes de parafina a los condensadores el movimiento a pocos miles de voltios desaparece lo más curioso es que cuando se eleva la presión eléctrica casi al punto de saturación dieléctrica se empieza a observar un movimiento de la balanza en sentido contrario al anterior movimiento generado por el viento iónico este movimiento es mucho más leve y pequeño que el generado por el viento iónico. Con los condensadores planos sin aislamiento externo he probado a cambiar la polaridad de la fuente y el sentido de giro siempre era el mismo en cambio al darle a los condensadores planos una capa gruesa de parafina solo he conseguido mover los al aumentar considerablemente la presión eléctrica y el sentido de giro es al revés que si no tuviera una capa gruesa de aislamiento eléctrico por lo tanto ahora sí que estoy convencido de que hay dos fuerzas que interactúan de forma contraria y por lo tanto es difícil si no se aísla perfectamente una observar a la siguiente
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Re: gravitator experiments

Postby Antigravitic » Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:19 am

Hello friends took several days experimenting intensely and have come to the conclusion that the torsion balance two forces acting one in the opposite direction to the other of the first and most obvious is the ionic wind that manifests especially when there is it gives no layer of external insulation to flat capacitors with very low voltage is possible to move the torsion balance instead when given several insulating layers of paraffin capacitors movement few thousand volts disappears funny thing is that when electric pressure rises almost to the point of dielectric saturation begins to observe a movement of the balance in the opposite direction to the previous movement ionic wind generated by this movement is much lighter and smaller than the ion wind generated. With capacitors planes without external insulation I tried to change the polarity of the source and the direction of rotation was always the same instead to give the flat capacitors a thick layer of paraffin only have managed to move to significantly increase the electrical pressure and the direction of rotation is reversed if you do not have a thick layer of electrical insulation so now I'm really convinced that there are two forces that interact in a manner contrary and therefore it is difficult if not perfectly isolates a watch following
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